main space marine chapters

If you like Space Marines then this is a very solid choice. An enigmatic and ancient Chapter of Space Marines, the Dune Dragons have long been a mystery amongst their fellow Astartes. All of their thousand marines work the fields on their lush homeworld, farming with their attendants and even members of the local population. They served in Roboute Guilliman's Unnumbered Sons army during the Indomitus Crusade until the army was disbanded and its members were split into chapters of their own. This Death Cult was Blood Drinkers successor chapter from the 8th founding that was the result of an attempt to quell the Red Thirst. They have a fascination with aircraft and, like the Ravenwing companies of Dark Angel successors, they pilot their own aircraft, which is unusual among the Adeptus Astartes (as tech priests normally pilot them). This list also includes Renegade Chapters of Chaos Space Marines as well as those Space Marine Chapters considered Excommunicate Traitoris by the High Lords of Terra, whether they serve the Ruinous Powers or not. This is a list of official Space Marine Chapters created by Games Workshop.It does not include any fan-created Chapters, nor any Traitor Legions, other Renegade Chapters of Chaos Space Marines or those Space Marine Chapters considered Excommunicate Traitoris by the High Lords of Terra whether they serve the Dark Gods or not. They specialize in the deployment, maintenance, recovery, and defense of superheavy weapons while having the highest number of confirmed destructions of enemy superheavy military assets of any chapter. The Iron Brotherhood (Ferrum Fraternitati in high gothic) are a crusading chapter, spending years at war, only to return home and celebrate with tales of conquest, and battles won. The origins of Chaos Space Marines go back to Erebus of the Word Bearers, the first Chaos Marine, who then corrupte… Chapter Approved 2004, [Needs Citation], Space Marine Chapter Gallery (accessed 2007.02.18) Their comrades in arms are legion: the Imperial Guard and countless planetary defence forces, the ever-vigilant Inquisition and the tech-priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus to name only a few. In the grim dark of the far future, the mighty legacy of the Vikings lives on with the Space Wolves. Successor Chapters In the wake of the Horus Heresy, the original Space Marine Legions were disbanded, their fighting strength reformed into dozens of smaller Chapters. While not officially declared traitorous or heretical, they have been uniquely barred from requisitioning anything more than basic equipment and supplies. The Blood Fiends are a loyalist chapter composed entirely of Primaris Space Marines. They were reclaimed, after generations had passed, and now these feral space marines serve the Emperor once again. The Grave Bearers derive their name from the ritual practice of engraving the names of fallen brothers on the inside of their armor. The XIII Legion, the Ultramarines, led by Roboute Guilliman, became the largest of all the Astartes Legions as a result of Guilliman's tactical mastery and a steady flow of new recruits from the Realm of Ultramar as well as the terrible losses suffered by the other Legions during … Read more > Warhammer 40,000 Fanon Wiki . They were conscripted to explore new options to try to cure the Red Thirst and explore options for enduring it. So, let's take the quiz and see what Space Marine Chapter are you. Unlike most Ultima founding chapters the true Gene lineage of their founding is not fully known with dark whispers being they are from Gene Stock that Belisarius Cawl had access to but was ordered not to utilize. Questions and Answers . They are famous as they are mysterious- appearing at times when it is most important for the Imperium. The elite brotherhood of Space Marines joined to a common cause from various chapters. The Basilisks are a secretive Chapter created from unknown origins and Founding. Their genetic quirk causes their black carapace, once installed, to turn stone-like and grow uncontrollably across their flesh. The space marine painter v5 0 kept for access to the wargear … One Chapter from each Legion – known as its First Founding Chapter – kept the original Legion’s name and home world. “To Know is to Be Unclean” is their motto (“Gnosis” being an ancient word for knowledge) and they do the dirty work the Dark Angels and the other unforgiven can’t because the knowledge of the great secret would preclude them. Warriors first, they always spend a little time on civil projects and are beloved by the people of the worlds they protect. They were created in 738.M41 in order to help seize a number of worlds that the Imperium had lost contact with over the years, hence their title as 'Reclaimers'. They employ a large number of apothecaries and have some of the lowest casualty rates of any chapter as a result. Their origin can be traced back to the Imperial Fists’ defence of Terra during the Horus Heresy. The vast halls of their fortress monastery lay empty save for the brothers who live