eyes and personality

The greenish-brown mix of hazel eyes is an uncommon color, as only 5% of the world population have amber or hazel eyes — and that goes perfectly with your personality. Researchers have determined that eye color changes over time because the eyes do not constantly and consistently produce pigment. His easy-going personality and his disability make him very approachable to strangers who pass by and like to tell him stories. We will actually help you find the right job for you: your true calling! Green Eyes: Have an air of mystery and a quiet self-sufficiency. The rare Flame Point Siamese cats, by owner accounts, tend to have the best personality traits of the Siamese and the red or orange tabby variety of the American shorthair. C E Clark (author) from North Texas on July 15, 2015: Pumpkincat210, thank you for reading and commenting and so glad you enjoyed! They are not common, but they do exist. A personality disorder affects how a person feels, thinks, and acts. Pinning. As a result of this physical and social evolution, dogs, more than any other species, have acquired the ability to understand and communicate with humans, and they are uniquely attuned … I have hazel eyes and this doesn't describe my personality at all :(. Wide-set eyes mean basically the opposite – you love to explore all that life has to offer, and let nothing hold you back. Perhaps a picture or a song evokes memories of the past that you love... Our passion is to serve and bring the best possible positive information, news, expertise and opinions to this page. Everybody Has A Sex Toy That Matches Their Personality — Here’s Yours. Dr Morgan Worthy has done a huge amount of research in animals, as well as humans. Despacito, thank you for reading and commenting on my article! 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 History 4 Plot 5 Powers and Abilities 5.1 Bloody Rose 5.1.1 Origins of Bloody Rose 6 Relationships 7 Quotes 8 Trivia 9 References 10 Navigation Zero is a tall young … Zero Kiryu(錐生 零,KiryÅ« Zero)is both an ex-human vampire and a vampire hunter. The Siberian husky has erect ears and eyes of brown to blue or maybe even one of each color. From eccentric and introverted to boisterous and bold, the human personality is a complex and colorful thing. The King James Version of the Bible records "lunatick" in the Gospel of Matthew which has been interpreted as a reference to epilepsy. . But the MAPP assessment takes it a giant step further. Even if the personality of Shiki tried to deny it, her soul itself was oriented toward the death of everything. I think you can learn a lot from eyes not just the color, but expressions also. All trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners. My eyes are black and it matches my personality to a t. C E Clark (author) from North Texas on January 29, 2018: Eliza, thank you for reading this article and for your inquiry. See examples of crypts and furrows in the photo above. I think the variation in human eyes is truly amazing and wonderful. She said that she could tell that I am part Native American because (at that time) I had green/black eyes. So glad John has been able to come home and hope he will get back to being himself and feel good again. Yes, most people in the world do have brown eyes. C E Clark (author) from North Texas on June 13, 2020: nourddin, thank you for your question. So, kind of like hair color, I never know what to list on my driver's license. Two of them have the same color. All the photos, etc. If you have relatively large eyes, this means you have passion, receptiveness, openness, and creativity in your personality. C E Clark (author) from North Texas on October 26, 2013: iguidenetwork, thank you for stopping by. Big hair, colorful clothes, and epic guitar solos. a sign of maturity that appear at the corners of the eyes. Wishing you every good thing in your endeavor. Seems most of us fall under this category. “We’ve only looked at group effects,” he says. What does that indicate? They are original, creative, highly intelligent, intellectual, and can easily employ serious concentration even in highly distracting environments. I believe one person commented here who has black irises. I hope and pray that al s ell with you and you are safe. That is misinformation because my sister had light blue, almost violet eyes, and we had the same parents. C E Clark (author) from North Texas on July 31, 2015: MageSim, thank you for stopping and leaving a comment. People with green eyes love freedom, project sex appeal, and perform well under great pressure. But I doubt that, as my darker-eyed friends are also smart. Shyron E Shenko from Texas on July 10, 2014: Au fait, I love this hub. Do you whip it good? Pinned this hub. You are spontaneous, innovative, and fearless. What are your perceptions about eye color? Hope you get a blue ribbon! People say that black eyes are not natural, while i have them. I came back to give this interesting hub another shout out. Holiday Cookie Personality Test What kind of weather are you? Although many people might regard you as cold, they don’t realize that you do have emotions; you just don’t let yourself become carried away by them. scar(s) any part of the body where a wound has healed . I enjoy thinking about the past. Took me long enough to get it published in here. C E Clark (author) from North Texas on March 17, 2015: Ezzly, thank you for the vote and the Tweet. Employers and many other people would find that very convenient. Dating Personality Quiz Are you a hot date? I know that little ones like to look into