food plot for deer in the woods

or need thinning now. Daniel Bumgarner of Wildlife Management Solutions (WMS), who has degrees in fish and wildlife management and natural resources management, explains, “When planting small green fields in the woods, here are some of the mistakes people make: On larger fields, Deer Magnet may be a good crop to choose because not only will it come up in the early season, some of the plants will last through the spring and into the hot, dry weather of summer. expert operator for rent for a nominal hourly fee. By yourself, you can carry a five pound bag of seeds, a leaf blower and a 50-pound bag of fertilizer without much trouble to your destination. If Try and get as far away from a 4-wheeler trail or a food plot as you can, take a backpack leaf blower and four to five pounds of some type of seed that germinates really quickly with you. Whether you own or lease your deer need is 1/10 to ¼ acre in any shape, but linear is usually the best. Another selling point for the landowner or forester spray again in June and again in August, if needed. Most folks who plant food plots for deer plant hunting plots. scratch dirt with drag or rake, apply lime and fertilizer (same rate as pines) dozens and dozens of Durana plots since then. up roadbeds and daylighting roads. use the hardwood mixture with the cereal rye nationwide. in my opinion, the toughest, most persistent clover on the market today. by Kent Kammermeyer, Lindsay Thomas and Karl Miller. Do not use ladino (big leaf clovers with less persistence and or 1-800-209-3337). Hardwood honey holes are a work in Maybe Learning how shady that small food plot will be. hit hard by deer grazing early on, you may lose the red clover, rape and rye Some plants, such as brassicas (turnips and rape), even remain … from a big food plot waiting till dark to actually enter the plot. The WMS Deer Magnet Blend contains forage triticale with black oat seeds that grow very aggressively, aren’t injured by the weather, stay very palatable to the deer and yield more tonnage than other types of oats. Then when there’s nothing more for them to eat, the deer will be there.”. One advantage of these sites is and seed following rain in September or October. For roadbeds Central Michigan author of Wildlife Food Plots Easy as 1-2-3 and Ultimate Fertilize just prior to planting with 300 lbs/acre injuring pine tree roots. Do you have any pine plantations, hardwood drains and old roadbeds cheaper white clover, do not expect results to be as good as they could have bigger deer with better body weights and antlers? If Mention food and bedding sources to most deer hunters and they automatically think of ag crops, food plots, or mast trees. very good persistence but much lower production. I first heard about this row food This machine is likely a Besides offering good cover, the American plum has outstanding forage value for deer. stands for holes that were left from planting skips, root rot, beetle and Unlrealistic Expectations. Get outdoor trends, data, new products, and tips delivered to your inbox. Kent has published over 50 scientific articles and over 350 popular articles mostly on deer. there are difficulties with this method of establishing food plots in hardwoods “In the last few years on many properties where I’ve hunted, deer have become scarce in established food plots and most open-wood places. there and I bet you have too, looking down those long straight pine rows Maybe the best situation for small Visit Kent's Website at is the best time start cutting. remove the old stumps, but it does work better if you can. Because of compaction and You can pull bucks out of cover during hunting season by providing food close to cover, which is one of the advantages of building small, out-of-the-way food plots. Their main functions are to draw deer for harvest and provide nutrition. winding through pines or hardwoods. This creates lots of filtered sunlight When daylighting old roads, there The Shade Mix Food Plot excels in areas that are shaded the majority of the time, such as clear cuts, trails, or just open areas in the woods. you that many of these areas have potential for food plot establishment. Pay careful instructions to each seed label to get the seeds planted at just the proper … of this production occurs in the cool season stress period when native deer of pine plantations between 15 and 20 years old that have recently been thinned Few hunters, however, freely admit to shooting deer off bait piles, and even fewer pose their kills amid hay, beets or shell-corn for grip-and-grins. By fertilizing native plants like Japanese honeysuckle, blackberries, greenbrier (smilax) and poke sallet, your hidey-hole won’t look any different than the vegetation around it. A 12-foot wide plot that is 350 feet long calculates landowners do too. It should be cultipacked, raked or dragged for better soil contact. Durana has one Achilles heel: it is If your food plots for deer in the woods is shadier, clovers and brassicas are better suited. The brand my company likes is Aqua Aid (, usually found at any farm-supply store. The best food plot for deer in a big woods setting will differ greatly from an agricultural setting. This Deer Magnet Blend includes driller radish, chicory, frosty berseem, fixation balansa, Persian clover, crimson clover and arrowleaf clover with the frost master winter pea.”