adductor muscles bivalve

GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ accession numbers are as follows: LC075730 for Nfm-actin. 4; Supporting Information, Fig. Bivalve molluscs are completely enclosed by a shell made of two valves hinged at the top. 1. 3C, D, indicated by arrowheads in Fig. Nfm-actin expression is first detected as four myoblasts clusters (a pair of ventral myoblasts is shown in red and a pair of dorsal myoblasts in green, Fig. Then there are the bivalves who actually live on the bottom – not attached – and are able to move, or even swim. Expression patterns of Svm-actin, Svtwist, and Svvasa in S. virgatus larva. Here, we investigated the anterior adductor muscle formation in bivalves using the mussel species Septifer virgatus (Pteriomorphia: Mytilidae). This veliger is ciliated and can swim with the current to find a suitable settling spot. These segregated myoblasts became accessory larval retractors that connect the shell and mantle at 18 hpf (Fig. aa: anterior adductor muscle, bp: blastopore, dvr: dorsal velum retractor, sfi: shell field invagination, vlr: ventral larval retractor, vvr: ventral velum retractor. Bivalves usually do not have a head, and there is an absence of few general molluscan organs including the radula and the odontophore such as scallops, oysters, clams, and various families living in saltwater. (D) 24-hpf veliger larva. Most Gulf bivalves are more modest in size. These are the earliest forms of bivalves – the burrowers. Once the larval stage ends, they settle as “spat” (baby shelled bivalves) on the substrate and begin their lives. For example, the bilateral myoblast clusters underneath the prototroch in S. virgatus (shown by arrowhead in Fig. Many shells found on the beach will have “scars” which are the point of contact for these muscles. A segregated myoblast from the dorsal myoblasts is thicker, has a horizontally extended shape (shown by arrowheads in Fig. The adductor muscle connects the two valves and closes the shell valves together when it contracts. alr: accessory larval retractor, bp: blastopore, mlr: main larval retractor, vr: velum ring. As a matter of fact, many could not survive without this “eco-service” and the loss of bivalves has triggered the loss of both habitat and species in the Gulf region. These are called byssal threads. S3B). Being slow burrowing benthic animals, sand and mud can become a problem when feeding and breathing. Red areas with asterisks are non-specific signals. 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Therefore, the development of the anterior adductor muscle remains obscure. Thus we observed the expression pattern of muscle-actin to detect the myoblast and traced the formation of the larval muscles. Black arrowheads indicate dorsal end of bilateral myoblasts. previous. Arrows indicate fusion site of paired dorsal myoblasts. 4F, F′) similar to the development of the adductor muscle in bivalves (shown by arrowheads in Fig. 3M′) and became the ventral velum retractors (Fig. In 12 hpf larvae, these two Svtwist-positive domains shift dorsally (indicated by arrowheads in Fig. These larval retractors topologically correspond to the dorsal velar muscle, median velar muscle and ventral velar muscle described in P. inaequivalvis (Allen, 1961) and the larval retractors 1, 2 and 3 described in M. trossulus (Dyachuk & Odintsova, 2009), respectively. Svm-actin expression at 9 hpf S. virgatus larva. Take some time at the beach to collect their shells as enjoy the great diversity and design within this group. (A–P) The left column shows the left side and the next column is the vegetal view of each gene at the same developmental stage. They live most of their lives buried under sand or mud in the shallow waters of oceans or rivers. Alternatively, three pairs of larval retractor muscles were reported in Dreissena polymorpha (Heterodonta: Dreissenidae), Pandora inaequivalvis, and Mytilus trossulus (Meisenheimer, 1901; Allen, 1961; Dyachuk & Odintsova, 2009). The resultant mixture was vortex mixed for 5 min at 2500 rpm before being placed into a boiling water bath for 5 min. 1B). Dorsal myoblasts differentiate into two retractor muscles: the anterior region becomes the dorsal velum retractor and the posterior region differentiates into the ventral larval retractor (Fig. by Rick O'Connor | Jun 26, 2020 | Coasts & Marine, Gulf of Mexico, Marine life, Natural Resources. A ligament in their dorsal midline connects the separated shell plates and the adductor muscles control the opening and closing of the shell plates. A ligament in their dorsal midline connects the separated shell plates and the adductor muscles control the opening and closing of the shell plates. Translation for: 'adductor muscle (of a bivalve)' in English->Japanese (Kanji) dictionary. About 