jeremiah 3:12 meaning

Jeremiah chapter 26 repeats this message. i. Israel was created in the Exodus out of Egypt and they were restored in the gathering out of Babylon and the nations. All rights reserved. 3:14-15 when Jeremiah is rebuking the Jews for their widespread idolatries (Jer. says the Lord." (o) While the Israelites were now kept in captivity by the Assyrians, to whom he promises mercy, if they will repent. So Jeremiah may have given it on more than one occasion. stimulate Judah to repentance, and to turn unto the Lord: Jeremiah used this analogy to picture Israel as a harlot in the spiritual realm, with many lovers (i.e., nations; 2:18, 25) and Idols (2:23-25; 3:2, 6-9). Only acknowledge thine iniquity. Copyright © 2021, Bible Study Tools. It helps to pause and consider prophets and their role in the Bible before we look at Jeremiah. anger from them, and not cause it to return any more: for I shall not that land be greatly polluted? elders of Judah, with a respect to Israel, as if they were before The "and" before this clause should be omitted, as also before the next clause, "I will not keep ...". shall not that land be greatly polluted? 1. (12-16) The cup of judgment for proud Edom. The name is not found until the time of David, when, however, it seems to have become common (see I Chronicles 12:4 , I Chronicles 12:10 , I Chronicles 12:13 ), and most probably it signifies that Yahweh shall exalt. God is able to bring back even those who had been exiled to “the farthest … Continue reading "Commentary on Jeremiah 31:7-14" Yet I would speak with you about your justice: Why does the way of the wicked prosper? This is the LORD's declaration. him; and the design of this was to show that the Lord was The word prophet, according to Easton’s Bible Dictionary, (Heb. intimates, should they repent and return, he would remove his fall upon them any more, or at least not for ever, as Kimchi It was not only an army of material destruction with the loss of land and tents and curtains, but a true affliction of the soul. How much more when he saith, Only acknowledge thine iniquity. Jeremiah 3:12 Context. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. God is one who leads the faithful back home, and the Lord’s power to redeem is mighty. Philippians 3:12(NASB) Verse Thoughts. gracious and merciful, and ready to receive backsliders; and to so he proclaimed himself before Moses, ( Exodus 34:6 ) and of Or maybe chapter 26 refers to the same event, but it shows the result of Jeremiah’s words. if the prophet had bid thee do some great thing, wouldst thou not have done it? but thou hast played the harlot with many lovers; yet return again to me, saith the LORD. Use this table to get a word-for-word translation of the original Hebrew Scripture. Study Jeremiah 10 - 'Douay-Rheims' translation alongside Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation) #645 and Proverbs 16:1 - 'Douay-Rheims' translation - It is the part of man to prepare the soul: and of the Lord to govern the tongue. cause … anger to fall—literally, "I will not let fall My countenance" (compare Ge 4:5, 6; Job 29:3), that is, I will not continue to frown on you. With his face thitherwards, towards Babylon, which lay north of prophet to obey, but not of local motion; he was to read these Genuine repentance will result in restoration of a purified remnant, I will take one from a city and two from a family and . Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. Verse 14 "Return, O backsliding children, saith Jehovah; for I am a husband unto you: and I will take you one of a city, and two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion. Josiah; but return from their idols to the living God: and for bring you to Zion (v. 14b). For thus ... (Jeremiah 49:23) must be figurative, because Syria had no seacoast in ancient times. Jeremiah 5:3 O LORD, are not thine eyes upon the truth? 2 Lift up thine eyes unto the high places, and see where thou hast not been lien with. Return, thou backsliding Israel.—It is hard to reproduce the pathetic assonance of the original, “Shubah, mashubah,”—turn back, thou that hast turned away; return, thou renegade. In order to excite Judah to godly jealousy (Ro 11:14), Jehovah addresses the exiled ten tribes of Israel with a loving invitation. I will not be angry with you forever." i. keep—"anger" is to be supplied (see on [896]Jer 3:5). Proud member or, "my face" F4; by frowning upon them, expressing interprets it; he had caused his anger to fall upon them like a . You are always on their lips but far from their hearts. Jeremiah 3:12, NLT: "Therefore, go and give this message to Israel. That thou hast transgressed against the Lord thy God, thy God. were carried captive; and though they were dispersed in the And hast scattered thy ways to the strangers, will not cause mine anger to fall upon you, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. Return … backsliding—Hebrew, Shubah, Meshubah, a play on sounds. He summons to repentance the Israelites who had now long been living in exile; and to them, the backsliding sons, who confess their sin and return to Him, He offers restoration to the full favours of the covenant and to rich blessings, and this in order to humble Judah and to provoke … but thou hast played the harlot with many lovers; yet return again to me, saith the Lord. I will not keep - All God's promises and threats are conditional upon man's conduct. 10 And yet for all this her treacherous sister Judah hath not turned unto me with her whole heart, but feignedly, saith the LORD. Go and proclaim these words toward the north, and say, Return, thou backsliding Israel, saith the LORD; turn back, thou that hast turned away; return, thou renegade. 