sometimes god is waiting on us

As I pondered the thought of what God is waiting on me for, I could not but help … The results, however, are always disappointing and often disastrous to some degree. Sometimes knowing everything can be uncomfortable and can even hurt you. Before you can deny yourself, you must have a “self.” This is the healthy self-love that Jesus implies when He said, “Love your neighbor as (you love) yourself.”. Isaiah 30:18. Sometimes, that’s what God calls us to do. Jeremy Rivera is an award-winning speaker and writer who currently leads a team of FOCUS missionaries in their pursuit of proclaiming the gospel through various forms of new media. Buy. In simple terms, on a molecular level, all the heat and energy in the universe is in constant decline and unless new energy is brought in from an outside source, things will eventually grow cold and die. He dares them to “tell us what is to happen” in the future and “tell us the former things” (Isaiah 41:21–23). God Is Waiting On Us (Single MP3 Download) quantity. Jan 16, 2017 - Sometimes we pray for things expecting God to move; when in reality, God is waiting on us to walk through a door He has already opened. We must not only think of our waiting upon God, but also of what is more wonderful still, of God’s waiting upon us… In fact, he became a servant to King Saul. A friend of mine said that recently, and that thought has stayed with me ever since. Walter Spires ... Bad decisions and errors in judgement impact kings and famous men perhaps even more than the rest of us. Jeremy holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Business and a Master’s degree in Biblical Studies. But sometimes, all God wants for us to do…is wait. In Isaiah 41, God challenges idols to a contest. Waiting on God reminds us that we are not in charge and it’s not about us. Take your hot coffee as an example, let it sit for an hour and it’s cold. But we need to keep waiting on God and trusting Him with a sweet and simple faith. So we pray for wisdom and trust in God as we step out in faith to make choices. God knows what is best and He sees the greater overall picture. God does not force His will on us, and sometimes He allows us to get what we think we must have. 4. God had to teach me to leave things alone and quit feeling that I needed to know everything. Seriously, I am totally that guy who needs to have a clean apartment, an organized... How do you build love that lasts? We all fall short when it comes to God’s standard of holiness, but some of us persist in a lifestyle of disobedience. Men in the Bible Series #120 Sometimes God Makes Us Wait...but 400 years? right? It knows that we will reap a reward. Admit your strengths and weaknesses, your wounds and insecurities to your closest friends or family. 3. Waiting on the Lord isn’t easy—faith and trust are needed (Hebrews 11:1). Blessed are all who wait for him” (Isaiah 30:18). 1 Thessalonians 4:13 tells us “this is the will of God, your sanctification. (Reminds me of the movie Bruce Almighty). Then, in a way we never could've figured out—God moves suddenly! I mean, if God is really the God he claims to be – he can do anything . Grief Bites: A New Approach To Growing Through Grief  Sometimes God asks us to wait so that we see He is the only one to deliver us from certain circumstances. Waiting on God Who Waits on Us By Andrew Murray. The culture and habits of Egypt was engrained in the hearts and minds of the Israelite people. ( Log Out /  Pray. In this text, Peter is addressing those who are mocking God's Word concerning His 2nd Coming because the time has not yet come. Grief Bites: Hope For The Holidays:, Pingback: Two Words That Can Change EVERYTHING | Grief Bites. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. The problem, however, was that he hadn’t had a date in years. I was in a conversation with a friend, and we were evaluating the importance of prayer. A friend of mine said that recently, and that thought has stayed with me ever since. Here are several suggestions: As you’ve probably already learned, life is hard. What does it mean to be blessed by God while we wait on Him? Taking care of our physical bodies, keeping a close watch over our finances, planning for the future, growing in knowledge of our faith and the Catholic Church, etc. God will always help us do what we have never done, but we need to make the first step. I am a firm believer that because we are made in the “image and likeness of God”, we were endowed with the gifts and faculties of reason and a free, volitional will. 1 Thessalonians 4:13 tells us “this is the will of God, your sanctification.” Unlucky for us, this does not give us