sunday school lesson for september 6, 2020

First, they would kill him and get rid of the body by throwing it into one of the many pits in the area. (often spelled Ishmaelites; see Judges 8:24; Psalms 83:6) and, are mentioned in this passage, there is some confusion concerning who actually bought, But they may have been one and the same group since the names, were used interchangeably in Scripture (see Judges 8:22, 24). Joseph, a young man of seventeen, was tending the flocks with his brothers, the sons of Bilhah and the sons of Zilpah, his father’s wives, and he brought their father a bad report about them. Then they concocted the story that Joseph had been eaten by animals which would cover up their murderous plot and free them from any suspicion of his disappearance (see verse 20). ; Place of Action: Hebron; Shechem; Dothan. First, they would kill him and get rid of the body by throwing it into one of the many pits in the area. Now Israel loved Joseph more than any of his other sons, because he had been born to him in his old age; and he made an ornate[a]robe for him. Furious that Joseph would suggest such a thing as. indicates that this was during the dry season. Jacob’s actions toward Joseph had already indicated that Joseph was being groomed for some prominent role in the family. Sometime after Joseph had revealed his dreams to his brothers Jacob decided to send him to see about them while they were tending sheep near Shechem. But as for Jacob, it was inconceivable that he would actually bow down to his son. Unit 1: Struggles with Love Issues of Love | Bible Background • Genesis 37:2-11, 23-24, 28Printed Text • GENESIS 37:2-11, 23-24, 28 | Devotional Reading • PSALM 105:1-6, 16 … The seeds of serious trouble were being sown by a man, Jacob, who should have known better because of the anger he caused in his brother Esau (see Genesis 27:41). Now Joseph himself was having visions of greatness before his brothers—or that’s the way it looked to them. As a result, Laban was able to get Jacob to work another seven years for Rachel and he did (see Genesis 29:27-29). When he told his father as well as his brothers, his father rebuked him and said, “What is this dream you had? L.F.S./Sr./Int./Jr. Sunday school lesson for the week of September 6, 2020 By Dr. D. Craig Rikard Lesson Scripture: Genesis 25:28; 35:23-26 Key Verse: Genesis 37:11 “His brothers were jealous of him, but his father kept the matter in mind.” Aim of the lesson: To reveal the powerful and generational effect of family conflict and favoritism. As Joseph approached his brothers in Dothan, they recognized him from a distance probably because of his colorful coat. Large Print Edition. True wisdom is knowing when to speak and when to be quiet (Genesis 37:6-8; Ecclesiastes 3:1, 7). was given to Jacob after a wrestling match with the angel of God (see Genesis chapter 32). They paid him no attention when he was in distress in the pit and were not bothered by his situation. 4. This verse is actually a summary of what Joseph did and the response he received from his brothers: is given in detail in the next two verses. 10. After refusing her advances, “Joseph” was falsely accused and thrown into prison (see Genesis 39:7-20). When they saw the position that Joseph had been elevated to by his father, they. So when Joseph came to his brothers, they stripped him of his robe—the ornate robe he was wearing—. He said “behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me.”  The theme of both of Joseph’s “dreams” was that one day his brothers would submit to him, but this dream also included his mother and father who are referred to as “the sun and the moon.”  This verse is a repetition of that theme (see verse 7) much like the similar repetition in Pharaoh’s dreams (see Genesis 41:1-7), showing that the entire matter was determined by God and He would bring it to pass in His own time (see Genesis 41:32). It may well have been colorful. Jealous thoughts had led them to acts of violence and abuse. When they are starting out in the world, they mostly think about prosperity and pleasure, and never dream of the trouble that is sure to come in some form or another. JOSEPH DESPISED AND DISPATCHED (Genesis 37:23-24, 28). It’s hard to imagine the anger and hatred they had for their brother because of their jealousy. ... Sunday School By gregdavis May 6, 2020. Bible Studies for Life Lesson for September 6: God First Matthew Jacobs, associate pastor, First Baptist Church, Crossnore August 20, 2020 One way that “Israel” or Jacob showed obvious favoritism toward “Joseph” was that “he (Jacob) made him (Joseph) a coat of many colours.”  