there, partially constructed, and in disrepair. The Aetherian Warriors are a Codex compliant chapter derived from Blood Angels genestock and formed in the Twenty Fourth Founding in M40. Space Marines first turn up in the short story "Captain Brink of the Space Marines " by Bob Olsen in Amazing Stories Volume 7, Number 8, of November 1932, and a later followup, 1936's "The Space Marines and the Slavers." The battle brother is cremated and the armor is past on to the next. 71, Pictorial List of Space Marine Chapters A-L, Pictorial List of Space Marine Chapters M-Z, Codex: Chaos Space Marines (3rd Edition, 2nd Codex), Codex: Space Marines (8th Edition) Revised Edition, While originally meant to simply bolster Imperial forces on the border of Segmentum Obscura and the Ultima Segmentum, their reach wound up far exceeding their original purpose, partaking in some of the most pivotal campaigns and crusades in the late 41st millennia, including the Ulgroth Crusade, 13th Black Crusade, and the Indomitus Crusade. Their main methods of attack regularly employs zero/low gravity environments and are masters of space naval combat. While underwater they sub-vocalize their speech, the vibrations picked up and transmitted to their brother marines. They establish hospitals on many worlds and are particularly adept at combating the forces of Nurgle because of their advanced medical skills. It’s very similar to the other Marine codices except with different options and powerful special abilities unique to Death Watch. It does not include the nine Traitor Legions. The Grave Bearers are a successor to The Black Templars and despise Psykers. Some speculate a Dark Angels linage, however their tactics in battle suggest Raven Guard. Whatever the cause of separation, the first publicly known deployment of the XVIIIth was near the … Hailing from the sweeping deserts of the Feudal World of Ak'Une, known as Isisar Majoris in the standard Imperial Lexicon, the Dune Dragons are warriors who prize swiftness, durability, and precision above all else in battle. Space marine painter v5. No Chapters found that begin with the letter 'Z'. Marines Mercantile squads accompany things like relics, large tithes, VIPs, either in a direct fashion (to dissuade rebels and other dissidents from attacking the shipment) or covertly (to spring a trap on pirates, when their presence would attract attention to secret cargo, etc). In addition to the faction rules laid out in Codex: Space Marines, Ultramarines get some additional rules of their own. The Sons of Mortis are a bellicose and violent Chapter, believed to have been created sometime during the early 32. Being forced in to combat with another chapter that simply were not ready for combat alone. But before we dive into those, let’s cover what you need to do to get access to them. Displaced by the vagaries of the Warp, the Chapter reemerged into realspace after missing for nearly three centuries. Death Watch are a low model count army that packs quite a punch. The Steel Guardians are one of many Chapters of Space Marines and were raised in a time near Millennium Thirty-Nine in the Galactic Fringe near the Ghoul Stars but their distance from civilized space hasn't stopped them from aiding in many engagements around the Imperium beyond. All Space Marine Chapters have their own unique set of special rules called "Chapter Tactics" this special rule changes how each of them plays, Ultramarines Have bonus leadership and can Fall Back from close combat with fewer penalties, Imperial Fists are masters of defending a fortified position and gain bonuses when using Bolt Weapons. The Astral Fangs are a space marine chapter founded during the 23rd founding. During the cursed 21st Founding forces within the Imperium attempted to covertly steal the coveted ability to navigate from the Navis Nobilite by secretly implanting their genetic traits into a group of space marines. The Armor Fiends are a crafty renegade chapter founded in the 20th founding. It is recalled not from whom they descended but their doctrine is unique and their actions gallant. Space Marine Chapters. Should I just stick with a classic and go from there? The Golden Reclaimers are an Imperial Fists successor chapter formed in the Twenty-Sixth Founding. They are the unofficial “chamber militant” of the Centurio Ordinatus. As the Deathwatch is a collection of marines seconded for kill-team operations under the auspices of the Ordo Xenos a small, new, organization of seconded marines has been formed to assist the Ordo Sepulturum in their battle against the Zombie Plague. The result was the “Royal Marines”, a chapter where tradition, discipline, and valor were prized above all else. Rushed out as a stop gap measure, their turn away from the Imperium was inevitable. The Thermal Flares are a semi-Codex Chapter of Space Marines that were founded during the 4th Founding. They would later settle on the Civilized World of Ionov. The Jade Falcons are a Successor Chapter of the venerable Dark Angels. Notable Chapters The Ultramarines are the prototypical Space