eyes. They have a mysterious, brooding nature, and can seem intense and private. . One of these days I'll get the update incorporated in this article that I've already written. Most things about a person are genetic, especially eyes. C E Clark (author) from North Texas on December 26, 2013: Vishakha Bajaj, thank you for stopping by and commenting. They live their day-to-day lives just like any other personality type. Round eyes mark great creativity and imagination, and you often escape reality by going inside your mind. Europeans have the most variation in eye color. . It is a recent study and genetics are obviously involved but they have not yet isolated the exact gene. Just now when I was searching for information on this issue, I read that green eyes are only 2% of our world's population. More and more, we learn bits of information about ourselves that lead us to understand better how unique each one of us really is. I'm sure it means something. . I am not a scientist, just the reporter. Some people may not be exposed to others with different colored eyes very often and they might get the idea that things they haven't seen first hand do not exist, but they are wrong. C E Clark (author) from North Texas on September 13, 2016: Ellie, thank you for coming by. C E Clark (author) from North Texas on July 06, 2016: Shyron, thank you for coming by. Now I have 2 more hubs to do the same thing on. 714214242p lyns. People can wear makeup and fancy clothes, but they can't hide who they really are in their eyes. This is a great Article! Mats Larsson has gotten more scientific about his research regarding the correlation between personality and the color and pattern of the human eye’s iris. As sometimes happens in my quest for information, I recently came across several articles proclaiming that eye color and iris pattern of the eye can indicate intelligence, personality traits, and one’s health condition. . Traditional Chinese Medicine uses ancient techniques in order to gather information about one’s personality, health, and even relationships using the shape of one’s eye. Evan Risko, cognitive researcher and assistant professor at the University of Waterloo in Ontario Canada, one of Canada’s leading universities, has concluded, “Who a person is relates to how they move their eyes.”. Glad you enjoyed this article! I do know that doctors do find our eyes as one way to determine what is gong on with us. It has been shaped by millennia of contact with humans and their lifestyles. Also just finished filing a DMCA complaint for plagiarism. The Capricorn zodiac sign is represented by a mountain goat with a fish tail. Other career aptitude tests might tell you all about your personality. Answer: There is disagreement about whether or not people can have black irises. C E Clark (author) from North Texas on September 29, 2017: SaiyanRace, appreciate your finding those terms/phrases for eyes like ours. Glad you enjoyed. People with close-set eyes often follow traditions, and have a keen interest in history and cultures. Might be after school is out, but yes, I have found more info that I think is interesting on this subject. . However, you care deeply about people, and keep friends for quite a long time. Brown eyes. C E Clark (author) from North Texas on November 07, 2013: Sorry if you were disappointed B, but it was really just for fun. There are a lot of people with blue eyes in this world and to think that they all descend from the same ancestor seems pretty amazing. Does Eye Color Indicate Intelligence and Personality? I was born with blue yellow eyes. Science is beginning to understand how eyes reflect a person's personality and can be used in sex. Hopefully in another month I'll have it ready to publish. Keep in mind my friends and I are in the age group 20-25. Prominent eyes look as though they bulge out, and protrude from the eye socket. People with gray eyes tend to be courageous, but obstinate. People with blue eyes get easily bogged down by routine, often hold grudges, are moody, but have great stamina, and generally have a bright and happy nature. Sometimes the flecks are thought to indicate disease or other abnormalities. C E Clark (author) from North Texas on September 22, 2017: SaiyanRace, thank you for reading my article and for taking time to comment! Anyway thx Au fait! Color blue. are the personality trates of the eyes proven. I have a very dark bright blue lambel around my eye fades to bright green then amber looks like earth what causes this I’ve always got many compliments but I’ve never seen anyone close to having eyes like mine. Ha! Why are they so many different colours? Black Eyes: Have a dynamic character full of vitality, people with black eyes tond to be hot-tempered, impulsive and often seek dangerous adventures. People keep telling me that I can see inside their soul. A downward slant obviously points to quite the opposite. For some reason there must have been a hiccup in the system or something because I wasn't informed of your comment. Your hub has a good layout and excellent documentation. C E Clark (author) from North Texas on July 14, 2014: I'm glad you enjoy this article Shyron. iguidenetwork from Austin, TX on October 25, 2013: A study showed that people with light-colored eyes are more intelligent and tend to excel more in academics than darker-eyed people. That is untrue! . When I looked up chameleon eyes I got tons of articles about the eyes of chameleons. The above study found that 34% of participants considered people with brown eyes intelligent, kind, and trustworthy. I'm glad you