puts in a sentence

So should we stay put by the side of the road? This lateral course is due to the more vigorous growth of the axillary branch formed near the base of each flower, which is a terminal structure, and, except in the female flower of Cycas, puts a limit to the apical growth of the stem. Accessories are put in plastic bags and pinned to the ensembles. In fact, as our Lord puts it, the Rabbinical theory seemed to be that the Sabbath was not made for man but man for the Sabbath, the observance of which was so much an end in itself that the rules prescribed for it did not require to be justified by appeal to any larger principle of religion or humanity. How Jacqui puts up with my somewhat erratic working practices, I don't know! If wealth be thus a vain thing, yet a sage might be supposed to find satisfaction in wisdom, that is, practical good sense and sagacity; but this also the author puts aside as bringing no lasting advantage, since a wise man must finally give up the fruit of his wisdom to someone else, who may be a fool, and in any case the final result for both fools and wise men is the same - both are forgotten (ii. In all the incidents of life," as Hume puts it, " we ought still to preserve our scepticism. Marco's irresponsible attitude inadvertently puts his mother's life in grave danger. He bathes in the river, shaves his head and puts on a new white dhoti. 367. Joystiq part 2-another mockup that basically puts a screen on the Xbox 360 controller. This puts pressure on organizations to become more businesslike in their approach. 5, who puts the final conquest of the Scordisci by the Romans not later than 91. When placed on the stigma, under favourable circumstances, the pollen-grain puts forth a pollen-tube which grows down the tissue of the style to the ovary, and makes its way along the placenta, guided by projections or hairs, to the mouth of an ovule. (2) Things may be, and may be known to be simply different. (The number of people is the focus of this sentence.) A few repeated squirts of water from a good water pistol in the face puts off most dogs. In other words, a detail like this puts the "special" in special occasion. In his Dialogues concerning Natural Religion he puts forward tentatively, in the person of one of his interlocutors, the ancient hypothesis that since the world resembles an animal or vegetal organism rather than a machine, it might more easily be accounted for by a process of generation than by an act of creation. She still held Jonathan's hand. 69. HomeProHub puts contractors for replacement windows and homeowners together in a unique way. The heat causes the opium to frizzle, and the smoker takes three or four long inhalations, all the time using the dipper to bring every particle of the opium to the orifice as it burns away, but not taking his lips from the end of the stem, or the opium pellet from the lamp till all is finished. As Wolfgang Sachs puts it: The North now glowers at the South from behind fortress walls. This makes communication difficult and puts a strain on your relationship. Musical public opinion now puts an extraordinary pressure on the young composer, urging him at all costs to abandon " outof-date " styles however stimulating they may be to his invention. 4. Invested, as society grows more complex, with a sanctity increasingly superior to that of the layman, the priest-king becomes the representative of the community as repository of its luck, whilst, as controller of all sacred forces that bear thereon, he is, as Dr Frazer puts it, " dynamical centre of the universe" (The Golden Bough (2nd ed. It will always put the "like" in between the text, not in the start or at the end. A hardware salesman puts a spanner into Joe's plans for a romantic evening with Melanie. Marx, puts forward the theory that Cicero and the Auctor have not produced original works, but have merely given the substance of two r xvai (both emanating from the Rhodian school); that neither used the 'r xvat directly, but reproduced the revised version of the rhetoricians whose school they attended, the introductions alone being their own work; that the lectures on which the Ciceronian treatise was based were delivered before the lectures attended by the Auctor. In the summer months, the system reverses the process and pulls heat from your home, and puts it into the earth. For tweens and teen girls, dELiA's is an affordable online retailer that also puts out a monthly catalog. tipsy pirate, while Orlando Bloom puts on a strong performance thats really made a name for himself. Walk through one of the many fully-accessorized displays at major retailers or sit at home in front of the fire with a catalog and browse the attention to detail that Martha puts into all of her projects - it's a good thing! Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today One children's catechism puts it like this, asking the question: ' What is prayer? Here are some examples. The little girl watched as her mother put make-up on her face so that she had a more glamorous look. Miscarriage. Electroplating steel spokes puts a compressive stress into their surface, dangerously shortening their fatigue life. (Reason 4) Passive sentences allow you to put something you want to emphasize at the start of your sentence. ‘he put £1,000 on the horse to win’ More example sentences The responses are a prism that puts several things in perspective. "Elle a retrouvé son chat". Concrete and asphalt can harm your dog's feet, and sand puts more stress on joints than grass. What does put in expression mean? You won't know the area, but your online "pal" will, which puts them at an advantage if they choose to take advantage of you. Nature puts no question and answers none which we mortals ask. How to Use Therefore in a Sentence. after the Restoration, when, as Birch puts it, "irreligion began to lift up its head.". On the other hand, neither sex of the latter at any age puts off its striped garb - the mark, it may be pretty safely asserted, of an inferior stage of development. Six Flags Magic Mountain also puts on great shows utilizing DC Superheroes and characters from the WB Kids' Club. reword a sentence tool. Like its predecessor, this title puts you into the action as a Navy SEAL who must stop forces who are engaged in weapon and drug trafficking. Kinda puts matters in a different light, doesn't it? “Although” may start a sentence or show up in the middle of a sentence as a conjunction. comes before that to Hiero (xvi. The theology of the Indian Syrian Christians is of a Nestorian type, and Cosmas Indicopleustes (6th century) puts us on the right track when he says that the Christians whom he found in Ceylon and Malabar had come from Persia (probably as refugees from persecution, like the Huguenots in England and the Pilgrim Fathers in America). Miss Keller puts her fingers lightly over the hand of one who is talking to her and gets the words as rapidly as they can be spelled.  Share. Read the rest... Johnson puts hammer down - John Wilford Copy from Football Unlimited of 09/02/2003. Her whimsical and adventuresome spirit puts her so much on her mettle that she makes rather a poor subject for the psychological experimenter. Pronunciations. Pros: Puts a woman in charge of her fertility and really allows her to become involved with her body and health. Whether an addict has been clean for 30 days or three years, marking the milestone puts his/her life in perspective and offers hope for the future. A noun or pronoun can be used between "put" and "in." squirts of water from a good water pistol in the face puts off most dogs. Diner Dash puts you in the role of Flo, an ambitious ex-executive with a dream of owning and operator her own restaurant. Sampson of Canton: " The smoker, lying on his side, with his face towards the tray and his head resting on a high hard pillow (sometimes made of earthenware, but more frequently of bamboo covered with leather), takes the pipe in his hand; with the other hand he takes a dipper and puts the sharp end of it into the opium, which is of a treacly consistency. " Sometimes she puts her hand on a singer's throat to feel the muscular thrill and contraction, and from this she gets genuine pleasure. Or, is the best player the one who consistently rebounds the ball and puts it into the hands of the top scorer? 16; presages recovery or death of patients); (4) the pelican (recalls its young to life by its own blood); (5) the owl (or nyktikorax; loves darkness and solitude); (6) the eagle (renews its youth by sunlight and bathing in a fountain); (7) the phoenix (revives from fire); (8) the hoopoe (redeems its parents from the ills of old age); (9) the wild ass (suffers no male besides itself); (1 o) the viper (born at the cost of both its parents' death); (I I) the serpent (sheds its skin; puts aside its venom before drinking; is afraid of man in a state of nudity; hides its head and abandons the rest of its body); (12) the ant (orderly and laborious; prevents stored grain from germinating; distinguishes wheat from barley on the stalk); (13) the sirens and onocentaurs (Isa. 2. Suppose the agent who discovers succotash puts up a sign that she sells succotash. You know spring is approaching when SI puts out its celebrated issue, perfect for guys who want to peruse the hottest swimwear models as well as for encouraging women to get in better shape to fit into those tiny bikinis for the summer! Fundoplication is a surgical procedure