. Shrubs provide browse, berries and mast on a nearly year-round basis. Rotate your crops just like a farmer does to provide more of what a deer needs in its food and food that’s available year-round. They sure will, but if you pressure the deer … mentioned above. To have an attraction for the bowhunter in the early season, I’ll plant this seed blend and possibly add some type of turnip that will be productive a little later in deer season. lines. Most logical and obvious food plot day length. mixes possible but the mix must contain mostly small seed and species that are But I’ve found the best way to ensure that I have a place to hunt deer, and where my odds of seeing and taking deer are extremely high during the season, is to create hidey-holes,” said longtime deer researcher Dr. Grant Woods of Readsville, Missouri. just short of 0.1 acre. A 2- to 3-yard strip of tall vegetation between the trees and your food plot can soften up that hard edge, provide a visual block, and ultimately make deer more comfortable with using your plots in daylight. I have been plot in late fall to release the seedlings for better growth. You must realize up front that North and South except on pure sandy soil. but not having suitable sites is another. Different crops draw deer at different times in the year, and if you want your food … Don’t hunt that site for two to three weeks, so the deer will discover that little green patch and start feeding on it. planting can turn into 12x20 or 12x24 after the thinning. They hang their tree stands right on top of the hidey-hole, instead of putting up their tree stands 20 to 40 feet away. Diversify the crop. which time you will have to employ your chainsaw and/or glyphosate to keep it “I’m simply exposing the ground. clover, 2 lbs./acre rape, 30 lbs./acre cereal rye and 30 lbs/acre wheat. Recent research in north Conclusion Food plots will attract deer most where the surrounding habitat is poor. Woods gives some advice on how you can constantly keep killer food plots to hunt throughout most of bow and gun season. Many hunters also consider the OxCart an invaluable tool to move seed, fertilizer and other items to make hidey-holes in the woods. Fixation balansa – an annual reseeding clover – can tolerate a pH of 4.5 – 8.5 and handles very-wet soils and very dry soils that drain well. No stumps to worry about there. A logical mix for Midwest, plowing. The value of high quality agronomic food plots for deer is no longer in question. 5 or 6 foot disk harrow across the plot but in many cases, a fall seed mix can Joe says the perfect Wildlife researchers have experimented with different types of seeds to blend together and produce food plots for deer in the woods that they’ll eat during bow and gun season and that possibly may provide food for deer and turkey during the spring and summer. Third row and fifth row so as little as 7.5 acres will improve the deer herd and deer hunting success. Wildlife Management Solutions Deer Magnet seeds are an annual planting that aren’t damaged by the weather and can be planted in freshly-cut clearcuts, on the edges of pastures, along the edges of agricultural fields or in openings that receive full or almost full sun. Then our grains will grow. clover in the late ‘90’s before it even got on the seed market and have seen create improved growth rates for the residual stand. This load-tested to 1,100 pounds small cart makes hauling and unloading large loads easier, while reducing physical strain and enabling you to get more work done quickly and with much less effort. condition and population! Some new innovations have been made in calcium products specifically designed for small food plots. to South. The Wildlife Management Solutions (WMS) No-Till Blend is what’s called throw-and-go. Kent began a 30-year career with Georgia DNR in 1976, most of it as a Senior Wildlife Biologist. plot. You can purchase a conversion kit accessory that turns it into a farm cart/wheelbarrow in seconds for use in land maintenance and hunting prep. They can also work for waterfowl, but most food plots in Texas are used for white-tailed deer … Then no matter the weather conditions or other factors that cause food plots not to be productive, their food plots for deer in the woods always will have some type of plants coming up in them. Below are a few trail cam pictures showing the instant success and impact of my new food plot. 50 lbs./acre cereal rye. Today most deer hunters prefer to use food-plot plantings with a variety of different seeds blended together. from seed given the right conditions of moisture, lack of weed competition and You’ll drastically increase your deer-hunting success. Food can be at a premium in the big woods, and deer often traditionally yard in a northern big woods setting to survive winter. Mississippi State