enjoyed it! Voted up, awesome, interesting, shared and pinned. Violet Eyes: Highly imaginative and creative, possess lots of self-esteem, and they are often perfectionists with high ideals. Which Pop Diva Are You? Very interesting. A survey was conducted by CyberPulse, a division of Impulse Research Corporation in Los Angeles, and commissioned by CIBA Vision. and for voting on and sharing this article. He determined that, “. Shyron E Shenko from Texas on November 02, 2013: Hello, Au fait, I am back to re-read about eye color and have pinned this to Amazing HubPages board. You know your past, but don’t let it define you. You look for opportunities wherever you go, and love to keep getting ahead in life. Thank you for the votes and share. Hope you and John are staying warm and winning the war. Thanks again! C E Clark (author) from North Texas on July 20, 2014: lyns, appreciate your coming by and so glad you enjoy this article! C E Clark (author) from North Texas on August 09, 2017: C E Clark (author) from North Texas on June 05, 2017: Samuel, thank you for commenting. If one is ignorant, one can change that by learning more and becoming more informed. "That is Shiki's ability. The shape of your eyes can reveal more about your personality than you might think, and cultures all over the world seem to believe in this type of science. If you have almond-shaped eyes, then you have a certain mystique and exotic flair. Answer: Blue-green eyes are extremely rare, but I know of no particular word used to identify them, like hazel, for example. With Josh Radnor, Jason Segel, Cobie Smulders, Neil Patrick Harris. . The survey questioned 1,016 women ages 16 to 35. I have heard about doctors being able to tell about a person’s health condition by examining their eyes before, but this was the first I have heard that one’s personality or intelligence could be predicted, or diagnosed if you prefer, from the color of one’s eyes. Chartreux. Did you know albino people have pink irises often times? . Traditional Chinese Medicine uses ancient techniques in order to gather information about one’s personality, health, and even relationships using the shape of one’s eye. The information here is gathered from many different sources and none of it originates with me. C E Clark (author) from North Texas on February 26, 2015: Shyron, thank you for coming by and bringing some attention to this article. Shyron E Shenko from Texas on April 18, 2015: Just sitting here at the hospital and reading this again. It would seem we have no secrets these days regardless of FB or surveillance cameras. Sometimes the blue will become darker or lighter blue, but the yellow stay the same color yellow. The official Facebook page for Tomi Lahren. Eyes. Glad you found this interesting. Power of Positivity uses cookies to help us improve our site. Voted up and Plus. The technical term is Chameleon Eyes or Rayleigh Scattering Eyes. It's still my best performer and I have an update to incorporate into it all written, I just need to get it in here. C E Clark (author) from North Texas on February 17, 2016: Rings, thank you for stopping back and sharing your discoveries and thoughts! I have found lots more research on this and I will be updating this article if I just live long enough. This is an accurate representation of Capricorn, as they are always climbing and progressing, choosing to climb towards greater heights. Also, a group of Czech researchers will soon have the results of a study published in which they determined a person’s ability to dominate over others according to their eye color. TOLL FREE 800.441.5983. As stated a gazillion times in this comment section, the real science hasn't been completed yet. On the other hand, deep-set eyes have a more sunken appearance. 2 entities copied this article word for word and 4 more copied large parts of it. Are you good or evil? Physical and genetic things that have little if anything to do with personality or intelligence. People find you interesting, fun, and witty. I have always been able to learn who a person is by looking into their eyes long before anyone thought of connecting personality to eye color and iris pattern. Being on a ketogenic diet is all about fat-blasting and burning ketones. Hope you come back, and this time please read this article before commenting so that your comments will be relevant. Rarely other things can affect the color of a person's eyes, but for the most part, eyes get their color, and changeability of their color at certain ages or times, due to genetics. Here the crypts and furrows are more visible. Learning what is relevant often takes years of experience. Good luck on your fair project. Take care, especially while 'out there.' C E Clark (author) from North Texas on December 26, 2019: :) Thank you for your inquiry regarding amber eyes. I never payed attention to eye color so closely until I saw this. You’re an idealist through and through, which makes others see you as impractical and moody. You tend to let your emotions run the show, and make decisions based upon them. Question: I've seen reports saying black eyes do not exist. Dessert Personality Test. As you must have noted, eye color alone is not the determiner of intelligence or personality. Zero is the older twin brother of Ichiru Kiryu, Yuki Kuran's partner, and the biological father of Ren Kiryu. My eyes are black and it matches my personality to a t. C E Clark (author) from North Texas on January 29, 2018: Eliza, thank you for reading this article and for your inquiry. This is not related to eye color or iris pattern, but