that puts pressure on the LES to keep acid from backing up. Soccer.com puts soccer enthusiasts at the "center of the soccer universe.". Silly bugger thought it was a qualification, he still puts it on application forms under education. A noun or pronoun can be used between "put" and "in." Sega puts out the Sega Master System to compete with the SNES. This page provides example sentences of the verb "put" in all tenses including active and passive forms, as well as conditional and modal forms. Puts sentence examples It kind of puts you in touch with reality. Position “although” at the beginning or middle of a sentence. He sometimes deliberately puts the case upon a wrong issue. When they turned around, Alex was still on the horse. All together, the five flavors of store brands have about 1,000 different products, which puts them about on par with competitor Vitamin World. Featured on both the wireless and wired controllers, the Xbox Guide Button puts you in control of your experience. Ronalds later put on record that the idea for the insulation was his. So Bronagh steps up, bends over and puts the ball down on the tee giving everyone a flash of her hairy muff. The user puts in the desired amount of whole coffee beans, milk and water and the machine grinds the beans, brews the coffee and steams and dispenses the milk. The T-Fal digital toaster is a slim design that puts two pieces of bread in front and two pieces of bread in back, making the unit longer and more rectangular. If you are writing a formal business document or an academic paper, consider using “that is” or “in other words” instead. After our system puts the greywater through the filtration and disinfection processes, it can safely be used for flushing toilets and for irrigation systems. It is society or the system society puts in place that should make, enforce, and punish infractions of the law. Founded in 1976 in New Jersey, the organization puts dogs in the places that people need them most -- hospice care, hospitals for both adults and children, and assisted living facilities. He puts off real study to the last moment. To take the smear, the doctor or nurse puts an instrument called a speculum inside your vagina. His style is lucid and vivid, but he lacks the critical sense, and the speeches he puts into the mouths of his characters are imaginary. In the Magamas of Hamadhani a narrator describes how in various places he met a wandering scholar who in these assemblies puts all his rivals to shame by his eloquence. [VERB PARTICLE with quote] Once they have indicated this to the narrator, the narrator puts them back to sleep. Zwingli and Calvin on the other hand prefer the positive view of law as instituted by God far back in history in the days of the Old Covenant; but,, when exegesis or controversy puts pressure upon them, they fall into line and reiterate the appeal to a Natural Law. who puts the expression into the mouth of the Baron of Bradwardine in Waverley, chap. The decision was put off till at least December. This includes if a child takes the toy out in the rain or if a younger sibling puts the toy in his or her mouth. 2. While many of us grew up thinking you can never overdose on vitamin C, recent studies suggested that too much vitamin C puts us at risk for a variety of health-related problems. put / stick the knife in phrase. Such things have been very seldom put by pen upon paper. Cyrus had 10,400 Greek hoplites and 2500 peltasts, and besides an Asiatic army under the command of Ariaeus, for which Xenophon gives the absurd number of ioo,000 men; the army of Artaxerxes he puts down at 900,000. GauravP GauravP. still. For specific character actions, it puts up a face icon to let you know which one needs to do something. I'm going to tell a ninja what to do.Ninja Gaiden Black puts you into the shoes of young ninja Ryu Hayabusa. put/stick the boot in phrase. Sentence stress is what gives English its rhythm or "beat". Peters: This puts ' sticky buns ' in its place then don't you think? Each season, Splendid puts out a selection of casual-wear gone cutesy, and the summer seasons are no exception. To show that you’re omitting the end of a quotation. Complex sentences: A complex sentence contains one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. Like all the newest consoles of its generation, it promises ground-breaking new graphical detail, and puts unprecedented processing and memory resources at the feet of eager game developers. The puppy makes whimpering noises after getting a shot; his red boo-boo disappears after the doctor puts a cast on. Put definition is - to place in a specified position or relationship : lay. A camo jacket looks great with a pair of jeans or cargo pants--basically with whatever else your child puts on that day. I want you to put money into this little box during Lent. There are so many people to thank: My wife who puts up with me on a daily basis, my family, friends, counselors and most of all God who I thank on a daily basis for choosing me to be a sober alcoholic! Jim Beggs once said that before you put on a frown, you should make absolutely sure there are no smiles available. Rewordify.com is powerful, free, online software that improves reading, learning, and teaching. Insert the data from cell A1 in the middle of the sentence. Sentence Examples. Thomson NETg puts the information that drives performance literally at your people's fingertips. 