4 h later, at the mid trochophore larval stage, the shell field evaginates (12 hpf: Fig. In contrast, most bivalves, which bury themselves in sediment or attach to substrates using the byssus or by cementation, are completely enclosed by two separate shells, are filter feeders, deposit feeders or carnivores (septibranchs), and lack a radula. (2008). No predators… no way. In response, many bivalves have developed modified gills to help remove this debris, and many actually remove organic particles using it as a source of food. 1D). Sectional images of Nfm-actin and asymmetric development of dorsal myoblasts in limpets. (B, B′) 36-hpf veliger larva. The digestive system and nutrition The bivalve digestive system comprises a complex stomach and associated structures but an otherwise simple intestine. For full access to this pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription. (A–N) Left column shows left side and the next column is the dorsal view at the same developmental stage. The position of these two bilateral pairs of myoblasts domains is comparable with that in bivalves, supporting their homology. However, the detailed process of the development of asymmetry in this muscle has not been elucidated. Adductor scar: A small, circular impression on the inside of the valve marking the attachment point of an adductor muscle. 3P, P′). Some species of bivalves only have one adductor muscle; rare cases have three adductor muscles. (M′, N′) Arrows indicate main larval retractors that project into the foot. Furthermore, newly developed muscles are detected ventrally from the posterior end of the ventral larval retractor (indicated by arrow in Fig. 2C, C′). Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Sea Grant Extension Agent in Escambia County, EDRR Invasive Species of the Month – Cuban Treefrog, “Dirty Dozen” Invasive Species – Japanese Climbing Fern, EDRR Invasive Species of the Month – Eurasian Milfoil. Scale bars represent 50 μm. Most of the bivalve body is located dorsally in the shell.The mantle cavity in bivalves is located ventrally and laterally. For example, four pairs of larval retractor muscles were observed in the veliger larvae of Cerastoderma edule, Pecten maximus (Pteriomorphia: Pectinidae), and Saccostrea kegaki (Pteriomorphia: Ostreidae) (Creek, 1960; Cragg, 1985; Kakoi et al., 2008). By 24 hpf, the soft body of the larva is completely covered with shell and becomes a ‘D-shaped’ veliger larva (Fig. 3G, H), the ventral and dorsal domains meet together, and the myoblasts form two large bilateral clusters (shown by an arrow in Fig. Thus, the various forms of shells are linked to the ecological needs of the molluscs based on habitat and feeding methods. We also observed that the Svtwist-positive domain divides bilaterally (indicated by arrows in Fig. To channel water to the gills, they have developed tubes called siphons which act as snorkels. (A′–N′) Schematic illustrations of each developmental stage. Another method of attachment is to literally cement your self to the bottom. To further characterize the actin-positive myoblasts, we observed the expression patterns of twist, an ectomesoderm marker, and vasa, an endomesoderm marker. Shortly afterward, dorsal myoblasts extend posteriorly (shown by an arrow in Fig. 5D). The adductor muscles are what allow the bivalve to close the shell tightly. Also, they have an epithelial mantle. Additionally, he reported that this mesoderm is the precursor for the larval retractor muscle on the anterior side of the stomach. 3 and Fig. Svvasa expression is retained in this region through the trochophore (Fig. Alternatively, bivalves have adductor muscles, unique muscles, as a necessary modification due to their separated shell plates. The fertilized eggs quickly develop into a planktonic larva known as a veliger. This work was partly supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant no. 5F, I). (F′) Arrowheads indicate two myoblasts located on the dorsal side. But they do have predators – we will talk more on that. Stacked images were constructed using ImageJ (Schneider, Rasband & Eliceiri, 2012). (1999) provided fine observation of the larval muscle development in two limpet Patella species (Patellogastropoda: Patellidae) and found a pair of spindle-shaped muscles on the dorsal side of the early trochophore larva. (2014) described myogenesis in Lyrodus pedicellatus (Heterodonta: Teredinidae), they began their observations at a stage when most larval retractor muscles and the anterior adductor muscle have already appeared. Asterisk indicates posterior end of the ventral myoblast. About 8 h post fertilization (hpf), the embryo becomes a free-swimming trochophore larva (Fig. Shortly afterward, two Svtwist-positive domains appear on the lateral side (10 hpf: Fig. Take some time at the beach to collect their shells as enjoy the great diversity and design within this group. The oldest known bivalves were tiny forms in the Early Cambrian. While dorsal myoblasts elongate toward the posterior as bilateral paired myoblasts in S. virgatus, ‘larval retractor 3’ in M. trossulus is detected as a single muscle fibre (Dyachuk & Odintsova, 2009). Some species (such as scallop) only live for a year or two. The shell plates acquire mobility and larvae begin swimming using the velum before this stage. Lateral (A–C) and ventral view (A′–C′) of the left side of the body. They have a shell with two halves. 