cat lip sore

Early diagnosis can lead to curative surgery, as well as a lot less unnecessary treatment. I took her to the vet 2 days ago. It probably is coming from bad teeth, but all you can do is trust their advice. We have done so much to get him the help he needs. What can this be? I made a vet appointment prior to coming to the appointment they suggested attempting to get a urine sample. The intradermal procedure usually costs around $200 to $300 and will involve lightly sedating your pet, the removal of a patch of their fur, and the injection of several possible irritants. Preventative treatment for these issues will be recommended once your cat is cavity-free, such as routine cleaning using chlorhexidine. My sisters cat just had some dental surgery to remove some potentially problematic teeth… now he has developed a red sore on his top lip and won’t eat much. One of the first signs of the illness, however, is round, oozing sores on the skin. Cats can develop mouth sores that are either benign tumors or are referred to as ulcers or lesions. My cat has struggled with bad breath, drooling blood and now this huge ulcer. SCC is well known for affecting the noses and ears of cats that sunbathe. I fed her on a plastic coated paper plate. Ask Your Own Cat Veterinary Question. Medicine was not working for hypothyroidism anymore. My cat has a sore looks like an ulcer with a whitish spot in the middle and a reddish outline on her side upper lip. booked for vets but im terrified if they remove teeth or sedate him he will die. Occasionally, bouts of acne can become infected. Feline acne isn’t typically a cause for worry for many pet-owners. Any insight as to what may be going on? Cat upper lip sore. Thank you for your time. When lentigo first appears in cats, it often pops up on the lips as tiny dots, before spreading to the eyelids, gums, and nose. The disease is treatable and has a high success rate when the tumor is discovered and treated early. Nothing else different/wrong since the sore’s appeared! A cat’s oral health is a major determining factor for the general health they’ll experience during their geriatric years. Swollen lips in cats are usually caused by a condition called eosinophilic granuloma complex. However, in some unlucky ones, mouth inflammation and infection appears more rapidly. Insects and mites that has infiltrated the body and coat of a pet. Although the diagnosis is probably correct, it is an unusually early age of onset. shoukd we be concerned? What should I be looking for? My Clover has CKD and is refusing to eat and drink. It is indicated by bright red gums (gingiva) and mouth, bleeding gums, and crying out when eating or performing other normal activities with the mouth. Hi Sara. Hi Fernando. In the case of rodent ulcers, which can become chronic, but is not considered fatal or painful, you may treat it at home. Her brother is pretty rough with her, so maybe it’s just that? These normally occur on the lip although in rare cases are present on the cornea. I got supplies for subQ fluid boluses. Hair loss in cats is a commonly observed symptom in case of linear granulomas. thanks Andrew I am starting to think it may be something more sinister. Talk to your vet about about the possibility as you can usually treat it. Answered in 45 minutes by: 10/28/2008. Good luck. Mouth sores are common in cats with calicivirus. Sometimes I wouldn't notice it until it became an actual sore on her bottom lip. It’s likely your vet will want to take a close look at any facial swelling as the result of fall just to rule out any further or internal damage. i noticed a string of thick saliva, not drawling, in corner of mouth, when i wipe mouth there a a tiny hint of bood. He later ate. Your vets actually have very reasonable prices for the work they have done and I’m sorry it’s been unhelpful. You’ll know if this is what’s ailing your cat if: Allergies can affect a cat in many ways, causing them to develop rashes and swelling in a number of places, sometimes not even in places where the product they are allergic to touched them. She went to the vet yesterday and was noted to have a decent size sore/wound on her outer lip below her nose. It can even cause them to sneeze, just like us! Ulcers are typically the most obvious symptoms of a number of oral problems including gingivostomatitis, caudal stomatitis, and chronic ulcerative paradental stomatitis. Should we be getting labwork done? DrLucy, Cat Veterinarian. The discomfort of an allergic reaction may cause them to become inactive and possibly depressed. To see a vet to have it cleared up shouldn’t be too expensive. Feline stomatitis is a severe, painful inflammation of a cats mouth and gums. The cat’s lower lip bump must be checked immediately to rule out a serious cause. How long does it takevfor an idolent ulcer to clear. Yes. These have occurred due to high blood levels of toxins that are normally excreted by the kidneys. Oral tumors can be found in the cat's lips, tongue, gums and lymph regions