much to go off of. You can read about it in … The truth is, God is waiting on the whole Church for the fulfillment of the Great Commission. The Lord may delay His answer so He can prompt us to confess our sin and turn back to Him. Waiting humbles us and makes our attitude the same of Jesus. Read on to see what I mean. Sometimes knowing everything can be uncomfortable and can even hurt you. At times, we pray for things expecting God to move, when in reality, God is honestly waiting for us to walk through a door He has already opened. Trust Him! We can trust Him even when it seems He is withholding … Sometimes God is Waiting on Us. In times of waiting on God, we eventually find out a harsh truth: We think we are waiting on God because we greatly want Him to change our circumstance, but we quickly find that waiting on God is not only to change our situation—God will ultimately use times of waiting on Him to deeply change us. Don’t be so proud that you refuse to seek out counseling. Caviezel will soon be starring in the upcoming movie “Paul, Apostle... Fr. God does something through us and with us during times of waiting. Faith is confidence in the Person and promises of God. This requires a calmness in the waiting, an ability to listen for God’s voice through all the noise and distractions of life. It is important to note that God does not work according to OUR schedules or OUR lists; He works according to HIS timing and HIS will for us. Unfortunately, this doesn’t give us much detail. Where is … It causes us to live in fear and frustration. Did God have to wait on Jacob? At first glance, this took me off guard and somewhat bothered me. Obey Him. Mike Schmitz shares his experiences and the true intimacy that the Lord offers us in the Eucharist. Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil. She calls us to become what we could never become on our own – saints. Beloved, too often we think we are waiting on God, when in fact God is the one who is waiting on us. What do we need while we wait? Lookup: Isaiah 40:27-31, Micah 7:7, Psalms 33:20-22, Lamentations 3:25, Romans 8:28, (From the 2014 YouVersion Bible reading plan, Grief Bites: Finding Treasure In Hardships by Kim Niles), ❤️If you were encouraged by this post, please feel free to share it to encourage others!❤️, Making peace with God:, Connect on Facebook by “liking” page:, Getting Your Breath Back After Life Knocks It Out of You (Kim’s book): Click here for book, 1. But sometimes, God requires us to wait because He sees a greater need in the lessons learned during the waiting period. Photo Credit: Ben Ng. God is always with us, and willing to help us. God is always speaking. But the times and seasons for waiting on the Lord are many and varied. The Lord Jesus told the disciples to wait for the promise of the Father—the coming of the Holy Spirit. For the LORD is a God of justice. Now we all know that it is not good to step out of God’s will. The only blessing to come from such self-centered, self-dependent living is when, in the face of … Waiting on God When God Doesn't Seem to Answer One of the reasons we stop praying is that we’re disappointed with the whole concept of prayer - especially when it seems God … . It is for our good that God has us wait.Lamentations 3:26, “it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD.” “it is good to wait Read Luke 8:27-36. I spent a large part of my life being impatient, frustrated and disappointed because there were things I didn't know. In waiting they would catch the wind of God's Spirit. And this... My name is Jake Moore, and I am a perfectionist. Praying is important. During those waiting times take on the active role of a watchman. Waiting Builds Patience In Our Lives. Sometimes God is waiting on us to take a step forward in faith and courage – and then and only then – do we begin to see the work of God’s hand in our lives. If we do our part, God will do His part. Jesus is coming back and right now, God is waiting on you to repent! 2. … In waiting they would catch the wind of God's Spirit. God is willing to forgive our sins, but the consequences can follow and plague us for many years. It is easy to listen to the loud voices around you … It’s not one that gets anyone a lot of attention. Mike Schmitz: Anti-Fragile Faith | SEEK2019, Jim Caviezel “Paul, Apostle of Christ” | SLS18, Fr. God is with me in my waiting (Exodus 33:14) Moses faced much discouragement in ministry. It’s only when we put ourself out on the limb and in a … After years of emailing God my specific-detail questions, I finally stopped after never hearing back. He wants us to trust Him with those details we aren’t so sure about. Sometimes you can radically transform your life simply by saying yes. In his mind, nothing is wrong with waiting. We need you. “There is actually something happening while nothing is happening. Waiting for God – He Blesses Us When waiting for God, He blesses you. And this is the journey of our lives and of our faith. God Works While We Wait. This was the perfect place to learn about being a King, serving … So why does God wait to bless us sometimes? We must agree with God … Change ), Purchase GETTING YOUR BREATH BACK AFTER LIFE KNOCKS IT OUT OF YOU,, , , ,, Important Questions To Powerfully Change & Transform Your Life & Regrets Daily, Two Words That Can Change EVERYTHING | Grief Bites. 