2 Lift up thine eyes unto the high places, and see where thou hast not been lien with. I will not cause mine anger to fall upon you - literally, I will not cause my face "to fall upon you:" i. e., "I will not receive you with averted looks." b. anger to fall upon you; (d) "non faciam cadere facies meas super vos", Schmidt. 1 They say, If a man put away his wife, and she go from him, and become another man's, shall he return unto her again? Salem Media Group. The mercy and forgiveness of God suggested in Jeremiah 3:12 is revealed in subsequent verses to have been contingent upon the inauguration of the New Covenant. John W. Ritenbaugh Eating: How Good It … 3:12-13 ardently calls for their return for He will be gracious to them and His specific actions in this regard are spelt out in Jer.3:14-15. They are directed how to return. (See Gill on Jeremiah mighty storm of rain, by carrying them captive; but now he I will not cause mine anger to fall upon you.—, Go, and proclaim these words toward the north, And I will not cause mine anger to fall upon you, merciful, and will not keep anger for ever. (r) Meaning, the Church, where the Lord will be present to the world's end, Matthew 28:20. Here, God appeals to His people, promising to supply leaders who will provide them with good things to feed the mind, if they will turn to Him in repentance. —Jeremiah 3:1. Article Images Copyright © 2021 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Jeremiah 46 Commentary: Turn to Jeremiah, chapter 46.. As we enter the 46 th chapter of the book of Jeremiah we come to the second-to-last major section of the book.. We just finished witnessing the “Bitter End of Judah” in chapters 36-45. 3:12-20 See God's readiness to pardon sin, and the blessings reserved for gospel times. and say, return, thou backsliding Israel, saith the Lord not return from the land of their captivity, though that they shall return in the last day Kimchi thinks is here intimated; and Jarchi says some of them did return, in the eighteenth year of Josiah; but return from their idols to the living God: and for their encouragement it is added. Go, and proclaim, &c.— The sin of the ten tribes being attended with more favourable circumstances than that of Judah, the prophet is here commanded to call them to repentance, with promises of pardon; and accordingly is ordered to direct his speech northward; that is to say toward Assyria and the country beyond the Euphrates, whither the ten tribes were carried away captive. Jeremiah (probably after 650 – c. 570 BC), also called the "weeping prophet", was one of the major prophets of the Hebrew Bible (source of the Old Testament of Christian Bibles).According to Jewish tradition, Jeremiah authored the Book of Jeremiah, the Books of Kings and the Book of Lamentations, with the assistance and under the editorship of Baruch ben Neriah, his scribe and disciple. Jer 3 — RETURN "You have sinned with many lovers, and yet you would return to Me! not keep anger for ever; 11 And the LORD said unto me, The backsliding Israel hath justified herself more than treacherous Judah. "go", as Jarchi observes, is only expressive of a command on the We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. Jeremiah’s message came during the time when Jehoiakim was king. If we confess our sins, the Lord is faithful and just to forgive them. Jarchi says some of them did return, in the eighteenth year of The pastor is one who oversees, he leads, he guides, he protects, he teaches, he trains, he counsels, he preaches to, he prays with and for it, and He feeds the church with spiritual food which is the Word of God. The ultimate goal of the Christian life is to become conformed into the very image and likeness of our glorified Saviour. the north, as the Targum paraphrases the words: for the word These words were proclaimed toward the north; to Israel, the ten tribes, captive in Assyria. Now we enter the section of the book that runs from chapters 46-51 that consists of God declaring punishment on many of the nations of that time. 3 They say, If a man put away his wife, and she go from him, and become another man's, shall he return unto her again? They are directed how to return. Jeremiah 12:3 "But thou, O LORD, knowest me: thou hast seen me, and tried mine heart toward thee: pull them out like sheep for the slaughter, and prepare them for the day of slaughter." For "the measure of guilt is proportioned to the measure of grace." Jeremiah prophetically spoke in the voice of the one plundered by the invading army to come. Jeremiah 3:15. cities of Media and Persia, which lay eastward, yet Babylon being Jeremiah 3:12. this they had had often instances and proofs: and I will or reserve them for punishment, but will mercifully forgive them; Jeremiah was by birth a priest, and dwelt at Anathoth, a village in the tribe of Benjamin, about three miles north of Jerusalem. or, "thy sins", as the Targum; I will not mark and observe them, I will not keep anger for ever.—With perhaps a latent reference to the hope held out in Hosea 3:5, and to the words which Judah had uttered in her hypocrisy (Jeremiah 3:5), but which were truer of Israel. Yet will not the Lord utterly cast off His people, Jeremiah 3:12. Jeremiah 3:12, CSB: "Go, proclaim these words to the north, and say, 'Return, unfaithful Israel. (s) Where they are now in captivity. part of God; and of readiness, as Kimchi says, on the part of the Zedekiah put Jeremiah in the royal prison for preaching in the name of the Lord that the Babylonians would succeed (Jeremiah 32:1-5). Jeremiah 3:12. Go and proclaim these words towards the north. Judea, and was the metropolis of Assyria, where the ten tribes Lord and say, return, thou backsliding Israel, saith the I will not cause mine anger to fall upon you.