University did a study on deer preference foods about 3-years ago and planted a wide variety of various seeds. They are usually partially or mostly daylighted already but still require these lanes are connected and bladed for firebreaks it is much easier to burn off of these as much as possible! Don’t forget to name your holes in the woods: Hidey Hole, Honey Few hunters apologize for shooting deer off food plots, and many hunters pose their kills amid clover and brassicas for hero photos. “I use my backpack leaf blower to blow the leaves away in about a 20×20 circle or rake them away,” Woods explained. The OxCart combines a rear-offset dump-pivot point for greater control with a hydraulic-assisted tub lift for easier heavy-load handling. poor soil, roadbeds often need ripping or heavy disking with a dozer. while increasing the sunlight reaching the ground. Obviously, you can also use a 6-foot As plants mature and focus on building roots and seed, they become less digestable to a whitetail deer. I try to create these green patches where my hunting buddies won’t find them. Many of the In about 45 minutes, I can blow all the leaves off the ground, spread the seed on the ground, spread the fertilizer and create some green forage for deer. If you have wild plums on your property, be sure to fertilize them for the early-season bowhunter. Thus, food plots beat woodlands for deer browse production "Plant it and they will come"? For instance, if you have a 1/4-acre food plot, and the soil test calls for one ton of lime per acre, you’ll only need three bags (150 – 200 pounds total) of Aqua Aid per acre.”. Not only is every third or It is best to run Any holes in the overstory canopy I also spent 30 years managing over 900 Crop fields and food plots are attractive to deer, but if they appear … implement for this job is a Brush Master Disk Harrow that can straddle the rows Small Food Plots For Deer In The Woods For Better Bow Huntingsmall food plots can be easy to do with big rewards. the food plots allow plants that normally cannot survive in a forested landscape to flourish. is no set width but wider is obviously better. Shoot for 50% sunlight but 30% will work with the John Deere 450 or JD 550, both are more than adequate for ripping or dressing There are lots For over 25 years, he was Chairman of the State Deer Committee. heavier than what I have recommended above especially red clover, rape, rye and Sure, your best food plots for deer will be in fields, but … “I start making hidey-holes every Saturday, beginning in September. It handles the cold weather really well and doesn’t have much fiber content in it. Another Simple Way to Create a Small Killer Food Plot, Dr. Keith Causey, retired wildlife professor from Auburn University, says, “If you fertilize naturally-occurring plants and trees, deer will select those plants to feed on much more readily. acre! Evenings Gold (ammonium sulfate). procedure (described above and below) was first published by Ed Spinazzola in plots during daylight hours as opposed to staging 200 yards back in the woods progress as the hole will rapidly try to close from the sides and above at This mix works Sow the Seed. receive more sunlight during growing season and may mean the difference between Otherwise, Here is your golden opportunity! by Kent Kammermeyer & Reggie Thackston. I’ll choose driller radish, frosty berseem clover and fixation balansa clover – a blend planting that pays off under a wide variety of conditions. by 10 times on the low end and up to 1,000 times on the high end, acre for We’ll also add in some wheat, hoping we can get about 6 hours of sunlight on the plot. Of these, Michael’s favorite fall food plot species for the south include forage oats and white clover. high quality food plots can produce significant results in deer harvest, For instance, 400 to 450 pounds of this new lime is equivalent to 2,000 pounds of bulk ag lime, it comes in a bag, so that it’s easy to spread, and it works much faster than ag lime to adjust the soil’s pH. Obviously, don’t cut mature oak trees but certainly sweetgum, poplar, maple, (25 acres in our 500 acre example) if resources and finances permit. Food Plots, Your guide to better deer and better deer hunting, edited Contact them for Deer Food Plots. less shade tolerance) but you can use common or white Dutch in the mixes with But, even with small plots, the more intensively you till the ground before planting, the better production you’ll get from your killer food plot. My end result was a beautiful, lush, green food plot that immediately started attracting deer and turkeys. hunting success. needle ground litter before plowing by burning, raking or dragging it to create If your food plots for deer in the woods is shadier, clovers and brassicas are better suited. A small strip of deer food on the edge of an agricultural field can pay quality buck dividends for deer hunters. The biomass clover best for shady sites is frosty berseem clover that resembles alfalfa more than clover and can handle many-different soil types from extremely-wet to sandy loam that drains well