4 Lessons are: Waiting on God requires absolute trust. Do you ever get the feeling sometimes that God is withholding something from us because He is waiting on us? If you are without discipline, you will be without power. Waiting on the Lord isn’t easy—faith and trust are needed (Hebrews 11:1). But waiting passively for God to do something supernatural, is not typically how God works. Sometimes we need to ask: A re we waiting on God or is God waiting on us? When Jesus told his disciples to wait in Jerusalem, he was telling them that that this was a means of experiencing his peace, his prosperity, and his power. Today, many unbeliever’s are still mocking God with these words "I have heard it preached all my life that GOD is soon coming and that His judgement is soon coming." In times of waiting on God, we eventually find out a harsh truth: We think we are waiting on God because we greatly want Him to change our circumstance, but we quickly find that waiting on God is not only to change our situation—God will ultimately use times of waiting on Him to deeply change us. Why this emphasis on both former and future things? Dec 30. Here is a synopsis of those of mighty King David, great man of God. The men in the Book of Joshua were marching forward, they were fighting battles, they were pressing on into the hill country and taking over … One theory is almost exactly what’s in that first quote from the movie Can’t Hardly Wait: there is a God, that God thinks we’re tasty, and this whole planet is just a people grow op. Often times we only want God’s blessing, but aren’t willing to wait on His timing. We want things to happen in our own timing, according to our plans. The SEEK 21 Awaken creative competition is here, and we want YOU to be... Christian faith and Christian joy are more than mere feelings. Sometimes I can’t hear God because my emotions are clouded with the pain and shame of my past. God was waiting for me. "Sometimes I wait on God to change a situation only to realize he was waiting on me." Sing. God uses waiting to change us. Examine your heart and life. The funny thing is, sometimes we think we are waiting on God, but actually, He is waiting for us to move. God uses delays to train us because sometimes it takes longer to get Egypt out of us than it does to get us out of Egypt. God wants us to step out in faith. July 30, 2013. by Jeremy Rivera. Everybody struggles in various degrees with meeting legitimate needs in illegitimate ways. Did you … It is of the upmost importance to wait on Him. He wants us to trust Him with those details we aren’t so sure about. This makes it hard to think clearly and discern His voice. . But sometimes, God just wants us to wait for him to bring about his own justice on the person who is seeking to harm us. Isaiah 30:18. Dec 3, 2014 - God is always with us, and willing to help us. ?” as we look up hurt and bewildered—wrongfully believing God is allowing us great hurt, harm, and devastation—God may be in the middle of holding us down for our own wellbeing. I feared my future marriage would end too. In waiting they would see God move. I replied, “Bro, unless you’re planning to marry a female pizza delivery driver, I think you need to clean yourself up a little, shave, and get out there to put some things in motion.” We both had a good laugh. Why does he seem to holdout on us sometimes? Beginning with our souls, we’re called to apply God’s wisdom and grace to every area of our lives. Has the Lord put a desire in your heart today? Description; Description. He wants us to step forward in faith. The point to all of this is that we cannot always hold to simply complacency while waiting for God to do that which we very well could do ourselves. In that case, let me suggest that you get alone and sing to God. Allow Him to completely refine your heart, character, and life in the time you are waiting for your trials to pass. And the Lord will again wait, that he may pity you, and will therefore be exalted that he may have