Marine Chapter, and follow the template laid out in the principal rulebook on Space Marines. A. However, this chapter has a very unique relationship with them; Silent Gnosis is intentionally not told any of the chapter’s secrets. Codex: Eye of Terror, [Needs Citation], How to Paint Space Marines, pg. Codex: Eye of Terror, [Needs Citation], Space Marine Chapter Gallery (accessed 2007.02.18) Greatest amongst his soldiers are the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines, bio-engineered super-warriors. Space Marine Chapters Heralds Of Ultramar To Heralds Of Dorn Space Marine Warhammer 40k Warhammer Art. Their success is often attributed to other chapters (most notably the fictional “Specters of the Rune”), specifically to deny them the glory they deserve. Soaring into battle within their vast Land Speeder squadrons, or crushing through enemy ranks with their mighty Predator Tank formations, the Dune Dragons place the utmost faith in the Machine Spirit, venerating the Omnissiah equally with the Emperor, holding them as parts of the same being. The Hunters were founded as part of the 10. Soon after the creation of the chapter the leader of the vocal political sect fell out of favor and was deemed a heretic for his belief in the Star Child and all support was cut from the chapter. The Better Part of Valor (Confederation, #2) by Tanya Huff. The Knights of Sanguinor are one of the Second Founding Chapters, created from the vaunted Blood Angels, their initial founding members were primarily made up of Legionaries from the 167. The Blood Fiends were one of these chapters and continued to fight against the enemies of the Imperium after the conclusion of the Indomitus Crusade. Their armor, if it is worn long enough, becomes covered in the craggy stone and missing pieces are replaced by the mutated stone carapace- unable to be removed. The Marines Mercantile are a 14th Founding Chapter of unknown descent who were created at the behest of the Adeptus Administratum. In their vaults is said to be a powerful artifact that no outsider can see. They are at odds with their parent chapter and are feuding with the Wolfspear chapter. They are barely human at all, but instead superhuman; having been made superior in all respects to a normal man by a harsh regime of genetic modification, psycho-conditioning and rigorous training. Sons of Russ, borne from the Ultima Founding, the. Utilising fire, rad weapons, and chem munitions, they salt the earth and slay any in their path. The the “Emperor’s Marauders”, commonly called the “. The Primarchs were the twenty genetically-engineered "sons" of the Emperor of Man. The Golems are a loyalist 21st Founding Chapter. The Steel Wind is a 4th founding chapter of Iron Hands stock. After the Horus Heresy, the loyal Space Marine Legions were split into smaller Chapters of a thousand Space Marines, in order to prevent any one person from being able to control so many troops ever again. Get the best deals on Warhammer 40K Space Marines Miniatures. Let’s be honest – there are a TON of Space Marine Chapters to choose from and the choice can be a little overwhelming. Rarely does an enemy warlord or opposing commander escape the judgement of this Chapter of the Unforgiven. Their trigger discipline is tight- never wasting a shot, their weapon all unpowered for lack of fuel, and their armor repaired with their own hands. Marines do this for a number of reasons, although the cause of this is usually finding that the ways of Chaos suit them more than the Imperium, or the classic case of the Imperium dicking them over (largely the case for post-heresy chapters). Marneus Calgar — Lord Macragge and Chapter Master of the Ultramarines[8a] They were created during the 3. The Adeptus Astartes, better known as Space Marines, are foremost amongst the defenders of humanity, the greatest of the Emperor of Mankind'swarriors. What they share is a need to tinker, though not with machines but with the mind. Sometime after 987.M41, a special program was begun by the High Lords of Terra. The Black Orthodoxy chapter is a religious loyalist chapter with a strong connection to both the Ecclesiarchy and the Ordo Hereticus. Over time this chapter developed an overactive Omophagea organ that allows them to glean genetic information by touch. Is anyone else having this issue it seems the main image has. Every Legion was made at least 10,000 Marines strong bolstered by the very best equipment and armoury the Imperium could offer and packed up with unflinching loyalty to the God Emperor of Mankind. This list also includes Renegade Chapters of Chaos Space Marines as well as those Space Marine Chapters considered Excommunicate Traitoris by the High Lords of Terra, whether they serve the Ruinous Powers or not. The Blood Dragons are a Successor Chapter of the vaunted Blood Angels, and serve as one of the wardens of the far-flung Tyrest Sector, containing worlds of importance to the Imperium, but imperiled by threats on all fronts. Their sardonic wit and grim humor are only matched by their faith in the Emperor and creative