'He was a lawyer before that,' Mary Ann put in. For a projectile in which the ogival head is struck with a radius of 2 diameters, Bashforth puts K= o 975; on the other hand, for a flat-headed projectile, as required at proof-butts, = 1 . You simply put in any adjustments such as overtime or commission, then push a couple of buttons, and a payslip with the correct net amount is produced. 240. Dio Cassius puts the total at the incredible figure of 580,000, besides the incalculable number who succumbed to famine, disease and fire (Dio-Xiphilin lxix. Put in definition is - to make a formal offer or declaration of. Another method of emphasis in a series of sentences is the placement of a short, emphatic sentence to “punctuate” a crucial point and even add an element of drama. You then close the lid, which puts the other side of the grill in contact with the food. A sentence typically contains a subject (what the sentence is about) and a predicate (something about the subject). Headgear attached to braces and usually worn for 10 to 12 hours at night puts pressure on the upper teeth and jaw and influences the direction and speed of upper jaw growth and upper teeth eruption. put someone in mind of phrase. Here are some examples. Simply put, an acoustic instrument is any instrument that makes sound.This lecture will introduce you to an acoustic instrument invented in the 20th century. The earth-stopper "stops out" and "puts to" - the first expression signifying blocking, during the night, earths and drains to which foxes resort, the second performing the same duties in the morning so as to prevent the fox from getting to ground when he has been found. But when someone puts their words into writing, then what they say become more significant. De Quatrefages, in a table giving the stature of different races of men,' puts the natives of Samoa and Tonga as the tallest people in the world. I have not that certainty of his continued existence which we call knowledge; though the great likelihood of it puts it past doubt. 61 1 1 silver badge 10 10 bronze badges. Learning irregular verb tenses can be difficult, and requires putting a lot of time and effort into studying. You might want to consider using lemon-orange to describe the flavor. Driving after you've had too much to drink puts your life in jeopardy. : Simply put five drops into running water and swish with your hand. Emo makeup puts the emphasis on your eyes with a second lighter, focus on the lips. put. Once you do all of these steps, you can click on "View Template" - and what you get is basically the information you entered, in very basic HTML format and with no real benefit beyond what you would get from … Tradition usually puts white cake front and center, with a chocolate grooms cake offering an alternative for people with a super sweet tooth. mindful approach rather than employing will power that puts pressure on vital organs. Find Words. p. 194), who puts this formula in order to reject it. A large dog's weight puts more stress on her joints, so sleeping on a hard surface for any length of time can make her hips and elbows hurt. 5. Designed for the PS2, GameCube, Xbox and Xbox 360, Gun is a western shooter game that puts you into the lives of cowboys and Indians. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. slang (sentence [sb] to prison) (argot) envoyer [qqn] au trou vtr verbe transitif: verbe qui s'utilise avec un complément d'objet direct (COD). However it may be unclear to some readers, and resists being read quickly. It was during his imprisonment here that, "prive de toute espece de livres et de secours, surtout distrait par les malheurs de ma patrie et les miens propres," as he himself puts it, he began his researches on projective geometry which led to his great treatise on that subject. It puts out a constant little whine which I for one find very annoying. How do you put a price on this house? Demon 8: Puts his hands on his hips and looks mournful. Jewel Quest takes the basic concept behind Bejeweled and puts a different spin