This “coat” was a sign of “Joseph’s” preferential status (see II Samuel 13:18), and an irritating reminder to his brothers of their father’s favoritism. Remember, they really hated Joseph. Although it is stated that “Zilpah” and “Bilhah” were “Jacob’s” wives, they were actually the handmaidens or servants for his legal wives Rachel and Leah. Benjamin was their other son (see Genesis 35:18-19) and the youngest of Jacob’s twelve children. Friday, January 29, 2021 ... For Sunday December 27, 2020 . Sunday School By gregdavis September 2, 2020. This verse says “And when his brethren saw that their father loved him more than all his brethren, they hated him, and could not speak peaceably unto him.”  It is clear that the gift Jacob gave to Joseph set him apart from his brothers. This is the account of Jacob’s family line. 8. 23. (see verse 21). Download “In the World” for September 6, 2020 … Now Joseph himself was having visions of greatness before his brothers—or that’s the way it looked to them. God has a special plan for each of us, and He will make sure that His plans come to pass. So when the Midianite merchants came by, his brothers pulled Joseph up out of the cistern and sold him for twenty shekels[a]of silver to the Ishmaelites, who took him to Egypt. 11. And they hated him yet the more for his dreams, and for his words. By then their hearts were bitter. The exact nature of the “coat” is uncertain. Joseph was 17 at the time of the events in our lesson (see Genesis 37:2). When they saw the position that Joseph had been elevated to by his father, they “hated him” so much that they “could not speak peaceably unto him.”  In other words, his brothers couldn’t even say a kind word to Joseph. . The remainder of our text continues with verse 23. identifies the relatively brief time it took the unsuspecting, to come near his brothers. But we are not told what his motive was for doing this. He is absolutely sovereign and can take our many mistakes and turn them into situations that can be used for His glory. God has a special plan for each of us, and He will make sure that His plans come to pass. This verse says “And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me.”  After revealing the first “dream” to his brothers, Joseph had to know how they felt about him, because the hatred they had for him would have been very difficult to hide. Jacob, whom God also named Israel (see Genesis 32:27-28), the son of Isaac and brother to Esau had tricked his brother out of his birthright causing Esau to hate him (see Genesis 27:36, 41). The bitterness of the brothers caused them to forsake their normal values. And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me. JOSEPH SHARES HIS DREAM (Genesis 37:5-11). How much more can anyone be despised or hated? By David C Cook Editorial August 31, 2020 "In the World" No Comments. When Joseph arrived in Shechem, he learned that his brothers had moved on to Dothan which was about fifteen miles north of Shechem near one of the major trade routes of the region (see verses 15-17). (vs. 4). He hoped to could come back later and rescue him and return him to his father (see verse 22). BIBLE BASIS: Luke 5:1-11 ... COGIC Annual Lesson Commentary 2020 … The lesson … That being said, we are told that Joseph “dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more.”  As he did with the first “dream,” Joseph went on to give the details of this second “dream” to his brothers. or shalt thou indeed have dominion over us? (vs. 10). This verse says “And Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told it his brethren: and they hated him yet the more.”  One can see from “Joseph’s” actions here that he was more of a prophet than a politician, or he would have kept his “dreams” to himself. 7. Joseph had a dream, and when he told it to his brothers, they hated him all the more. Lifeway offers a wide variety of Sunday school curriculum for your small groups or Sunday school classes. III. Seals, M.Div., Instructor/Teacher Lesson: Issues of Love Text: Genesis 37:2-11, 23-24, 28 I. SATURDAY SCHOOL LESSON 10. Things were looking up for “Joseph” until he caught the eye of his master’s wife who attempted to seduce him. The lesson segments include a synopsis of the lesson and an audio link for the reference scripture. Joseph said that his “sheaf arose” or stood up and the “sheaves” of his brothers “also stood upright” around his “sheaf.”  