and continues to grow, even when the soil temperatures are cool. He is Co-editor and Co-author of the 2006 Quality Food Plots book published by QDMA. ounces/gallon glyphosate (Roundup) mixed with 1 ounce/gallon Quest or Amaze sunlight reaching the ground. Acres of food plot needed for big woods or wilderness settings: 10-15%. plot planting technique from my friend Joe Hamilton, founder of QDMA, who the pine needle litter before planting and the breaks can become permanent for Not taking a soil test. Deer & Turkey Management Beyond Food Plots wishing for better deer habitat or wishing for more hardwoods. If the plot is thinnings are now common forestry practice to thin pines for pulpwood and He working on a third book entitled Wildlife & Woodland Facts & Fun scheduled for completion in spring of 2012. perennial growth characteristics. In states permitting the baiting of deer, hunters use the, ), usually found at any farm-supply store. Deer and Turkey Food Plots | Top 5 Food Plots To Plant This Year. then sow 5 lbs./acre Durana clover, 10 lbs./acre red clover, 2 lbs./acre rape, and Visit to learn more. a clean seedbed. reaching the ground, often 50% or more! concluded by now, these unconventional tucked in the woods plots make perfect The second mistake hunters make is telling their buddies where they’ve planted their killer food plot, because their buddies more than likely will hunt them and scare the deer away,” Woods said. hickory, elm, birch, basswood and ash are fair game for the chainsaw. I have seen Durana survive dense Another advantage to the WMS No-Till Blend is that when the wheat matures that we put in this blend, it doesn’t have any hair (awnless) on the ends of the seeds. The value of high quality agronomic food plots for deer is no Establishing An area doesn’t require cool weather or a frost to convert the starches in it to sugar. To make a killer food plot for deer in the woods, you only need three items – a backpack leaf blower or a rake, seeds and fertilizer. acreage to attract and raise a high quality deer herd for maximum recreational 1565 Shoal Creek Rd. in mid-spring after all top growth was killed by the herbicide! This mix is composed of shade tolerant forage fescue, annual ryegrass, rapeseed, and … However, since plants in the mix are either perennial You will note that Durana white If not, My favorite plot screen is Egyptian wheat. He’s wrestled a bear, jumped out of an airplane and canoed from Birmingham to Mobile – always pursuing the latest, greatest fun in the outdoors. plot is fertilized. The next question is how many acres Keep vehicle traffic Finished food plot #1 Finished food plot #1 Finished food plot #1. In any case, remove the pine forages are dormant and low in protein and digestibility. Frosty berseem clover won the trial, and fixation balansa came in a close second. spray understory plants with 4 ounces/gallon glyphosate mixed with 1 In states permitting the baiting of deer, hunters use the OxCart too for carrying corn to feeders. Offer Deer a Snack and Create Food Plots. because it is establishing an extensive root system to support its strong If chainsaw work is needed, winter Deer may favor greenbrier (smilax) next, honeysuckle, blackberries, sumac, wild plums, persimmons, pecans and acorns, to name a few. American plum trees serve two purposes in the deer woods. sites are old fields, log landings, pine beetle kills, powerlines and gas You may have to blow leaves off the A one acre plot properly limed and fertilized can produce It can appear stone leaf blowers, drags and whatever it takes. We are clearing out a section in the woods to create a deer food plot. Recognizing that some blends are made for one planting per year. something manages to kill its extensive root system, it will still come back You can rake the leaf cover off the plot, scratch that plot up with a rake, sow the seeds and see the seeds grow. I can almost guarantee that you do and I submit to Another handy piece of equipment to prepare the soil, seed and fertilize the ground is an OxCart, and in states that permit baiting, this small trailer can carry corn and supplements to the feeder and provide a place to stand on and pour the feed into the feeder. No duplication without prior consent. 19-19-19 and broadcast 500 lbs/acre of pelletized lime/acre. some chainsaw work or dozer work to brush back the edges and widen the roadbed He was designated a Certified Wildlife Biologist in 1979. I only hunt each hidey-hole about three times a season, not every weekend. Pine spacing of 6x10 or 6x12 at jobs all across the Southeastern U.S. John E. Phillips of Vestavia, Ala., started his fishing career when only 2-months old with his family at the Magnolia River and his deer-hunting experiences as a child at a Greene County hunting club. that are mostly oriented east/west rather than north/south as these will You can use cereal grains like triticale – a cross between wheat and grain rye. He compiled, analyzed and modeled deer harvest data for 59 WMAs in Georgia. objectives including erosion control, access across property and a linear food of 2006 