zebra loach and guppies

10 Tri Color Horned Nerite Snails. Scientific Name: Botia almorhae (Gray, 1831) Common name: Yoyo Loach, Almorha Loach, Pakistani Loach, Reticulated loach Synonyms: Botia lohachata Distribution: India, Nepal, Bangladesh. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Special Request: We know that some customers would like to make a special request with their order. Males exhibit redness around barbels and mouth. Bad choices would be smaller Tetras (neons, etc), livebearers (platy, Guppy) and Danios (zebra Danio) Keeping some snails or Ghost Shrimp would be fine. Guppies with zebra danios. Zebra Loach for sale at AquariumFish.net . It is friendly with other loaches and can form a school with them, not recommended to join with angelfish, guppies, tetras, bettas, and other fish with long tails and fins to avoid being also nipped not compatible with cory catfish because they are both territorial fishes. Guppies for sale at AquariumFish.net, where you can shop online for Fancy Guppies. Feed blackworms and sinking fish food. Quick view Compare . Brian Russell. It was first described by Wu in 1939 from a species found in Li Kiang of southern China, and later by Mai 1978 from the Tây-Giang (Hsi-Chiang or West River) of China. The loach can grow their length about 9 cm. I like Ghost shrimp personally, because when they eat, you can see the … SORRY, but that is far from the truth. The Golden Zebra Loach is a peaceful, friendly, and extremely curious and are well suited for the community tank. He also advised that I could keep him on his own and he would do just fine. I also want java fern and Java moss in this tank. Don’t keep the fish with large raptorial feeders. Disclosure: I may earn a commission when you purchase through my affiliate links. Kuhli's only get up to around 4 inches in length, and they are so thin and eel-like that their mouths do not get that big. They do have some scales. Unfortunately, Kuhli Loaches aren’t that lucky. This morning I turned the light on to give them breakfast to be greeted by my female weather loach eating my guppy then going after all the other fish. Nevertheless, there are some exceptions to respect. Max size 3-4 inches, lives at 73-79 degrees F, prefers water 6-8 pH, 5-12 dGH. Joined Jul 9, 2011 Messages 4,425 Reaction score 0 Location St. Louis. At first glance, it looks like it has a lot of stripes, but it only has nine broad bluish-green bands on its yellowish-green body. Male Snow White Guppy (poecilia reticulata) such a beautiful guppy that are a perfect community fish tank. Dec 20, 2020. I wanted a peaceful tank. Keep in groups of 5+ with caves to hide in. Kuhli Loach. Sexual Dimorphism: Females generally plumper all over than males and can get extremely fat when full of eggs. Please be aware that the image is for illustration purposes only. By "new fangled" I assume you mean a Fancy Goldfish, which will reach at least 8 inches and needs cold water, while your Danios and Guppies need tropical to subtropical temperatures. The loach is a species of freshwater that are native to the streams and rivers in the Western Ghats of India. Or only $17.99 to Southern California. However, they are stunning, peaceful, active, and non-aggressive. This is an attractively patterned and lively fish. We are unable to guarantee the size, colour, sex or age of the fishes you are purchasing. The Zebra Loach is a peaceful, active, shoaling species that should be maintained in groups of 5 or more in the community aquarium. Sale! I have an aquarium which has tetras and guppies, but recently we also acquired 3 zebra loach and 1 clown loach. I am not wanting to do guppies or tetras as I have them in other tanks. Quick view Compare . The yoyo loach, Almora loach or Pakistani loach (Botia almorhae) is a freshwater fish belonging to the loach family Botiidae. Kuhli Loach will compliment your Guppies extremely well, they have a banded coloration of a pale orange and dark brown with an eel-like appearance when viewed at a glance. They will be shipped in a Kordon Breather bag inside of a styro lined box with a heat pack if needed. The Chinese Golden Zebra Loach Sinibotia robusta (previously Botia Robusta) is found in Asia from the Pearl River basin in southeastern China and in northern Viet Nam in the Cao Bang Province. "Guppies may be getting very close to snack size for a larger loach though!" – read more. Member. I asked my Ltd about possible loaches and he recommended a zebra loach. Yoyo loach is an energetic schooling fish that has its species spread across the Middle East and Asia where they are seen inhabiting still or slow-moving waters. Unlike guppies that are peaceful fish, tiger barb fish are semi-aggressive both towards other fish and their own mates in their shoal. I feed them all 3 times a day including frozen live food for lunch. Zebra Loach. I am not interested in breeding guppies as I know how difficult it can be to shift the fry on lol. Maximum size: 6 inches It has zebra-like coloration, and it can grow to a maximum length of 15cm. Why You Shouldn’t Keep Guppy Fish and Tiger Barbs in the Same Aquarium. Zebra Loach. The water species inhabit in the tropical climate. As a juvenile, this species looks somewhat similar to the Yo Yo Loach (Botia almorhae), but is a distinctly different species. Aug 27, 2013 - Zebra loach - a small freshwater fish native to S. India. Zebra Loach is one of the most attractive fish species. The Golden Zebra Loach (Botia almorhae), also known as the Burmese or Silver Striped Loach, is native to India and throughout Myanmar. This unique fish is perfect for the tiger barbs; and many aquariums have tiger barbs kept with Clown Loaches. $20.00. Butterfly loach shows rather peaceful attitude to its tank mates – it can be kept together with any kind of peaceful fishes of any size including small ones and even juveniles. Dieses Madchen DM. One excellent choice would be the attractive Clown Loach. With the 5 loach maxing out at one inch (equating to 5 inches) and the 4 nerite snails (equating to 4 inches) leaving the tank with a total of 7 inches spare. $0.00 - $17.00 $17.00 - $32.00 $32.00 - $46.00 $46.00 - $61.00 ... 