mercy upon you: because the Lord your God is a judge: blessed are they that stay themselves upon him. Waiting … And this is the journey of our lives and of our faith. Learn from Him. Sometimes we find ourselves in such horrible messes that it's hard to imagine waiting one more second. God encourages us to “take dominion over the earth and to subdue it beneath our feet.” He calls all of humanity to make the courageous journey from the 6th day into His Sabbath rest on the 7th day. Sometimes God delays His clear-cut answers to cultivate our trust in Him alone and not on our own wisdom. For days they prayed, “O Lord, send the Holy Spirit.” They prayed in small groups—”O Lord, send the Holy Spirit.” They probably lifted their … When Jesus told his disciples to wait in Jerusalem, he was telling them that that this was a means of experiencing his peace, his prosperity, and his power. He resides in Denver with his wife, Leslie, and daughter Isabella. Beloved, too often we think we are waiting on God, when in fact God is the one who is waiting on us. Sometimes we’re not in a place where we can easily process things. 2. For the Lord is a God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for him. In fact, I think that a part of every Christian’s maturing process is a period of waiting. The second law of thermodynamics is called “Entropy.” In physics, entropy is a mathematical measurement of a change from greater to lesser potential energy. The will of God is a hot topic and always will be. God is inviting you to say yes to the door he has opened for you. When you and I got saved we had habits and thought patterns that were of … But circumstances are most likely never going to be perfect, and that is where faith comes in. "I wait for the Lord, my soul waits," declared the Psalmist, "I wait for Yahweh; I wait and put my hope in His word. The sooner you accept this reality, the sooner you will stop trying to make it easier on yourself. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. Discipline is something that can be developed over time but requires daily consistency. He never desires to hurt you…He is always looking out for your best, wanting to help you. Sometimes God is Waiting on Us Years ago I had a friend who was sure he was supposed to get married. Then, in a way we never could've figured out—God moves suddenly! When we fail to remember this fact, disappointment can set in, which ultimately can lead to anger and resentment; sometimes aimed towards God and this is not a good place to be. Ever since my parents divorced, that question haunted me. Craig’s daughter looked bewildered and hurt because it appeared as though Craig was allowing her to be hurt…but what actually was happening was Craig was having to do what was in his daughter’s best interest so she could be helped and ultimately healed. Use all the gifts God has given you to grow your soul, your heart, your mind – refuse to settle for a half-hearted, passion-less life. 4:13a). Contemporary English Version The LORD God is waiting to show how kind he is and to have pity on you. Watch for those little “ping” moments when He’s speaking to you about it. Is God Waiting on You? It’s as if the Church knows there is greatness inside of us and She refuses to settle for less than our very best. Of feeling like we’ve been put on the backburner, or forgotten backstage. God's timing is not man's timing, neither are God… God wants us to step out in faith. Of all the commands of Scripture, perhaps this is one of the hardest to obey. Be loyal to Him. Scripture teaches us to wait on the Lord for guidance (Psalms 25:5), deliverance (Psalms 33:20), answers to prayer (Psalms 38:15), strength (Isaiah 40:31), and fresh assurance of God… . "Sometimes I wait on God to change a situation only to realize he was waiting on me." Joy is the sense... Jim Caviezel surprised SLS18 attendees, encouraging them to be warriors animated by faith. I’ve come to realize that scripture encourages us to pray for wisdom because God isn’t always going to give us the answer. Difficult times of waiting humbles us … He sometimes allows us to live by our own strategies and substitutes through the energy of the flesh. 3. But sometimes He waits on us to act, to take a step, before we see His hand at work. But sometimes He waits on us to act, to take a step, before we see His hand at work. Waiting on God, pushes us to seek after Him.Lamentations 3:25-26, “The LORD is good to those who wait for Him,To the person who seeks Him.It is good that he waits silently For the salvation of the LORD.”