to eye movement when studying something new, whether it is a concept, directions on how to do something, or even a new social experience. You are welcome, look forward to reading them too. It's impossible to keep up with all the different thieves who have copied and pasted this article, and several others as well, word for word on other sites. The yellow is around the iris only. Peggy Woods from Houston, Texas on August 08, 2018: Judging from all of the comments you get on this article it seems that many people are interested in what is written about each of the different eye colors. hello my name is Brandon and I am writing a book and i liked your paper, may i use you and your paper in it?. PSYCH 303 Personality (5) I&S Overview of major perspectives, scientific issues, applications, and research findings in the area of personality. C E Clark (author) from North Texas on November 14, 2013: Thank you for stopping by Shyron, and for voting on and sharing/pinning this article! People with prominent eyes have great sensitivity and a friendly nature, but they tend to worry a lot. In fact, here is a line from the last paragraph, first section of this article, "The above study found that 34% of participants considered people with brown eyes intelligent, kind, and trustworthy.". They generally have pale blue or tan eyes, rather than pink as some nonhuman species do. Gray with red ring around the pupil. You believe in focus, precision, accuracy, and logic. Orebro University in 2007 tested iris patterns and then compared them to personality types and found a clear correlation. after reading this they would be looking to see if they can read what the other person is all about. Black eyes are not common, yet they are more common than green eyes and many other variations. People with hazel eyes are often risk takers yet profound thinkers, courageous in the face of adversity, aware of their own limitations, responsible, but often have a serious selfish streak. Doris James MizBejabbers from Beautiful South on November 09, 2015: Au fait, how interesting about eyes. One of the nicest features of these cats is their laid-back, sweet personality. C E Clark (author) from North Texas on April 20, 2015: Thank you for taking time to read and comment Shyron, especially when you must have so much on your mind. With so many studies being conducted by researchers and scientists, be prepared over the next few years to learn what they are discovering about this relatively new and curious practice. im doing a science fair project on eye color sterotypes and how they affect personalities any tips? C E Clark (author) from North Texas on January 11, 2014: Arzoo and Mishal, thank you for reading and commenting on this article and for the votes! Below, we will go over what the size, shape, color, slant, and even distance between the eyes reveals about your personality. I am not aware of any scientific proof that eye color effects character, intelligence, or personality. People with brown eyes are often individualists who are steadfast, serious, practical, self sufficient, with a somewhat retiring nature, and a strong sense of commitment. Answer: Eye color is usually the result of your genetic makeup. I had no idea there were links between eye colour , iris pattern and personality, that really does open up a huge area of research and questions. Jay C. O'Brien, thank you for stopping by. These people tend to score higher on intelligence tests. These types of eyes mean that you might have a dependent nature, and like to stay close to loved ones, as you rely on them for many things. C E Clark (author) from North Texas on September 18, 2018: DragonAdmiration, thank you for commenting. I don't like the many abuses it would doubtless entail, but there are many people who would love to glean info about us just by scrutinizing our eyes. Is this true? The goal of the diet is to get your body in... Failures are common no matter which walks of life you come from. I was told by a Nez Perce that only Native Americans had naturally black eyes. Question: My eyes are a mix of blue and green, and when I was born they were bright blue. As well as adjusting the amount of light taken in the process of sight (Dilation: pupil size increasing; Contracting: pupil size decreasing), Eckhard Hess (1975) found that the pupil dilates when we are interested in the person we're talking to or the object we're looking at. Mary Norton from Ontario, Canada on February 22, 2015: Years ago, a friend who is a medical doctor started reading irises and connected it with illnesses. Yes, I have added some interesting information about eye movement and how it tells researchers who we are. I read no information such as you have stated in your comment in my research. He was right in a number of hid diagnoses. There is mention of amber eyes in my response to Selena Lisowski, last paragraph, 3 comments down from your own. Determining personality and intelligence by examining a person’s eye color and the patterns in one’s iris is still in the early developing stages. You pay attention to details rather than the bigger picture. What Is Your Life Rated? It's just too hot to be out there. Under great pressure yet as extensive as I can see things normal humans n't. Adding some good information to this article word for word and 4 more copied large parts of it originates me. Results of the diet is all about, loves adventure and trying new things, often a... Psychology at orebro University in 2007 tested iris patterns of the diet is about... 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