10 Zebra Nerite Snails. 6 years ago. Mobile Search Apps Ordering Shipping Delivery About Newsletter DryGoods : OVERNIGHT SHIPPING is usually $36.99 . Habitat: Distribution / Background. 15 Best Guppy Tank Mates – Full List of Animals Compatible with Guppies. Most fish have hard scales that can protect them from the effects of bacteria and fungi. The man at the store recommended I get zebra danios as they are easy to care for so I bought two males since he recommended I stock my tank slowly. The Zebra Loach is an excellent freshwater fish that is only really suitable for aquarists with experience as they have no scales and require pristine water conditions. Shrimps are also to be avoided because they will serve as a meal. Now ideally I want to get a couple more clown loach as I know they like to school together and our one is going to get lonely but I don't want to overstock my tank. Guppies and Zebra Danios (what you referred to as "zebra fish") will be fine together in a 14 gallon tank, however, the Goldfish will not. Will eat snails, shrimp, and pick on small bottom feeders like corydoras. The Gold Zebra Loach is found from the Indian state of Manipur, Yunnan Province, China (in the upper Ayeyarwady River basin), and throughout much of […] Read the full story. For example, do not combine other bottom fish such as Corydoras, or fish that are too small or too cool, that may be frightened by its active temperament. Zebra Loach Tropical Fish Learn all about the Zebra Loach's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. They are lively and look great in a planted aquarium. Ensure that there are plenty of hiding places in the aquarium amongst driftwood, caves, and plants. Clean, well-aerated water is a must. Kuhli Loach care. FREE SHIPPING on Orders totaling $169.99 before taxes and shipping charges. Instead, they are specialized to get into tiny places because they are wonderful scavengers! ( I have a 10 gallon with java moss) reply #6. Pangio kuhlii. What loach would be fine with them i dont want clown loach (even though they are great fish to watch ) as they get too large and i think skunk loach are too aggressive from what i have read also khuli loach i am just not interested in having in my tank plus never hear of them actually eating snails . Zebra Loach. Algae eaters are important for the fishkeeping hobby and many are commonly kept by hobbyists. $20.00. Guppy fish are a favorite fish of freshwater aquarists because of their undemanding nature, beautiful spectrum of colors, and peaceful temperament. I am wondering what are some good types of fish that would fit best with the clowns. Gourami - Guppy; Loach; Snails - Shrimp; Shop By Price. List: $ 11.99 $ 10.99 $ 6.88 Read more; Panda Loach Yaoshania pachychilus. They are a nightly species but will forage during the daytime if they are provided with several spots for them to hide as well as a heavy cover. The Gold Zebra Loach (Botia histrionica) is also known by tropical fish keeping enthusiasts as the Burmese Loach, Golden Zebra Loach, Asian Loach, Silver Striped Loach and Burmese Zebra Loach. Reviews: Click here to read some reviews from some of our customers about us and the fish they got from us. Kuhli Loaches care is something that can be difficult for novice aquarists. It is a very active, inquisitive fish that is very gregarious in nature. This loach species is quite hardy and does not have a lot of care needs making it ideal for beginners. I am worried about the loaches though as they seem to spend all their time in the caves and very rarely venture out. Is this normal behavior? These loaches are peaceful fish suitable to community aquarium tanks. But as you said, they are brilliant when it comes to curing a snail problem. Dojo Loach. Despite the alternative common name Pakistani loach, the true B. almorhae is not known from Pakistan (the species in this country is B. birdi). It is a hardy fish that can survive in slightly acidic to slightly alkaline water. Thank you yeah I wanted 1 clown pleco, 3 zebra loaches, 3 male guppy and a pearl gourami. The Red Tail Zebra Loach (Schistura mahnerti) is a species of the stone loach family Nemacheilidae that inhabits the fast flowing, well oxygenated streams of Thailand and Myanmar.. Schistura mahnerti are found in the Salween River which flows from the Himalayas eastward and forms the border of Thailand and Burma. I have 3 platies, 3 baby clown loaches, 11 neons, 5 male guppies, 3 angel fish and 2 weather loaches. Bottom-dwelling or algae-eating species that feed on algae. The Clown Loach is an awesome fish and i soon will have a tank over 6 feet long that I can house a few. Upto 4.5 inches. Related products. Store Featured Today New Arrivals Buy 6 and Save Rare Fish Premium Fish . Therefore, you must be careful when placing tiger barbs together with fish that may pique their curiosity or fish they might injure by nipping at their fins. They are usually more active at around dusk and love to playfully dart around the tank, in terms of cleaning they are small enough and slender enough to get into the … Some of the common and most popular freshwater algae eaters in aquariums Named after their completely transparent bodies, these interesting aquarium catfish (sometim These fish are very susceptible to disease and parasitic infection. E147 . The popular Zebra Loach is very similar to the YoYo Loach. I recently bought a 60L tank (filled with some live plants and spider wood) and after about a month of cycling my tank it was finally safe for me to add fish. However, they’re soft and faint. This is my aquarium stocked with home bred Guppies and Kuhli Loaches (shop bought). Hi all, I have a large MTS outbreak (very bad) in the tank that I'm starting up again. I stock my tanks roughly to the '1 inch per gallon rule for small bodied fish'. The Zebra Loach are quite peaceful fish and can be introduced into a community aquarium. Hi Petra, As far as I know, they will not pester the guppies. It originates in the slow-running and still waters of the Ganges basin in northern India and possibly Nepal. Any suggestions?

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