on it. Wilamowitz-Mollendorff, laying stress on the fact that in the best MS. the poem to Ptolemy (xvii.) Unless, indeed, we conceive our faculties to be constructed on some arbitrary plan which puts them out of relation to the facts with which they have to deal, we have a prima facie right to treat beauty as an objective determination of things. Anything of actual value he puts in his safe-deposit box. lvii., and also of Balfour of Burley in Old Mortality. It is certainly an advance on the older patristic theory, in so far as it substitutes for a contest between God and Satan, a contest between the goodness and justice of God; but it puts the whole relation on a merely legal footing, gives it no ethical bearing, and neglects altogether the consciousness of the individual to be redeemed. The other genera are more purely parasitic; the mycelium usually sends haustoria into the cells of the host and puts out branched, aerial conidiophores through the stomata, the branches of which abstrict numerous "conidia"; these either germinate directly or their contents break up into zoospores (fig. To apply, request, or submit. Another word for puts by. put your affairs in order phrase. Options are single puts" or " calls ") or double (that Swaddles.". The Domesday Survey puts before us the state of things in England as it was at the very beginning of the Norman and at the close of the Saxon period. lecherous manager puts her on room service on a " trial basis " . @AlainMerigot, thanks for your response, actually, as you can see in the above equation is located at the left side of the sentence, I would like to shift it at the center of the sentence. The puts list of example sentences with puts. Learning irregular verb tenses can be difficult, and requires putting a lot of time and effort into studying. Paul puts it in this way in 2Corinthians 9:6: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly. The enlarged uterus also puts more pressure on the veins. The formal use for ellipsis is to indicate that one or more words are left out in a quote. That he possessed considerable literary abilities, and that these were carefully trained, we gather, both from the speeches which Tacitus puts into his mouth, and from the reputation he left as an orator, as attested by Suetonius and Ovid, and from the extant fragments of his works. The International Agency for Research on Cancer labeled tanning beds as "carcinogenic to humans," which puts it in the same cancer-risk category as radon gas and plutonium. Thus the traditional order puts Physics before Metaphysics without Aristotle's authority. A sentence rewrite generator can do the work for you. The owner puts the budgies in a cardboard box. 1. 35. Put Up With sentence. What other website visitors are viewing? For example: We have finally completed the project. Translations. Traditionally a Spanish drink, Mexico puts its own spin on this refreshing, fruity cocktail. egoistic motive, it puts its trust n the state of nature in the hope of victory. Some examples include: In other words, a child can catch a rotavirus infection if she puts her finger in her mouth after touching toys or things that have been contaminated by the stool of another infected child. As William Strunk Jr. and E.B. Sentence stress is accent on certain words within a sentence. The question should start with a capital letter: The answer left us with another question: When can a question be preceded by a colon? The scar tissue puts pressure on the nerve and interferes with nerve signal conduction to the muscles. Europe's persistent reluctance puts the Turks in a quandary. choses probably puts legitimate comentators off but I see I was right in chosing this system. Follow answered May 6 '16 at 20:29. Those regulated and unregulated hucksters who use these devices are, simply put, ripping off the public. The speeches which he puts into his mouth are of special value in disclosing to us Pericles' inmost thoughts and aspirations (i. As regards north Germany, Muller puts the Northern Bronze age 500 years later than the Southern, but a recent find in Sweden bears out Monteliuss view that southern influence made itself rapidly felt in the North. Deficiency puts your whole body at a disadvantage, meaning the disease gets an edge. 196+52 sentence examples: 1. And which puts forward smart ideas to improve public transport in our Cities. Don't confuse the dash (—) with the hyphen (-): the dash is longer. BRAZILIAN educationalist Paulo Freire's statement of the obvious on literacy puts the recent argy-bargy over the best method of teaching reading into perspective. Here are some examples. Perez Hilton - The self-proclaimed "Queen of all Media," Perez Hilton (aka Mario Lavandeira Jr.) puts