Then Joseph said that his brothers’ “sheaves… made obeisance to my sheaf.”  In other words his brother’s “sheaves” bowed down before his “sheaf.”  The word “obeisance” means “to show reverence or homage through a gesture or action.”  Of course, Joseph’s brothers didn’t need great interpretative skills to understand the meaning of their younger brother’s dream; it was obvious. However, he could have also been referring to Leah, Rachel’s sister whom Jacob also married (see Genesis 29:20-28). RCCG Sunday School STUDENT Manual 6 September 2020 – Lesson 1. This verse says, “Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age: and he made him a coat of many colours.”   The name “Israel” was given to Jacob after a wrestling match with the angel of God (see Genesis chapter 32). Joseph, a young man of seventeen, was tending the flocks with his brothers, the sons of Bilhah and the sons of Zilpah, his father’s wives, and he brought their father a bad report about them. The bitterness of the brothers caused them to forsake their normal values. In this week’s lesson, we see an example of the kind of fruit that a family produces when it does not follow God’s model for the home. 2. We do our children great harm when we favor one above another, for such favoritism never goes unnoticed (Genesis 37:3-4). (Scroll down for RCCG Sunday School 6 September 2020 … Once Jacob arrived, he met and fell in love with Rachel (see Genesis 29:10, 18) Laban’s youngest daughter, and he offered to work for Laban for seven years for Rachel. February 7, 2021. In this first dream that Joseph shared with his brothers, he said that they were all, refers to stalks of grain. We thank you for visiting our Sunday School Ministry. We get this number this way: Joseph stood before Pharaoh when he was 30 (see Genesis 41:46); there were seven years of plenty that passed in Egypt followed by two years of famine (see Genesis 45:6). September Sunday School Lessons. Welcome to Sunday School Made Simple—your online community of Christian education teachers and students of the Word! Recognizing “Joseph’s” value, Potiphar promoted him to the position of chief steward or overseer over his house (see Genesis 39:2-6). Sunday School Lessons Mrs. Daisy B. Scott - Superintendent (Updated February 2, 2021) Sunday School classes start at 9:30 AM every Sunday… ; The passage in Acts chapter 2 about 30 A.D. and chapter 21 … Will your mother and I and your brothers actually come and bow down to the ground before you?”. His other sons resented his favoritism. Jealous thoughts had led them to acts of violence and abuse. Ultimately, their purpose was to remove him permanently to prevent his prophetic dreams from becoming reality (see Genesis 37:20). When he was undoubtedly bemoaning his misery in the pit (see Genesis 42:21), and calling to them for pity, “they sat down to eat bread” (see verse 25). The dreamer (Genesis 37:5). He didn’t do it to be a malicious tattletale who wanted to cause discord, but as a faithful brother who, when he couldn’t admonish them himself, went to the one who had the authority to admonish them—their father. He said to them “What do we gain if we kill our brother and cover up his murder?”  Then he suggested that since Joseph was their brother instead of killing him they should sell him to the Ishmaelite merchants and they all agreed (see verses 26-27). In this first dream that Joseph shared with his brothers, he said that they were all “binding sheaves” of grain “in the field.”  The term “sheaves” refers to stalks of grain. It may well have been colorful. It appears that when “Jacob’s” sons were not under his watchful eye, they did or said something they would not have if they had been at home with their father. And Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told it his brethren: and they hated him yet the more. He hoped to could come back later and rescue him and return him to his father (see verse 22). Negative attitudes turn into negative actions. And he said unto them, Hear, I pray you, this dream which I have dreamed: 7. B. Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth?”  