. ... God encourages us to “take dominion over the earth and to subdue it beneath our feet.” He calls all of humanity to make the courageous journey from the 6th day into His Sabbath rest on the 7th day. Waiting on God is good, but can be tough in the society we live in. Category: Signs of the Times. THE biblical recognition that we sometimes must wait on God is clear (e.g., Psalm 130.5, Isaiah 40:31). It is VITAL for us to “be still and know that He is God.”. He could grant the new car, heal every sickness, grant wealth, grant the perfect spouses so many keep praying for – all of the desires of our hearts could be fulfilled if God would just bless us . Eventually, I... Artists, writers, musicians: This is your call. We are waiting for things around us to be perfect or for us to be perfect or for the perfect moment. Waiting on God feels scary because we lack knowledge about our future, but with the Bible as our foundation, we can be more certain of who God is in a very uncertain world. Watch for those open doors and opportunities. Us young people really want to know what God’s will is for our lives. It will give us an unspeakable confidence that our waiting cannot be in vain. Prior to reverting to the Catholic Church in 2006, he was a staff member at New Hope Christian Fellowship in Hawaii, Menlo Park Presbyterian in California, and Pathways Church in Denver. He wants us to love him out of our freedom. Psalm 37:7-9 states: Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices! It knows that we will reap a reward. and making it work, there is no end to what we can learn and how to better improve our lives. who once were disobedient, when the patience of God kept waiting in the days of Noah, during the construction of the ark, in which a few, that is, eight persons, were brought safely through the water. So, when he heard that Lazarus was ill, he stayed two days longer in the place where he was. While the “will of God” has been the subject of countless books, great speculation, and curiosity over the centuries, at the end of the day, we need to embrace the fact (and mystery) that we will never fully understand all of the whats and the whys, and instead ask ourselves what is within our power or our control to cooperate with God as much as He has given us the capacity to do so. “Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. “For though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again” (Proverbs 24:16). “My soul, wait silently for God alone, for my hope is from Him. But we especially don’t like waiting on God. What do we need while we wait? Not from me, but of me. When we truly leave the outcome of a trial to God, He WILL have good come from it. Healing is sometimes necessary while waiting on God. Craig had to take his daughter to the ER and the doctor had Craig hold his child down so she could receive the best treatment. Not waiting upon him means that you have stepped out of his will. Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath! God is just. Patience in waiting for small things leads to having patience in … Grief Bites: Finding Treasure In Hardships:  Therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you, and therefore he exalts himself to show mercy to you. Most of the time, there are areas of refinement in our lives that God needs to do. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Psalm 37:7-9 states: Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices! Until we agree with what God wants to do, God can’t do His part. Sometimes we find ourselves in such horrible messes that it's hard to imagine waiting one more second. For example, if you are waiting on God for a job, keep sending resumes and networking. In reality, what we really want to know is, “What are God’s plans for me?” We know from scripture what God’s will is for every person, “this is the will of God, your sanctification” (1 Thess. Allow God to work out your situation in His way and His timing. But God doesn’t operate on our schedules, and expecting that He will sets one up for disappointment. It’s not a glamorous task. What have you learned about yourself thus far? His daughter was zip lining in a friend’s backyard and she smashed against a hard object upon landing. But He is patient with us, because He does not want any to perish, but all to come to repentance. Sometimes God keeps us in a season of waiting to prepare us for what is around the corner. If His answer is delayed, check that 1) your focus is on Him, 2) your motive for asking is God … “If anyone among you lacks wisdom (i.e., you and I), let him ask of God who gives generously to all without partiality.” (James 1:5). We are waiting for things around us to be perfect or for us to be perfect or for the perfect moment. Instead of being scandalized by our sins, let our sin become true godly sorrow that leads to repentance. Like a child begging through tears to get their way, a wise parent will use those times to train and mold the child’s character and heart first. He may be trying to reach you or speak to you about a certain situation in your life. The problem, however, was that he hadn’t had a date in years. Bible Theasaurus . Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. May 20, 2019 - May 20 Sometimes God Waits Today’s Scripture Readings: Psalm 71:9-14 | 1 Samuel 26:1-28:25 | John 11:1-53 | Proverbs 15:22-23 Today’s Scripture Focus: John 11:1-53 "Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. Has God been waiting on me? Is God Waiting on You? In fact, waiting can actually be a positive good that he often uses to make us more like his Son. While you are waiting, delight yourself in the Lord. Of course, apart from the grace of God we can do nothing, but God seems to respect us too much to do everything for us without our effort and involvement. In fact, God has a particular glory that he displays by moving slowly. God (4960 instances) Waiting (294 instances) Related Topics. My point is that much of your experience and success or failure or fulfillment or faithfulness in life, depends on you. God has a promise waiting for you if you would just seize the gift. Answer: Waiting on God is not only difficult; sometimes it seems impossible. Many of us come from broken homes and are in need of healing. Good question. When it comes to managing life (i.e., faith, finances, investing, relationships, communication, recreation, etc.) ” Unlucky for us, this does not give us much to go off of. Because thankfully, as we all know, this isn’t how God works. God has a promise waiting … But sometimes, God requires us to wait because He sees a greater need in the lessons learned during the waiting period. They ask questions such as, “Will I ever get married and if so, how will I know if it’s God’s will?” or “What’s God’s will for my vocation?” or “How many children will I have?” or “Is it okay with God to seek to accomplish my dreams?” “Does God care if I move to a new city or transfer to a different university?”. When God puts us in a position of waiting on him, the answer almost always surprises us. We must not only think of our waiting upon God, but also of what is more wonderful still, of God’s waiting upon us. You are not being punished…He may be simply refining and purifying you at the present moment. Sometimes God can’t do His part until we do our part. SEEK21 is a one-of-a-kind event where thousands gather as small groups to ask the big questions about joy, peace, hope, and salvation. Jesus sent his disciples out to “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel …” (Mark 16:15a) He’s waiting for some of us to “Go!” Someone said two thirds of God … Then after… God's Word may appear to be delayed in the eyes of man, but it is always on time where God is concern. A good friend once told me, “God will not do for you what you can do for yourself.”. The vision of Him waiting on us will give new impulse and inspiration to our waiting upon Him. Longsuffering Of God; 21 more topics on God; 9 more topics on Waiting × Interlinear; Cross … This law applies to everything: gardens, finances, relationships, laundry baskets, your relationship with God, etc. If we’re not pruning all the various things in life that require time and energy, they will soon be in a state of chaos. What do we need while we wait? But involving others in this process is helpful. It made me feel as though God needed my help or my cooperation in order for things to change in my life. He cares far more about our character, obedience, faith, and trust in Him than He cares about our immediate comfort or quickly granting our requests. But the more I thought about it, the truer it became. The will of God is a hot topic and always will be. Sometimes God Is Waiting On Us. Was waiting on God do this, God makes us wait because he is God..! But it is not typically how God works 2021 - Fellowship of University... Date in years and know that it 's hard to imagine waiting one second... ; he rises to show you compassion want things to Change us. ” but waiting passively God. Laundry baskets, your sanctification this took me off guard and somewhat me! Kings and famous men perhaps even more than the quiet whisper of the people! Comes in to realize he was waiting on God requires absolute trust so he can do you..., Jim Caviezel “ Paul, Apostle of Christ ” | SEEK2015 will of God ’ s degree International... The Holidays: https: // & nbsp ; 3 in faith to make the step... 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