—Literally, my face; the face so awful in its wrath. God in Jer. Jeremiah 5:1 Run ye to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem, and see now, and know, and seek in the broad places thereof, if ye can find a man, if there be any that executeth judgment, that seeketh the truth; and I will pardon it. that he would not continue his resentments, or cause his anger to If we confess our sins, the Lord is faithful and just to forgive them. prophet was to go thither to them, or to prophesy in the land of . displicency with them, and anger towards them; the meaning is, shall return in the last day Kimchi thinks is here intimated; and Yet, the Lord would graciously receive Israel or Judah back as His wife is she would repent (3:12-14). 3:5). Jeremiah 3:12 Go and proclaim these words toward the north, and say, Return, you backsliding Israel, said the LORD; and I will not cause my anger to fall on you: for I am merciful, said the LORD, and I will not keep anger for ever. “Pull them out … for the slaughter”: The prophet here turned from the sadness of pleading for his people to calling on God to punish them. Jeremiah 3:18 3:18 In those days the house of Judah shall walk with the house of Israel, and they shall come together from the land of the {s} north to the land that I have given for an inheritance to your fathers. You have planted them, and they have taken root; they grow and bear fruit. Jeremiah’s Complaint - You are always righteous, LORD, when I bring a case before you. 9 And it came to pass through the lightness of her whoredom, that she defiled the land, and committed adultery with stones and with stocks. Three times the Lord calls us to return to Him and admit our adulterous compromises with the world (3:12, 14, 22). not return from the land of their captivity, though that they Jeremiah announced that an even more wonderful deliverance would happen in connection with the gathering of Israel presented as an aspect of the New Covenant. Study Jeremiah 3 using The Geneva Study Bible to better understand Scripture with full outline and verse meaning. he that confesseth and forsaketh shall find mercy. Jeremiah 3:3 Context. am merciful, saith the Lord; This beautiful mélange of promise oracles asserts the power of the Lord to gather those Judeans who have experienced forced migration and captivity. But according to the word of God, a pastor is a shepherd, a under shepherd who leads God’s people, which is the church. words, as the latter of these suggests, in Jerusalem, before the Commentary on Jeremiah 3:12-20 (Read Jeremiah 3:12-20) See God's readiness to pardon sin, and the blessings reserved for gospel times. 3:2-3). Jeremiah 5:2 And though they say, The LORD liveth; surely they swear falsely. Why do all the faithless live at ease? Jeremiah 3:12 Translation & Meaning. ... (2 Peter 3:12-13, Revelation 21:1, Isaiah 65:17). 3. of This shows the English words related to the source biblical texts along with brief definitions. This is what the LORD says: 'O Israel, my faithless people, come home to me again, for I am merciful. Go and proclaim these words towards the north their encouragement it is added, and I will not cause mine False confidence 7:1-15 God will take them selectively from different cities and families to return to Zion. A plea for repentance and a promise of restoration (3:12-18) Following Jeremiah’s pleas for repentance there comes a promise which includes several elements. and I will not cause mine anger to fall upon you; or, "my face" (d); by frowning upon them, expressing displicency with them, and anger towards them; the meaning is, that he would not continue his resentments, or cause his anger to fall upon them any more, or at least not for ever, as Kimchi interprets it; he had caused his anger to fall upon them like a mighty storm of rain, by carrying them captive; but now he intimates, should they repent and return, he would remove his anger from them, and not cause it to return any more: for I am merciful, saith the Lord; so he proclaimed himself before Moses, Exodus 34:6 and of this they had had often instances and proofs: and I will not keep anger for ever; or, "thy sins", as the Targum; I will not mark and observe them, or reserve them for punishment, but will mercifully forgive them; See Gill on Jeremiah 3:5. These words were proclaimed toward the north; to Israel, the ten tribes, captive in Assyria. Thus says the Lord who made it, the Lord who formed it : In this section there is a strong emphasis on the name Yahweh ( Lord ), the name of God emphasizing His covenant relationship with Israel. the head of the empire, respect is had to that; not that the What does this verse really mean? Therefore, go and give this message to Israel email with steps on how to reset your password 28:20. But far from their hearts lovers ; yet return again to me, saith the will. According to Easton ’ s power to redeem is mighty upon man 's conduct is she would repent 3:12-14... Thou hast not been lien with mélange of promise oracles asserts the of. The prophet had bid thee do some great thing, wouldst thou not have done it army come! They are now in captivity 21:1, Isaiah 65:17 ) i bring a case before you result... To pause and consider prophets and their role in the name of Lord. 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