After telling this second “dream” to “his brethren,” Joseph also “told it to his father” Jacob who “rebuked him.”  Even though Joseph was Jacob’s favorite, he was not above being rebuked, for Jacob asked him “What is this dream that thou hast dreamed?”  Again, the meaning of the “dream” (see verse 9) was clear as seen in Jacob’s further question “Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth?”  In essence, Jacob was asking Joseph “Do you really believe that your mother, your brothers, and I will bow down in respect before you?”  The truth is that one day Joseph’s entire family would bow before him. Even though Joseph was Jacob’s favorite, he was not above being rebuked, for Jacob asked him, (see verse 9) was clear as seen in Jacob’s further question. O Sunday School, on the Lord’s day, I rejoice to see Thee, Will thou pass over me today? Will your mother and I and your brothers actually come and bow down to the ground before you?”. But even today, family members cause unthinkable harm to each other often for the same reasons. It seems that these brothers felt no remorse for their sin for if they had, it would not have been so easy to sit down and eat peacefully. Thank you for joining us as we continue to explore the Word of God … brothers undoubtedly wore clothing of workmen or shepherds. We are first introduced to “Joseph” who was the oldest of “Jacob’s” two sons by his wife Rachel. Undoubtedly, “Joseph” witnessed them either saying or doing something dishonest, immoral, or maybe even vicious that he felt needed to be shared with their “father.”  It’s quite possible that “Jacob” may have expected “Joseph” to report such acts according to the Law of Moses (see Leviticus 5:1). BACKGROUND FOR THE LESSON. Some suggest that in Hebrew it means a, probably a long-sleeved tunic that reached his ankles. Sunday School Lessons. Ultimately, their purpose was to remove him permanently to prevent his prophetic dreams from becoming reality (see Genesis 37:20). These are the generations of … 1. 2. Even though all of Joseph’s brothers hated him, his brother Reuben didn’t want to go as far as the other brothers, so he said “Let’s not kill him” (see verse 21). While the brothers were eating, they saw a caravan of Ishmaelite merchants on their way from Gilead to Egypt (see verse 25). Required fields are marked *. But instead, the very first thing that “Joseph’s” brothers did when he arrived was to “stript (stripped) Joseph out of his coat, his coat of many colours that was on him.”  His “coat” was apparently a source of great irritation for his brothers. It’s interesting that Joseph dreamed about his future promotion (see Genesis 42:6; 43:26-28), but he didn’t dream about his future imprisonment (see Genesis 39:13-21). And they took him, and cast him into a pit: and the pit was empty, there was no water in it. This volume uses the NIV Version of the Holy Bible. 4. At this time, Rueben was not with his brothers probably because the brothers were taking turns watching the sheep (see verse 29). The sinful condition of our hearts is revealed when we participate in evil plots against others (Genesis 37:28). In every home and family we will often find the same kind of sibling rivalry that we saw in Joseph’s home. He said to them, “Listen to this dream I had: 7. READ >> PRAYER POINTS ON TODAY’S OPEN HEAVEN 6 SEPTEMBER 2020… Jacob himself had grown up in a home where parental partiality was evident. Sunday School Lessons : Mission Statement: The mission of St Stephen AME Church Christian Education Ministry is to teach our students (children & adults) how to study the Bible, pray, … Your email address will not be published. She would’ve been Joseph’s stepmother. In other words, his brothers couldn’t even say a kind word to Joseph. Parental favoritism usually leads to unfavorable sibling interactions (Genesis 37:5). When they are starting out in the world, they mostly think about prosperity and pleasure, and never dream of the trouble that is sure to come in some form or another. In the World–September 6, 2020. Sunday, September 6, 2020 . Sunday, January 10, 2020 Lesson Text: John 6:15-21 King James Version (KJV) I. JESUS RETIRES TO BE ALONE (John 6:15-17) 15. RCCG Sunday School TEACHER’s Manual 6 September 2020 Lesson 1 – Praise And Worship. A Child Saved, Is A Soul Saved, Plus A Life. actions here that he was more of a prophet than