his own spin on celebrity gossip, often times with a snarky edge and the addition of his own visuals to embellish the story. This site can: Intelligently simplify difficult English, for faster comprehension; Effectively teach words, for building a better vocabulary; Help teachers save time and produce engaging lessons; Help improve learning outcomes; Rewordify.com's amazing features have helped millions of … Compound sentences: A compound sentence is two independent clauses joined by a conjunction (e.g., and, but, or, for, nor, yet, so). There may be times when you want to insert a bullet in the middle of a sentence or a line of text. [VERB PARTICLE with quote] 'Helen had something to eat before she left,' put in Cecil anxiously. The Internet puts just about any kind of information at your fingertips within seconds. The sound effects work nicely and help convey the destructive mood that the game puts forth. Sometimes, as in the cases of the resurrection being allegorized2 and marriage repudiated,' it is feasible to detect distortions or exaggerations of Paul's own teaching, against which the Paulinist of the pastorals puts in a caveat and a corrective. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. In a sense this theory puts the coping-stone upon Christological development. White explained in "The Elements of Style": Using a stress ball puts your mind to work on something other than the stressor, without you even realizing it. Promising physical immortality is, simply put, spiritual snake oil. Even though this bikini features the scant Brazilian bottom, the richness of the fabric's color puts it high on the list of fashionable contenders. 15-18); John puts it three years back, as an appropriate frontispiece to His complete claims and work. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. If a teen puts up flyers around his neighborhood and town, he can easily find jobs mowing grass in the spring and summer, raking leaves in the fall and shoveling snow in the winter. Shopping on the Internet puts a wide selection of stores at your fingertips. This size font puts a further strain on the reader. My mother put each plate down at the place setting on the table so that we would be able to eat dinner quickly. Page's Oscar Award nomination along with Keira Knightly, Isabelle Adjani and Keisha Castle-Hughes, puts her amongst the youngest actresses to recieve a nomination. As Principal Stewart puts it very clearly: " The answer given is based on the philosophy or science of the period. That puts the court in too bad a light, replied Bilibin. Your budget: You may want a one-of-a-kind vintage Chanel gown, but is it worth it if it puts you in debt? She is so forceful now and puts in so much effort. The brain puts in place most of the systems and structures that are responsible for future emotional, behavioral, social, and physiological functioning. Html sentence examples. Compatible with S60 v.3 and S60 v.5 Nokia smartphones, this hunting game puts some big game in your sights, including bears and deer. A complete sentence always contains a verb, expresses a … This page provides example sentences of the verb "put" in all tenses including active and passive forms, as well as conditional and modal forms. Sentence Examples. The demand for English language courses in Pakistan is insatiable and puts us predominantly monolingual English speakers to shame. I know nothing puts me in a good mood like a nice afternoon Hummer in the summer. It is because whatever we write in "#{}" is first evaluated and then its value gets printed on the screen. crouches on the ground, puts his legs around a huge basket. A good photographer, though, puts thought into what subjects they shoot. If he can't lay on her, he at least puts his paw on her. Why Rover's return is making us blush Stephen Pritchard puts paid to the errant apostrophe. ABC's totally original reality show pairs 12 well known celebrities with 12 highly trained professional dancers and puts them to work mastering moves on the dance floor. Here “have” is the auxiliary verb and “completed” is the main verb; “have completed” is the present perfect tense. to make a formal offer or declaration of; to come in with : interpose; to spend (time) especially at some occupation or job… See the full definition  Share. 89. Ptolemy puts the Gotar in the southern part of the country, and from the earliest historical times their name has been given to the whole region between the Cattegat and the Baltic, exclusive of the provinces of Halland and Skane which down to the 17th century always belonged to Denmark. Of sea-themed parties, and sand puts more stress on your eyes with a pair of jeans or pants. 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