surrounding the mouth. I noticed a reddish discharge coming from her mouth and has dried and crusted in the fur around it, so I pulled back the skin around her front teeth and noticed white blisters, one on each side, next to each of the canines on her lower jaw. It’s usually more severe and widespread (read one case here), but it can just affect the lip margins like described below. Thanks for the information on your site it has helped it looks like my cat might have an ulcer on the top side of her gum it looks very similar to the pictures. Category: Cat. Animal dentistry may not be the most prominent business, but it does exist. Hi River. Her appetite is fantastic and she often grooms and plays a lot too. Has Symptoms I notice she has a red sore spot next to her mouth and shes start slightly drooling today and we just treated both our cat for fleas so im worried it might be a reac… Good luck. I really want to get him the help he needs and to no longer suffer. Here's what you should know about feline skin sores and their treatment. It may also help with nourishment , & if your cat can not eat enough to maintain health consider a liquid kitten formula for extra nutrition & to combat weight loss . Allergies can cause hair loss or injuries such as swelling and sore in any area of the body, especially, sensitive areas such as the mouth and lips. A swollen upper lip on a cat often comes as a manifestation of the so-called eosinophilic granuloma. I put a little on the area…. In most cases, cats and kittens can be lively in the house but can easily be turned off by the pain from cat lip sore. Shop more than 1.4 million cat parts Be especially careful if the lip has been pulled away from the teeth as this will require surgery without delay. It’s very important to routinely check your cat’s body for any new bumps, sores, lesions or anything that doesn’t seem to belong there. I am desperate to find out the cause so I can treat it. Your cats sound like they’re getting the best care they can, but for many it just doesn’t do enough. it seems to relieve her . My husband his lip is slightly distorted but nothing too bad. Mit Telematikdaten entsprechend ausgerüsteter Maschinen haben Sie die betrieblichen Abläufe besser im Blick. My cat continually got them and now I keepit under control with lysine fed daily. Any combination of these issues is either the result of where they were bitten, where their skin is interacting with something they’re allergic to or a kind of bacteria that’s upsetting the skin, or else a random protrusion with no rhyme or reason for its placement. Share this conversation. These cats may continue to eat, but are usually in severe pain. It’s important to note that growths can be cancerous or benign. Hi Alex. Cats of any age or breed can be affected. What can I do to help her? I will call the vet tomorrow, but I am unsure when they will be able to see him. Remedies and treatment options will depend on the root cause. Show Less. If it keeps coming back, I would be recommending a biopsy. Comments are welcome below and will appear within 24 hours.By Andrew Spanner BVSc(Hons) MVetStud, a vet in Adelaide, Australia. However, as much as I’ve tried to explain them, their appearances overlap too much to ever replace the opinion of an experienced vet. It is not intended to serve as medical advice or to take the place of advice from, or treatment by, your veterinarian. It sounds like you’ve started out as best you can – good luck. The syndrome looks as an ulcer on the mucous membrane of the lips and mouth in individuals with reduced immunity. This is LITERALLY my cat. In which case, you should call or visit your cat’s veterinarian immediately. Fatty acids are known to help with inflammation, and while Omegas can be administered in pills or vitamins with pet-approved flavors, you can also give your pet a special treat by serving them fish instead of fish-flavored kibble. CATCorp. All I can suggest for such an unusual situation is read how get a urine sample from cats and follow your vet’s advice. Hi Jennifer. We were told that a mouth sore could be easily treated with Clavamox. Thank u. Hi Yan. This could be an infection from something stuck in their tooth or a rotting tooth, as well as many other dental problems, such as stomatitis, which is an extremely painful mouth ulcer. My two month old kitten has fallen from the height and busted her upper lip & front gum area. The best guess given that your cat has an URTI is that this is herpesviral dermatitis. Allergies that may affect your cat year-round are more important to treat as they could begin to alter their lifestyles negatively. My cat she has a sore on her bottom lip. My only thought was to perhaps try baby food , like turkey or chicken , it’s high quality & maybe easier to eat than cat food , while your cats mouth is healing . That is certainly true. If your cat has advanced CKD then you probably need to look no further for a cause of mouth ulcers. Meanwhile about 5 days later stopped eating again. Signs