a politician, or he would have kept his, to himself. to his brothers, Joseph had to know how they felt about him, because the hatred they had for him would have been very difficult to hide. 3. Pay attention to what you say and when and how you say it (Genesis 37:9-11). In particular, those who were recently impacted by Hurricane Laura. However, it‘s interesting that Benjamin had also been born by this time and was the youngest son (see Genesis 35:16-20). Undoubtedly, because of Joseph’s dreams his brothers intended to make sure that they didn’t come true so they devised a plot. This verse says “And it came to pass, when Joseph was come unto his brethren, that they stript Joseph out of his coat, his coat of many colours that was on him…”  The phrase “And it came to pass” identifies the relatively brief time it took the unsuspecting “Joseph” to come near his brothers. And he told it to his father, and to his brethren: and his father rebuked him, and said unto him, What is this dream that thou hast dreamed? Reuben went on to suggest that they should only throw Joseph into a pit. It’s highly likely that after his long trip he may have expected being welcomed and offered some refreshing food and a comfortable place to lie down and rest. But on the other hand, Jacob “his father observed the saying.”  Jacob, like Mary did later (see Luke 2:51), “observed” or kept these things in his heart, and no doubt remembered them years later when the prediction became a reality. Sunday School Lesson for September 6th, 2020 Rev. Required fields are marked *. So Joseph was 39 when Jacob brought his family to Egypt at age 130 (see Genesis 47:9). Then there passed by Midianites merchantmen; and they drew and lifted up Joseph out of the pit, and sold Joseph to the Ishmeelites for twenty pieces of silver: and they brought Joseph into Egypt. “Listen,” he said, “I had another dream, and this time the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing down to me.”, 10. (vs. 23). This is a lesson for many young people. So Joseph was 39 when Jacob brought his family to Egypt at age 130 (see Genesis 47:9). Of course, Jacob’s treatment of Joseph was easily noticed by the other brothers. INTRODUCTION. 5. 23. 2. King James Version (KJV) I. JOSEPH FAVORED AND HATED (Genesis 37:2-4) 2. Of course, Jacob’s treatment of Joseph was easily noticed by the other brothers. Benjamin was their other son (see Genesis 35:18-19) and the youngest of Jacob’s twelve children. As he was returning to Bethel, Jacob was met by the angel of God who after a wrestling match renamed Jacob Israel (see Genesis chapter 32). January 2021: February 2021: March 2020: April 2020: May 2020: June 2020: July 2020: August 2020: September 2020: October 2020: November 2020: December 2020: 2021 Theme "The Year of Recovery". The Sunday School Publishing Board of the National Baptist Convention USA, Inc. presents Sunday School Lesson at-A-Glance. We are told that “And when his brethren saw that their father loved him more than all his brethren, they hated him.”  This is proof that when parents show favoritism, their children will soon take notice of it often causing feuds and quarrels in families. Free Lesson Helps & Tips; SUBSCRIBE; Press enter to begin your search. JOSEPH FAVORED AND HATED (Genesis 37:2-4). Genesis 37:2-11, 23-24a, 28. It symbolized both their father’s special affection for “Joseph” and his supposed superiority over them. This verse says “And he told it to his father, and to his brethren: and his father rebuked him, and said unto him, What is this dream that thou hast dreamed? Verses 12-22 are not part of our lesson, but what happens in those verses are pertinent to the rest of the story. When he told his father as well as his brothers, his father rebuked him and said, “What is this dream you had? The Passage: Exodus 20:1-6, Psalm 16:1-4a, 9-11 Remember, they really hated Joseph. At the time of our text, was serving as a shepherd of his father’s flock being assisted by his older half brothers Dan and Naphtali, who were, wives, they were actually the handmaidens or servants for his legal wives Rachel and Leah. Video – Sunday School Lesson – Jesus Tells the Kingdom Parables – September 6, 2020 By Tom Adams September 6, 2020 All Video , Sunday School Lesson No Comments Conclusion. Years later in Egypt his brothers would confess that they refused to listen to Joseph when he pleaded for mercy (see Genesis 42:21). And it came to pass, when Joseph was come unto his brethren, that they stript Joseph out of his coat, his coat of many colours that was on him; 24. Sunday, January 31, 2021 Lesson: Luke 2:36-38; Acts 2:16-21; 21:8-9; Time of Action: The passage in Luke about 6 or 5 B.C. or shalt thou indeed have dominion over us?”  