battle plans. After the Horus Heresy, the loyal Space Marine Legions were split into smaller Chapters of a thousand Space Marines, in order to prevent any one person from being able to control so many troops ever again. Their role is primarily to escort especially high-value cargo from one location to the next. After the War of the Beast the Imperium authorized the 4th Founding. They claim to be one of the ancient Chapters created during the Second Founding in 001.M32. The Sons of Gwydion are a storied chapter who have been on the brink of excommunication a number of times and kept out of the headlines for their crassness. Forces of Chaos. The reason they were kept in separation is currently unknown, and the mystery behind the separation led to the distrust of each one. A brash chapter that draws heavily from the stock of highly competitive athletes. Their exposure to the energies of the Warp also caused mutations in the gene-seed, the full extent and implication of which were not yet clear. They allow no psykers amongst them and employ many pariahs (psychic blanks) as battle brothers to combat them. The Grey Eyes are believe to be following a secret plan of the Emperor to help guide the Imperium though some future crucible. The Radiant Horns is a loyalist Space Marine Chapter tasked with patrolling the Caligari Sector of the Segmentum Tempestus. They hail from an unknown Linage. This habit persists even while on land, earning them the nicknames of the “silent marines”. The Chapter would end up dealing with a number of foes during their early years and became particularly adept in the art of urban warfare as world after world was reclaimed in the name of the Emperor. The Turquoise Protectors are a loyalist, partially Codex Astartes compliant Space Marine Chapter that was founded during the, A hammer against the forces of the warp, the. The Dire Bears are a primaris space marine chapter born of the Indomitus Crusade from Space Wolf geneseed the Dire Bears distinguished themselves as cunning masters of sustained operations. Their outwardly rowdy and somewhat friendly exterior for a Space Marine is unusual for a descendant of the First legion, however, their enemies would be wise not to confuse the Knights' jolly demeanour for weakness or mercy. The Tempest Raptors are a codex compliant chapter of the Adeptus Astartes of an unknown founding. I would suggest creating your own chapter, as the classic Space Marine kits allow easy kitbashing so you can choose a look of your own, which personalises them and will make them distinctly yours. Outrider Squads rove in advance of the main Space Marine lines, guarding flanks of larger formations or hunting down enemy infiltrators. 88 Space Marines are untouched by plague or any natural disease and can suffer wounds that would kill a lesser being several times over, and live to fight again. Forged in the fires of war and betrayal of the Horus Heresy, they were created following the subsequent sundering of the original Space Marine Legions during the Second Founding in 001.M32. Well hidden beneath the surface however lie internal divisions and potentially heretical revelations. Silent Gnosis is the chapter that is dispatched when one of the successor chapters is needed to work with the Inquisition or if there is some great risk of a brother marine betraying their secret. A non-Codex Compliant fleet-based chapter designed to work with and meet the needs of Rogue Traders. The game takes place in Games Workshop's Warhammer 40,000 universe and features the Ultramarines chapter. The Brotherhood of the Mammoth was at one point a doomed company, lost and stranded upon a feral death world known as Kor, thought lost to time. Created during an unknown Founding in the early years of the 38th Millenium, the Nemean Lions have fought in most of the major conflicts of the Galaxy since their founding, from Cadia to Armaggeddon, the Gothic War, the Macharian Crusade and the Indomitus Crusade. Fan-made Chapters will not be listed here or anywhere on this wiki. This is a pictorial list of the chapters named by Games Workshop in official texts, and does not include any "home grown" chapters, though it does include the Chaos Marine Legions and Renegade chapters. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. This group believed strongly in the Star Child prophecies. The Sons of Gwydion are a 26th Founding Chapter who have a penchant for being malicious tricksters. Following a series of incidents cataloged as the 'Argosa Uprisings' in 482.M39, the Retributors Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes is tasked with assisting in the hunt for fleeing renegades and their leaders, and bringing down the Emperor's justice for their crimes. The Megamarines were founded as a fleet-based chapter with a unique specialty; they were born from the Imperium’s need for specialized void-combat unit. The XVIIIth legion were one of three legions, the others being the VIth and the XXth, that were established separate from the other legions. 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