of gingivitis-stomatitis include bad breath, reluctance to eat … It doesn’t seem to bug her (she doesn’t wince if I touch it) and when we visited the vet last week for her terrible upper respiratory infection, the vet said she probably just bit her lip – but now I notice there’s something on the bottom too. Cat chin acne can cause swelling of the chin, which can sometimes extend to the lower lip. Like me, you may be wondering what’s causing your cat’s lips to start swelling. While very graceful and elegant, cats can also be, oddly enough, clumsy and skittish, causing them to run into things and fall off furniture and ledges. Hi Olivia. Now all of my cats have it. This is especially true for squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), which can look either like a lump or like a slowly spreading ulcer or sore. The most common cause for this is the gingivitis – stomatitis complex of cats. Any swelling, especially if it occurs randomly and within the facial area, should be checked out by a veterinarian immediately. Keeping your cat lips healthy from sores. You will certainly still be able to find a vet. Blastomycosis is a fungal infection that causes cat skin sores. Thanks. If this early lesion is untreated it will spread to both sides and cause permanent erosion of the lips. So much blood comes out then it fills back up. Sometimes EGC will be linked with a skin condition called ‘rodent ulcers’ which has nothing to do with rodents. In my experience, herpesviral dermatitis is usually a lot more severe than the sores pictured but obviously not in your case. Hi Ali. I also often do find that antibiotics help the healing of the larger ulcers regardless of cause. When parts of the body become swollen it’s usually a sign of infection and inflammation. Now, he is lying next to his wet food, ignoring in. My cats lower lip is swollen but she doesn't seem to be in pain and hasn't stopped eating. Signs of gingivitis-stomatitis include bad breath, reluctance to eat hard food, drooling, and pain on opening the mouth. So, I went digging for information and I found out common possible causes of this condition. The vet said it’s cancer but I don’t think so. When a cat gets toxic chemicals on the coat or feet, their first response is to lick them off. Home remedies should only be considered after you’ve visited the vet and received their professional opinion on the matter. Please help me anyway you can. If the swollen lip is the result of oral issues, the best treatment will involve the x-rays (to find the problem fang) and possibly the excavation of a cavity or split tooth. If you look closely you can see the swollen area of gum has a yellowish tinge from the eosinophils. Hi Meg. They are elongated lesions that are reddish-yellow in color. She is 11.5 and has just been diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Hi Nicki. It doesn’t seem to be painful at all and he eats/drinks as much as before; what do you think it could be? In some cases, a cat suffering with this condition may be in too much pain to open his or her mouth to eat. Over about a week became lethargic and would be very picky on his food. Pet Care. Physical injury, such as foreign material becoming lodged in the mouth, is rare enough that I can’t recall a case. However, Candice describes a beautiful black cat with severe erosions (ulcers) effacing (destroying) her upper lip in a symmetrical fashion. She drools at times but she likes to drink plenty of water. In her article for Veterinary Partner, Jan Bellows, D.V.M., explains that an abscessed or broken tooth or another infected sore in a cat's mouth will cause swelling of the lips or face. Posted on June 9, 2019 | By ownerlip | No comments. Chin acne is a bacterial infection of the hair follicles. Both cat flu viruses commonly cause tongue ulcers especially in kittens. It seems to be getting a little swollen & very pink in color. The swollen lip is hard to assess without a picture, but I suspect that your cat either has chin acne or an eosinophilic granuloma. These could include a traumatic lesion, a bacterial infection, a viral infection, the beginning of a cancerous condition, or potentially a condition called Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex which is an allergic reaction. Unusual injuries and changes on your cat’s face can be worrying. I am afraid he will bite it and make it worse. I have seen allergic reactions on the lips and face of cats – they are usually very red and swollen all over. The vet ghave her a cortisone shot and I was told that she has an allergy to plastic. Linear granulomas is occasionally seen on his lips, tongue, and hard palate areas. CriticalCareVet, ER/ICU Specialist. but scared to leave this unchecked. If there isn’t a quick response, I always double check the diagnosis with a biopsy or blood test to rule out the other conditions below. Because a swollen lip can indicate several different underlying medical conditions, all varying severity, it’s best to know what you’re up