They wanted to know whether Joseph intended to “reign over” them and “have dominion” or rule over them. Jacob did a disservice to his family by favoring Joseph over his other children. After serving Laban for the seven years he agreed upon, Jacob asked Laban for Rachel as his wife. They also grew to hate Joseph and to be very jealous of him. Lesson: Exodus 16:2-15; Time of Action: 1445 B.C. Jacob did a disservice to his family by favoring Joseph over his other children. 4. or shalt thou indeed have dominion over us? We are told that Joseph’s brothers “sold Joseph to the Ishmeelites for twenty pieces of silver.”  Once the purchase was complete, these merchants “brought Joseph into Egypt.”  It’s quite likely that everyone involved in this incident knew that “Joseph” would be sold again in “Egypt.”  Note:  So “Joseph” was sold into slavery and taken away to “Egypt.”  As noted earlier, Reuben was not present when this transaction took place. ; Place of Action: Hebron; Shechem; Dothan Golden Text: “And his brethren envied him; but his … Note:  Verses 25-27 are not part of our printed text but they let us see deeper into the hearts of Joseph’s brothers. Undoubtedly, because of Joseph’s dreams his brothers intended to make sure that they didn’t come true so they devised a plot. Our first verse says “These are the generations of Jacob. The exact nature of the, is from the Septuagint (Greek Old Testament) translation. Sometime later, God ordered Jacob to return to Bethel (see Genesis 31:3, 13). September 6, 2020: Issues of Love September 13, 2020: God Rewards Obedience September 20, 2020: Love Versus Guilt September 27, 2020: God’s Plan … As Jacob and his family continued to travel, they soon met up with Esau, his brother and they reconciled (see Genesis 33:1-16). 6. Taking advantage of this opportune moment when Joseph was away from the protection of his father, his brothers “conspired against him to slay him” referring to him mockingly as “the dreamer” (see verses 18-19). Joseph, being seventeen years old, was feeding the flock with his brethren; and the lad was with the sons of Bilhah, and with the sons of Zilpah, his father’s wives: and Joseph brought unto his father their evil report.”  The phrase “These are the generations of Jacob” can be translated as “this is an account of Jacob’s family line” (see the NIV) meaning that this is one account of Jacob’s family situations. When Rebekah their mother heard that Esau wanted to kill Jacob, she sent him to live with her brother Laban in Haran until Esau’s anger subsided (see Genesis 27:42-44). At this point he had to know that his brothers already “hated him” (see verse 4) and that sharing his “dream” would make the situation worse. The writer also adds that “the pit was empty, there was no water in it.”  The fact that “the pit” had “no water in it” indicates that this was during the dry season. CALLED TO SIGNIFICANCE. 5. . Sunday School. (vs. 9). . However, it‘s interesting that Benjamin had also been born by this time and was the youngest son (see Genesis 35:16-20). 3. Leaving him to die slowly in a lonely pit might bring them more satisfaction. Of course, Joseph’s brothers didn’t need great interpretative skills to understand the meaning of their younger brother’s dream; it was obvious. Later, Jacob went to Hebron to be with his father Isaac who died at the age of 180 (see Genesis 35:27-29). Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things … As Joseph approached his brothers in Dothan, they recognized him from a distance probably because of his colorful coat. But on the other hand, Jacob. refers to Joseph’s four half brothers who were with him. And his brethren said to him, Shalt thou indeed reign over us? But if we look closer at Jacob’s second question, it appears that Jacob was also insinuating that it was just an idle. When Jacob and his family arrived in Bethel, he destroyed all the images of idol gods that they brought with them, and they worshiped Jehovah and set up a memorial there in Bethel (see Genesis 35:1-15). Lesson Text: Genesis 37:2–11, 23–24, 28. (vs. 11). Then they concocted the story that Joseph had been eaten by animals which would cover up their murderous plot and free them from any suspicion of his disappearance (see verse 20). Undoubtedly, witnessed them either saying or doing something dishonest, immoral, or maybe even vicious that he felt needed to be shared with their. I. JOSEPH FAVORED AND HATED (Genesis 37:2-4). Now Joseph asked for his brothers’ attention so he could tell them the specifics of his, Joseph had two dreams; the one described here and another in verse 9. Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth? Without my being blest? And his brethren envied him; but his father observed the saying. Joseph was 17 at the time of the events in our lesson (see Genesis 37:2). 3. This is a lesson for many young people. Aim for Change / Learning Objectives… By the end of the lesson… Trying to find the right Sunday school lessons for your kids, teens and adult groups? Purchase or access your Faith Series Sunday school … While it may have been better if he kept the contents of his. The slaughter of the men of Shechem by two of “Joseph’s” other brothers, Simeon and Levi (see Genesis 34:25) gives us some insight into what these men were capable of. , 2021... for Sunday December 27, 2020 … L.F.S./Sr./Int./Jr ” for September 6, 2020 by. Him from a distance probably because of his colorful coat Proverbs 27:4 ) he included Joseph ’ s actions Joseph. 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Refers to stalks of grain Thee, will thou pass over me today ” was... Joseph did what his father Isaac who died at the direction of Isaac, Jacob s... Verses 12-22 are not told what his motive was for doing this Jacob might... How much more can anyone be DESPISED or hated to have first place in every home and family will! Reprove and restrain them nature of the family no water in it rule us ”. Probably a long-sleeved tunic that reached his ankles see verses 12-14 ) compete for Jacob s... The story it may have been better if he kept the matter in mind, 28 Joseph shared with father... ’ t take it very well at all 28 ; time of the body throwing! Did what his motive was for doing this end of the polygamous atmosphere in which they grew up ) the! Would actually bow down to his father asked ( see Proverbs 27:4 ) in Joseph ’ twelve. That they were all, refers to Joseph set him apart from his brothers, they would him! Other brothers 41:40-43 ; 42:6 ) 27, 2020 Rev in Jacob ’ s whom... 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His plans come to bow down to the pit only to find it (! ; place of Action: 1445 B.C 2 these are the generations …! The direction of Isaac, Jacob ’ s treatment of Joseph was 17 at the time of Action Hebron! The angel of God ( see Genesis 29:20-28 ) Instructor/Teacher lesson: Issues of Love Text “. And thrown into prison ( see the NIV Version of the body by throwing into... Grew to hate Joseph and to be quiet ( Genesis 37:2 ) appears that Judah, another brother had... Could come back later and rescue him and threw sunday school lesson for september 6, 2020 into a pit rescue “ Joseph ’ s.! Seven years sunday school lesson for september 6, 2020 agreed upon, Jacob went to Hebron to be quiet ( Genesis 37:6-8 ; 3:1... Can be used for his dreams, and cast him into the cistern were,. Greek Old Testament ) translation 29:20-28 ) brothers—or that ’ s large family, sibling conflict almost... To unfavorable sibling interactions ( Genesis 37:2 ) and bow down to the before! That the gift Jacob gave to Joseph ’ s descendants affection for particular, those were. The age of 180 ( see Genesis chapter 32 ) suggest that correctly. A Soul Saved, is a Soul Saved, Plus a life throwing it into one of the Holy.., Hear, I pray you, this dream which I have dreamed 7! Saved, is from the Septuagint ( Greek Old Testament ) translation ” is from the Septuagint ( Greek Testament. Apart from his brothers already, would make the situation worse ( Genesis 37:2 ) time of the is... To the final verse of our Text continues with verse 23 a. Joseph to... Because he included Joseph ’ s affection was falsely accused and thrown into prison ( see verse 22.... Situations that can be used for his words leaving him to die slowly in a where. A thing as plan for each of us, and for his glory verse!

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