betta fish and snails

or moving the snail to the bigger community tank. Yes, but just make sure they are freshwater snails like Zebra Nerite and Mystery Snails. They will scale across the substrate and sides of the tank’s glass to clean up all that excess waste that builds up! There’s varying information out there on the temperature needed to keep snails. Stick around, you'll learn a lot. In this article we’ll list exactly what you’ll need for for a successful transfer of snails in a Betta fish tank. I have a 1.3 gallon tank right now. How do I feed my snails fish food without my betta fish eating it all? This should reduce stress. These are much easier to come by. If you are posting to find out what is wrong with your betta, please answer the following questions in a reply to this comment as best you can: A stressed-out betta fish will lack appetite and will be prone to diseases. My roommate warned me a few days after I purchased him that the local store I purchased the betta from is well known for typically having sick or fish with high mortality rate after purchase. Oh no, poor snail! I have a 1.5 gallon tank I am considering moving my snails into as a temporary home. As marine biologists, we work hard to reduce invasive species throughout the world. Betta males and females should only be housed together when ready to breed. If you planning to bring variety in your tank then you can also add new aquatic species like Zebra Snails in the Betta fish tank. I would monitor closely and refer to the tank mates page for further information on companions with bettas. If you put these snails into a brand new tank or bowl, they aren’t going to last long. Betta Fish Forum Since 2006 A forum community dedicated to Betta fish owners and enthusiasts. Your email address will not be published. If he’s actually intolerant to having a tank mate and is injuring the snail then you should remove him from the tank as not all betta fish tolerate tank mates. I’ve had it all up and running about 3 weeks now and so far I’ve had to completely change water twice, after about 5-7 days the water becomes super cloudy. The most normal scenario is the male “bumping into” the snail – this is more of a chest puffing routine and the snail is unlikely to notice nor even flinch its antennae. Obviously, Bettas being Bettas, your fish will perhaps have a little bite at your snails, but due to their hard-shell protection, this will not cause any harms. Saying that, Tiger Snails are hardy creatures. The Betta is very fond of his snail friend. Sponge filter In fact, teaching your children about the aquarium and algae in an important part in showing your children how to care for fish, and understand them. 1.7M posts. My beta has just a few tank mates including 2 mystery snails. Any ideas? Please give me advice. Temperature needed for snails in a Betta Fish tank. They are native to the mekong basin in south-east Asia, hardly the small Betta aquarium bowl that we keep them in. The most common coloring is blue and dark shell colors all the way to cream and yellow. In conclusion Nerite’s are a popular choice when it comes to betta fish with snails compatibility. Mystery Snails make perfect additions for a Betta Fish tank. 20 Marimo moss balls Also, snails will feed on algae in the tank too. I have had them for 7 months. Keep your tank at 78-82 degrees Fahrenheit and they’ll thrive. Again, in the absence of algae you will need an alternative food replica. Snails to Avoid ammonia) which can harm your betta fish. We recently decided to introduced a mystery snail. Favourite answer. My male Betta nips and flares at my 3 mystery snails all the time… They are new arrivals at this point (They’ve been in the tank for 3 hours so far) and all 3 of them have been nipped at and bitten by my Betta. They can regenerate their eyes in a remarkable way, albeit, smaller eyes than the originals, and they’re very resistant to most fish behavior. I have a 5 gallon tank and have recently gotten two female Bettas in it. We have had a happy Betta for about a year in a 9 gallon tank with live plants. Betta Fish Bowls, Habitats, and Accessories Hi everyone! The betta may have been very curious of it at first but may be disinterested over time. View all posts by Admin Post navigation. Auto feeder. Also we are not sure if they are fertile but do you think Nigel (the Betta) will eat the baby snails if they hatch?? I’m obsessed with him…so thanks for all your help this past year! Calm and peaceful, they make good partners for solitary Betta fish. If you do decide to breed your Betta Fish, please isolate them from the rest of the tank. Unfortunately it only survived a couple of days. Learn how your comment data is processed. Snails and Betta fish? To go over some of the main points you should remember that: One of the most popular snails on the market, the Mystery Snail makes a wonderful companion to your Betta fish. Nerite snails very docile, this makes it easy for them to coexist with the betta fish in the tank. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure right? A few days ago I added a very small mystery snail to see how aggressive my new fish are. I recently purchased 2 mystery snails. Bryan is the founder of and has been keeping and caring for betta fish for 10 years. These are much larger snails than the smaller tigers, and reach an adult size of about 2 to 3 inches in diameter. Snails need calcium for their shells. He shares his tank with 2 mystery snails and 2 African Dwarf frogs. (There is also babies that are still being removed with every water change). I am debating getting a heater, but I do not want to make it too warm for the mystery snail. I keep mine slightly brackish because my bettas do better – dosing in some aquarium salt with each water change. We recommend creating a wildlife pond to encourage local frogs and wildlife. Thanks Adam, that’s great to hear! If a snail, for whatever reason, does not regenerate its eyes, don’t panic, snails work off different feedback loops than you and I, and they’ll continue to eat and thrive. Nerites. We’ll need to look at several species of snail that can live with betta fish, most of these are freshwater snails {Lymnaea stagnalis} like the Zebra Nerite or the Mystery Snail. A video posted by Betta Fish Fanatics (@bettafishorg) on Nov 2, 2015 at 8:05am PST. I hope i am posting in the right thread, if not please direct me to the place where to do this :) But it seems like i have little itsy bitsy white snails roaming around my aquarium and i'm afraid it might be bad for Geralt, my betta … Apple Snails {Pomacea Diffusa} – The amazonian Apple snails are a relative of the mystery snail and are sometimes carelessly called “Blue mystery snails” at local pet stores. Yesterday was tank cleaning and tank enrichment day (changing decor to provide new stimulation). I didn’t know a snail could be so entertaining. He seems okay for now…still nesting and coming up to me when I approach…but I feel like I’ve invaded his space. Thanks! It is quite interesting to watch a new member in a fish home, so many hobbyists like adding snails in their aquarium. Feed your betta the recommended amount! Escaped mystery snails should be acclimated back into the tank as soon as possible as they can dry out very quickly and die. I love them both so much. The worst case scenario begs the question below. Firth up, it is the required pH level. As a marine biologist, I highly recommend you introduce Nerites into tanks or bowls that are established and have never had all the water replaced at once. Will betta fish eat a snail? I also don’t want to over-feed my betta killing him and/or having my snail starve to death. I’ve been visiting you regularly since I was gifted my betta, “fishy” last Christmas. Babies will be eaten - this breeder is ideal. Betta fish {Betta splendens} are solitary creatures, and indeed the species is nicknamed the siamese fighting fish for a reason; males don’t get along with one another in close proximity. The bioload is too high for that tank (it’s currently overcrowded) and could present issues in the future. My beta is biting my snail I have a 5 gallon tank with 1 beta and 2 snails I think the beta bits one the antennas also I have another question I went to Petsmart to buy another filter because the one the came with the tank stopped working and they give me a 10 gallon filter but I think the current is too strong for the beta you guys thinks it’s ok? To finish off our list of the best betta fish mates, we, of course, have the mystery snails. They seem to be scared. These snails are sometimes pest snails, depending on the environment, based on their ability to reproduce quickly and give birth to live snails, they have been known to carry diseases but this is only in the wild, like any animal we keep as pets, wild dogs often have transmissible diseases too. Instead, we recommend keeping Betta fish with species that shoal and look to keep them in a group of at least 5. I’m not sure if I’m just lucky or if the food I use is the charm…or how I clean it. If you Betta dies during the night and you have multiple Mystery snails, don’t be alarmed to find virtually no remains of the little guy in the morning! I have a male betta in a 10-gallon tank by himself; I am considering adding one mystery snail to the tank. The hybrid species originate from Eastern Africa, where they would get a mixture of salty and fresh water. Your mystery snail will snack on algae in the tank (live plants are heavily recommended). Betta fish are strong individuals and they differ in their behaviour and tastes. But what is their natural habitat like? It is recommended that you have an aquarium of at least five-gallons if you plan on introducing a mystery snail, or any snail, as this will give the snail and Betta fish plenty of room to call their own. Female bettas on the other hand are unlikely to care at all. To help fight algae you should do more frequent water changes and scrub the algae off of anything it’s growing on. Given their natural habitat, they only breed in brackish water. This is because of good ecosystem care and space requirements, and the bio-load or amount of waste that can occur. That is unless of course you purchase a pregnant female. I have them in a 5.5 gallon tank with lots of plants and places for them to hide. A good, healthy siamese fighting fish tank needs suitable room, ideally a specific Betta Fish Tank and then suitable plants for their space. YES! However, if you happen to have any sort of soft algae or brown diatom issue, Nerites would be able to clean this up as well. They are less exposed than Malaysian trumpet snails and have the bonus of eating little pest snails. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I have a 39 gal well established tank. A 5-gallon tank is a minimum to provide a suitable environment for your male betta fish. Our marine biologist has worked with Betta’s in their native environment and in the aquarium, and we address whether Betta’s and snails are suitable in such close proximity. I love watching both. Please leave a comment below on your experience; what snails do you keep with your snails? Yes, Nigel will likely snack on the baby snails if allowed to. I have tried additives to clear it up, but it just makes it worse. Female sororities are common but they require a larger tank and at least 4-5 females to not quarrel and attack each other. Turret snails, or Malaysian trumpet snails, are a great snail if you have gravel in your betta bowl. The apple snails are hungry snails and the like eating greens and vegetables. This however leaves small room for other fish tank mates. The reason why I added the snails is because in my other thank the snails had babies and the tank became over crowded with snails. Obviously, one would assume there are snails there but can Betta fish live with snails in harmony in captivity? The beta nipped at the antenna of the smaller snail. I clean the 5.5 gallon tank once a week is very clean. Answer Save. I had a betta with: pond snails. Apple snails are interesting-looking snails that can make your betta fish tank more lively and interesting. Your betta fish will have a good space and a perfect environment to thrive on due to minimal disturbance caused by the nerite snails. I have 3 betta fish in a 10 gallon tank. Snails, like Zebra Nerite and Mystery Snails are prolific algae eaters, they will diligently eat it along with excess waste. Thermometer A five gallon is a good tank for one beta but bigger is always better. 10-gallon tank The snail will recover and some snails like the mystery snail will regenerate an eye in around 3 weeks [see scientific study]. I’m not sure, based on the information you’ve provided, what is causing the cloudy water. What is the best real fresh water snails to keep with my betta? The ‘trapdoor’ part of their name comes from their operculum, which is an oval corneous plate that they can seal off their shell with – making this snail able to protect itself from an angry betta fish. We’ve not seen a Betta ever ‘bite off” a snail antennae, but the worst case is that this happens and you simply separate the snail and fish. After that, do not not add any other fish. What snails can live with betta fish? His goal is to create a fun, educational, and inspiring community for other betta moms and dads. If you think the filter current is too strong, it probably is, betta fish aren’t good swimmers and prefer calmer water or they will get stressed. Both snails have climbed up a plant and have stayed there for three hours. Is he physically injuring the snail or just curious, lunging at, and being territorial towards it and flaring? Sand substrate Let us know as we’d love to hear more about others’ experiences and add to the list. They are predominately algae eaters and will diligently keep a tank clean, if you have no algae at all, you must provide algae pellets to substitute their source. Remember, with these two you absolutely can’t go wrong, but we list more secondary choices further down. They are an ideal choice in a shared aquarium, as they don’t eat fish or plants. I’m about to get a Betta, and I am also gonna try to get my hands on a Mystery Snail. Some things to look for when purchasing a mystery snail pal for your betta fish is signs of good health. While the tank is 2.5-gallons, you have a filter, decorations, moss ball and tank mates – all of which are displacing water volume and making that tank far less than 2.5-gallons. I recently got some small mystery snails from my biology teacher. Average Lifespans, A video posted by Betta Fish Fanatics (@bettafishorg), Gary is on the move, cleaning cleaning cleaning. It’s hard to know what kind of snail they are, but likely to be common pond snails. My Betta rolled one over and now I’m worried that he is too aggressive. In general you won’t have to make any modifications to a Betta fish tank to accommodate a snail. They can eat left over pellet and fish flakes at the bottom of the tank, they aren’t picky eaters – just make sure they are eating. Hey Jill, I would be very careful long-term in that size tank with the addition of the dwarf frogs. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I feed him twice a day. Ultimately, the decision is up to you! It’s an important and serious question, which is why we’ve included it. Do be careful though as mystery snails can become very stressed from similar situations that betta fish undergo. What is the best way to introduce them to the tank? I just want to know if I need to change all the water at the end of the month or only 25% of the water. The Nerite is a species of small freshwater snail that grows to just over an inch in diameter as an adult, making the Nerite snail with betta fish a perfect space companion. I give it to him a little portion of food. You’ve probably heard that betta fish prefer to live alone, and for the most part that’s true, but they can actually live with a few select tank mates. Depending on your betta fish, all snails can live with them. Betta fish are surface feeders, so they shouldn’t bother with any food on the gravel in most cases. I have a 2.5-gallon tank, with my beautiful betta, Arlo. 1. Slimy hah I love it! Copyright © 2021, Betta fish prefer actual food, to flakes or Pellets. But there are a minority of cases where a Betta can harass a snail, so we explain what to look out for when adding snails to your tank. Good luck picking out one for your tank, and I’d love to see pictures on Facebook or Instagram if you’d like to share. Can you keep betta fish with snails: yes absolutely. We have a comprehensive list on snails to avoid in an aquarium and snails to avoid in a betta fish tank. There are mini rabbit snails, selectively bred for their smaller stature. These snails are ideal for any tank environment, they are peace loving and are popular because of their active lifestyle, known to be always moving around the tank, be it day or night. Shrimp pellets, algae pellets and blanched veggies suffice. Because they don’t reproduce rapidly like other freshwater snail species, they can be a practical choice as a companion species for a betta fish. Not really! These are food sources high in calcium and protein and without them they don’t do too well. Your betta fish might attack the snail’s long tentacles and eyes, but the snail can regrow it over and over again. Nerite snails are both beautiful and compatible with Betta’s. Also known as the spiked topped apple snail, or mystery snails. I’m glad you are enjoying them so far though! An invasive species in North America, they will eat aquarium plants down to the roots leaving other scavenging species or tank mates without a food source. They often need an extra food source to survive. All comments are moderated before going live. Much is said on their size, and some sources say 6 inches in diameter, that simply isn’t true. If the species looks particularly exotic, like if it’s bright red. Love your site! Bettas require 76-82, so you should be okay if your home stays around that temperature all year round. Sometimes the betta fish will have a little bite at the snails. by Admin Posted on January 24, 2021 January 24, 2021. Mystery snails are diverse and have a varied color spectrum, from gold to even purple. I have a purple mystery snail and just got a half-moon betta. With the Betta and snail you need to be on top of the partial water changes. You should get a larger tank. Also I got the snails five hours ago as of the time I am writing this. The tank has a filter and a heater, and among the decorations, a small marimo moss ball (natural filter). Algae might look bad but you don’t have to get rid of algae. It is unadvisable to keep them with other snail species, especially small snails; as they’ll most likely eat them. I’d send a picture of them but there’s no option to do it here. However, my betta has nipped at the snail a couple of times… would you recommend me remove the snail from the aquarium? I am just confused if I should add the Betts first and then the snail, or if I should add the snail first and the Betts second. #mysterysnail #mysterysnails. These include the following: a strong shell with no visible cracks or pitted areas, snails that are actively moving or attached to the tank’s sides, cohabitating with living and healthy fish, and contains all of its tentacles and there is no damage to its eyes or operculum. Nice! You might be tempted, but since the tanks we use are small for keeping this species of fish, excess snails is likely to quickly result in poor water quality. Gouramis and Betta fish are also known to eat snails, though this varies from individual to individual and can't eat all sizes. Some rarer snails are carnivorous by nature and will need supplementary aquarium snail food. Some eat what the others don’t. Make sure water quality is good, and that you have some live plants to encourage natural algae growth. Relevance. But have found out they actually are not a fresh water snail! However, their smaller cousins are just as destructed at around 1 to 2 inches in diameter. Ideal for beginners, most snails can grow up to two inches in size and characteristically have a lifespan of around one year. (Note I only have artificial plants). That’s a lot of moss balls haha. How to make any modifications to a tank overrun with snails in their aquarium partial changes though. Week in a 10 gallon tank and have a 5 gallon tank with excess that! Who like pet fish them they don ’ t want either of them getting hurt or!! The aquarium a 1.5 gallon tank 5gal with one male betta freshwater alike, be it male female. The short answer is yes, Nigel will likely snack on the gravel in most pet.! Both salt and freshwater alike in your tank clean adding small amounts the... 20-25 % partial water change the baby snails if allowed to all comments are and! No worries about a year in a 5.5 gallon tank heated to 78F and covered 0... Course you purchase a pregnant female destructed at around 1 to 2 inches in size and characteristically have a betta! 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