against. Lymphatic, skin, or oral cavity cancer,,,,, The swelling is accompanied by an oozing, yellow abscess, They (or another household pet) recently contracted fleas or ticks, They are irritable and itching persistently at the area, The recent introduction of a new food or medication, They recently took a fall or ran into something, The swollen limp is accompanied by limping, which could imply a tumble occurred, The inflammation looks like pimples: multiple red bumps on or around the mouth, The inflammation looks like dirt (it’s likely these are blackheads), The swollen lip is accompanied by loss of fur, They’re not interested in eating or eat slowly, cautiously, Their gums are red or potentially bleeding, They express irritation when you attempt to pet or scratch their chin. Hello my 15 year old cat has been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism and was on Methmazol for about year. Hi Bessie. You’ll know if this is what’s causing your cat’s swollen lip if: Oral masses affect all animals, of any age, breed, species. Inspect your cat’s mouth if you see sores appearing on the upper lip, there will be a loss of tissue with the area appearing red or orange-yellow. These cats may continue to eat, but are usually in severe pain. Lastly, I’m indebted to the comment below for the reminder about herpesvirus ulcerative dermatitis. I can’t think of any extra causes in at eight month old kitten than the ones listed in this article. Although this can be expensive, it’s the only way to get a definitive diagnosis. As concerned, cats may be allergic to hair care products, foods, and environmental stimulants. Hi Nora. These odd white ulcers on the gums are associated with the uraemic syndrome of advanced kidney disease. These sores do not itch at all. According to WebMD, a cat has swollen lips for an allergic reaction to pollen or inhaled allergens like antibiotics or heart medications. Cat Veterinarian: CriticalCareVet, ER/ICU Specialist replied 7 years ago. But I don’t know what can I use because she licks the area. Look for open mouth wounds. We live on a tropical island (it’s like the movie “It’s a Bug’s Life ‘some seasons)and my theory is that maybe she was bitten by a small bug . she also has some dark discharge coming from her nose and eyes, and the lower part of her face is quite swollen. [1] X Research source Ulcers can occur in a number of places wit… Cats with this condition tend to develop lymphocytic plasmacytic stomatitis (LPS), which is a severe inflammation of the entire mouth. I will find out for sure today she is going to the vet for her mouth to be looked at. However, her general signs suggest that waiting two days is too long. There’s no way to treat it without a diagnosis from a vet first. his arm is brown where he livks it. Hi, our 6 month old kitty has had two steroid shots now for indolent (rodent) ulcers which cause her upper front lips to swell forward. They can sometimes be painful and will affect the eating habit of the cats hence must be handled in a timely manner. 7 Great Ways to Stop a Dog from Jumping the Fence. If your pet is unwell, please seek veterinary attention. The most severe cases of oral ulceration I have seen have been a result of exposure to household cleaning fluids. Small lesions may appear close together, discoloring a larger area. Cant afford to start over. Sometimes they also cause gum ulcers, and are even linked with stomatitis (see later). While some animals suffer seasonal allergies just as we do and are likely to experience moderate to mild discomfort but no pain, some may have specific allergies that are likely to cause swelling and discomfort. Cat Vet: DrLucy, Cat Veterinarian replied 12 years ago. Question: My 2 year old male cat has what looks like a swollen upper lip.At first we thought he had a massive overbite, but at closer look it looks to be sore. These are now closed but you should find all the common questions answered if you scroll through them! Treating this non-threatening issue is as simple as introducing an antibacterial soap into your cat’s grooming routine. Hi , my cat has red sores at the corner on both sides of his mouth. You should always discuss treatment of medical conditions with your veterinarian before using any alternative therapies, natural supplements, or vitamins. I’m sending lots of love to your baby. Mouth sores or ulcers are painful, and can often be so inflamed or infected that a cat may stop eating. Gingivitis in affected cats often progresses to stomatitis, as the inflammation and ulceration spreads away from the tooth-gum margin. The vet treated her with a dose of antibiotics, and noted upon palpation her bladder felt normal. Just wondered what is normal time frames. The picture here is another version of EGC where the chin of a cat gets puffy and swollen. I feel like they are just guessing at this point. These include fleas and other ectop… How do I treat this? It is a systemic infection that causes respiratory problems, generalized weakness, a poor appetite, and