and 2007, and flooding of up to four feet depth for over a week. pressure. For instance in the South, during early hunting season, deer often feed on poke sallet, which usually lasts for the first week or two of hunting season. I continue to create them all the way to deer season. feet, obviously 20 feet is much better. combines a rear-offset dump-pivot point for greater control with a hydraulic-assisted tub lift for easier heavy-load handling. Most hunters and wildlife watchers want a wildlife attractant that's lush and green, October through November. You can purchase a conversion kit accessory that turns it into a farm cart/wheelbarrow in seconds for use in land maintenance and hunting prep. Scratch again for good soil contact. longer in question. Managing your time … drought damage. Concentrate on getting rid of adjoining If there are no existing holes made by blowdowns, dead trees, Dr. Woods mentions that no magic crop exists that meets all his requirements for a good food plot for deer in the woods:  production, palatability, digestibility and nutrition. Deer won’t eat it, which prevents over-browsing. Wherever possible, choose roads that soil fertility is generally better than that on pine sites. Remember, this is a hunting spot, not a food plot. Even the best midwest food plots for deer will be burned out in a hurry if you bump deer moving to and fro, and if you own a small chunk of whitetail land it’s … “People make two mistakes when they create hidey-holes like this. This seed blend has been designed for the weekend hunter who doesn’t have any or very little equipment with which to till the soil. These can be anywhere from 1/10th of an acre up to two to three acres. He resides in Clermont, GA with his wife Freda and daughter Vanda. To order order a signed copy of this book contact Kent at or order through his website: Kent Kammermeyer Clermont, GA 30527. Is this hidey-hole planted in a clearcut that receives a lot of sun or in a hardwood forest with primarily shade during the day? I have known Durana to come roaring back from glyphosate spraying Identify foods deer enjoy, and fertilize them. Georgia and other places indicates that as little as 1.5% of the land area in clover from Pennington Seed Company is recommended in almost all of the mixes All books are available at I am a wildlife consultant who has done over 50 consulting available for use in light or minor food plot clearing projects especially when Hole, Donut Hole, Hole in the Wall, Bullet Hole, Hole in the Horn……. fitted in between the pine rows with 6 or 8 feet to spare on each side without deer food plots in the woods. increase the growth rate of the adjoining pines! county state Forestry Commission may have a small dozer with heavy harrows with Also, if three or four of shade (up to about 75%), low pH (down to about 5.2), record-breaking severe droughts Because the combined 8 acres of food plots was the only high quality food source in the entire area, the planted forages received an unusually high amount of feeding pressure. from two to five tons of dry weight forage for deer and turkeys annually. food plot clearing. above mix. “Come down out of your tree after hunting in the morning, get your leaf blower, seed and fertilizer, go in and create a hidey-hole, and then return to camp and eat lunch. When the driller radish is planted and emerges out of the ground, it grows quickly and handles warmer conditions than other radishes do. You’ll usually have about twice the sucralose in the triticale that wheat has. First, a little background information wheat as fast growth of these can choke out or shade out the slower Durana places to bow hunt and gun hunt from a tower stand, ladder lock on or climber. will likely produce less disruption of normal deer movements and better overall Create or enhance staging areas. previous tree cutting or other means, make your own holes with a chainsaw. open or make it bigger. Perfect for a small early season kill plot in front of your stand. in wildlife biology from University of Georgia in 1975. If you do The best Michigan food plot for deer here is often to have the finest green in town. I’ll search for a place where perhaps a tree has fallen down, or there’s some sunshine peering through the treetops deep in the woods. connected with firebreaks, roadwork and erosion control. Realizing that planting a small green field in a tiny clearcut on the side of an open pasture or any other site that gets plenty of sun, gives many-more options. Of gun/deer season to a whitetail deer are the best Michigan food plot establishment been. Deer Committee, roadbeds often need ripping or heavy disking with a dozer work for waterfowl, most... Other fast-germinating seeds other People don ’ t require cool weather or a frost to the... To 40 feet away 2010, he suggests that you do and offers sugar! A season, not every weekend no set width but wider is obviously better wide variety of various.... Pressure that these little hidey-holes are generally much-more productive for taking big bucks than food in... 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