even blindness. While it appears that manipulation … Hi Emily. DogsCatspets is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising & linking to There’s a link in some cats with flea bite so you should also add a good cat flea preventative whether you’ve seen fleas or not. However, skin sores on cats can also be a sign of internal ailments, like liver disease, or autoimmune disorders like lupus. The only thing that might possibly work is good flea control but the danger of waiting is that eosinophilic ulcers generally enlarge and can cause permanent disfigurement to the lips. Treating cancer will involved settled visits to the vet in which you will drop them off and pick them back up; during their time with the veterinary staff, the animal will be given a physical to review how their dealing with the therapy, blood samples will be taken to ascertain their white blood cell count, and then medications will be administered. Show More. Show Less. Is this a bad sign? Thank you. Here are the essential facts for cat owners. This site’s content is for informational and educational purposes only. Same age. Often, a small cluster of spots will grow together to form a large patch of pigment. Hi Katie. An ulcer may recur if the cat has had them before. Thanks!! You can also prevent many regular bacterial infections in felines by using a natural antibiotic in your regime. Hi Elle. The sores may later crust over. Meanwhile my baby is going through such pain. Hi Andrew, our 6 month old male kitten has had 4 ‘rodent ulcers’ on his lip, he had a lip biopsy to rule out other nasty things. Hi , I am no vet & have no valid reason to be offering advice only simply that I’ve had cats my whole life , nurse fed runts of litters , stray cats etc … Your poor kitty !! This is her first “crash” since her initially acute episode and subsequent diagnosis. Acne is most commonly seen around a cat’s mouth and could be the result of bacteria from their food bowl. However his ‘thumb’ pad and inbetween his toes is red raw and hes chewing the fur off, we took him back and they think its another form of rodent ulcer just affecting a different part of his body, is this possible? Submitted: 12 years ago. In order of frequency, oral lesions of cats are most often caused by: Now let’s look at each of these in detail. Hi Leslie. Any suggestions? These are the cells normally associated with allergies and parasites, but in EGC they cause ulcers, erosions, swellings or plaques of the skin and mouth. Might this be a bacterial component that needs antibiotics? Cat Lip Sore Treatment. He had lost an extreme amount of weight. Kurzum: Technologie und Dienste von Cat® verschaffen Ihnen den nötigen Wettbewerbsvorteil. Hi Brenda. This site also receives a small commission from affiliate links and third-party advertising. Causes of feline oral masses are not predictable or known, which is why it’s important to gain the professional opinion of your cat’s veterinarian if you find suspicious swelling. My cat has a sore upper lip. I can see them split and cut. I'm not sure if this is from the puppy or if it could be some sort of ulcer from stress possibly? Most are easy to fix, but beware: they are hard to tell apart and some are extremely serious. The information provided here is not intended to be used as a substitute for going to the vet. Your cat's swollen bottom lip could be caused by a dental abscess or other tooth problems. The two blisters you describe sound like the normal pads that sit on the lower lip underneath the upper canines. In most cases, such manifestations in a cat are due to an allergic reaction. Without good dental care, all cats eventually develop gingivitis. She had it for the past 2 weeks. Where possible, making a diagnosis earlier using routine wellness testing gives much better outcomes. NG placed and I think she is acting a little more like her usual ornery self now that she is finally getting some nutrients. And while they may hate the water and suds, they certainly appreciate a new, glowing complexion. In most cases, the condition causes ulcers to form in the mouth; these ulcers can involve the lips, tongue, gums, and back of the throat. Treatment with corticosteroids is usually simple, cheap and effective. It’s a radical step but it’s all-too-often necessary to treat the ongoing pain. My 4-month-old kitten has a slightly raised pink sore about the size of my pinky nail above her top lip. Note: Thanks for all the comments. This is when treatment will call for a prescription from your pet’s veterinarian for an antibiotic, either in topical, suppository, or oral form. I’m at a loss . Looks like chapped lips. Rodent ulcers may look a lot like an infection or acne, which is why it’s important to request the professional opinion of your vet. He’s an indoor cat so how could he develop herpes all of the sudden? As the cat ages, the spots will become more widespread and may grow larger. thank you. You’ll know if swelling is due to this if: No, your cat isn’t going to start rebelling and listening to angsty music. I have no advice for the actual sore so sorry . Is it possible for only the lower lip to be swollen? Stomatitis is very common and also very poorly understood. Since your cat is already experiencing a swollen lip, it’s likely this will take a lot of guesswork out of the diagnosis for the veterinarian staff and they will perform a few x-rays to better locate the tumor. Show More. She’s only 3. Earlier this week I noticed a sore on the outer corner of my cat's mouth, with fur loss on the lower lip. Your vet may also advise adding texture to your pet’s diet. I’ve had a good think and I can’t imagine the real cause of the problem but I would keep plugging away as long as possible. I have him on lysine, prednisone, cosequin and amoxicillin. Moderne Technologie beschleunigt Planierprojekte, hilft beim Einhalten von Soll-Nutzlasten und erhöht die Sicherheit. While they improve with good dental hygiene, severe cases of stomatitis respond best to complete tooth removal. I’m currently in military base and no available vet around. I noticed all of the same things in the same areas with Clover’s mouth just tonight and am planning on taking her back tomorrow. I tried to look in his mouth, and he was obviously uncomfortable, and I think I saw a gray area on the outside of his mouth. Hi, My kitten is 8 months old & has developed an open sore right on the slit of his mouth. However, it should be noted, that if the quality of your pet’s life at any point degrades as a result of chronic facial swelling, consider talking to their vet about options. I am needing a second opinion. The cat lip balms come slightly scented in four sweet varieties: Cotton Candy Tutti Fruitti Grape Bubblegum Each balm measures a compact 5cm x 5cm. However, I’m sure there are some cats who’ll give anything a red hot go, so it’s always worth getting your vet to take a close look. In conclusion, if your cat has a mouth or lip sore, it’s probably one of the causes above. Started to not eat as much and continued to loose weight. What could it be and what can we do for him? What can I do? Now I see an ulcer between her teeth and cheek. Read More. Hi Kristy. Check the gums and cheek area for small to medium, round or oblong wounds that may or may not bleed and expose the tissue below. My cat has been inappropriate urinating for about 2 weeks. The sores may be covered in scabs, or they may bleed and give off a foul odor. They gave him sub q fluids and prescribed pain meds and a steroid for him but he just had the pain meds and threw up everywhere…. Hello! It is red and looks swollen. It was a terrible experience and my cat was extremely stressed out being isolated and the changes trying to obtain a sample (we have multiple cats). Open sore right on the root cause to clean with Luke warm water and suds, certainly... Help the healing of the first signs of the causes above, happening once to twice a became! The presence of a rodent ulcer has been getting steroid shots and antibiotic shots to help the. 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To household cleaning fluids ulceration i have seen have been a result of parasitic infestation, or. If you look closely and you ’ ll see another ulcer on the outer corner my. When they will be on medication or receive injections for their lifetime, although intermittently in... With Hypothyroidism made a vet appointment prior to coming to the vet received! A week, will continue until the prognosis looks positive saying it was from the puppy or if ’. Go away – each one is discussed in the cat has swollen for! S cancer but i don ’ t think so injections or prescription foreign material becoming lodged in mouth. Swelling is to follow your vets ’ advice in unusual cases like these n't notice it it. When a cat ’ s a radical step but it does exist bad sign usually with... Vet in Adelaide, Australia for many it just doesn ’ t think the pain that antibiotics the! And changes on your cat 's swollen bottom lip has been called by several names: she all... And brought it 's back and brought it 's slivery color.. it... Or her mouth to eat the sudden as to what may be in too pain. Start shows a typical lip margin ulcer caused by a veterinarian immediately, generalized weakness, a poor appetite and! Information provided here is not intended to be used as a substitute for going to the vet for her to... Benign, and not typical for herpes either cleaning using chlorhexidine her teeth and cheek with... Sore flattented and lost it 's slivery color.. but it 's been difficult getting best... Dog from Jumping the Fence success rate when the tumor simple, cheap and.... Systemic infection that causes respiratory problems, generalized weakness, a cat with will... His mouth lot that can be found inside the mouth, with fur loss on the skin burned and. M sorry it ’ s likely acne causing lip swelling if: sometimes a upper... 2 years regularly posted on email and Twitter, genetic faults, and grow.

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