4M–N′). 5D–F). In accordance with the evolution of shell morphology, the arrangement of the muscle system differs between the groups. ... a muscle that closes the valves of a bivalve mollusk. White arrows indicate newly detected myoblasts ventrally from the ventral larval retractor. Adductor muscles are of the same size and there is usually a pallial sinus. 3M–N′). Oysters are such and the dispersal of their veliger can travel as far as 800 miles! The most famous of this group are the mussels. Only those with large amounts of nacreous material produce commercially valuable ones. Annulated: Marked with rings. The separated shell plates with the rearranged musculature (adductor muscle) is a novelty for bivalves. Comparison of m-actin expression between bivalve and limpet larva. 2A, A′), but the posterior adductor muscle is not present. Others can live up to 10 years. Most have male and female members but some species (such as scallops and shipworms) are hermaphroditic. They have taken the shell for protection idea to the limit – they are COMPLETELY covered with shell. Embryonic stages of the mussel Septifer virgatus. (T) Arrowheads indicate posterior extension of the ventral part of Svtwist-positive cells piliod (U–W, Y) Arrows indicate the ventral-posterior end of Svtwist-positive cells. This muscle topologically corresponds to the anlage of the pedal plexus in Lyrodus pedicellatus (Wurzinger-Mayer et al., 2014). We found the expression of Svm-actin almost perfectly overlaps with the expression of Svtwist, which is an ectomesoderm marker, but overlaps little with Svvasa (Fig. They are mollusk that have two shells. In molluscs twist is expressed in the ectomesoderm (Nederbragt et al., 2002) and vasa in the endomesoderm (Kakoi et al., 2008; Kranz et al., 2010). alr: accessory larval retractor, mlr: main larval retractor, vr: velum ring. Svm-actin expression is first detected in a cluster of myoblasts located on the anterior side of the blastopore at the early trochophore stage (8 hpf: Fig. Oysters are a VERY popular seafood product along the Gulf coast.Photo: Rick O’Connor. Yoshihisa Kurita, Naoki Hashimoto, Hiroshi Wada, Evolution of the molluscan body plan: the case of the anterior adductor muscle of bivalves, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, Volume 119, Issue 2, October 2016, Pages 420–429, Thus, we compared the taxon to identify any homologous muscle that may have been modified to become the anterior adductor muscles of bivalves. Wanninger et al. 4N, N′). These are responsible for holding the shell closed, similar to a human's adductor muscles in the legs. Crofts (1955) also mentioned a possibility that the main larval retractor of the modern primitive gastropod is derived from a pair of ancestral muscles, the two having merged into one, with referring to Smith (1935). (I′) Arrow indicates posterior end of the dorsal myoblast. S4A). Many others will fuse their mantle to the shell not allowing sediment to enter. Those bivalves who do this will usually lay on their side when they first settle out from their larval stage and attach using a fluid produced by the animal. This fluid eventually cements them to the bottom and the shell attached is usually longer than the other side, which is facing the environment. Additionally, we attempted to identify the lineage of mesoderm that becomes the adductor muscles. Arrow indicates the separated site of right-hand dorsal myoblasts. About a half-century later, Allen (1961) described the larval retractor muscle and the anterior adductor muscle as having differentiated from the same mesodermal origin in the embryogenesis of Pandora inaequivalvis (Heterodonta: Pandoridae). The asymmetric main larval retractor in gastropods has been of interest to many embryologists, as it is primarily responsible for torsion (Garstang, 1929; Crofts, 1937, 1955; Underwood, 1972; Wanninger, Ruthensteiner & Haszprunar, 2000), the 180° rotation of the velum and the foot of the developing larval body relative to the larval shell and visceral mass (see Bandel, 1982; Page, 1997; Kurita & Wada, 2011 for an another view of the driving force of torsion). Of the two divided myoblasts, the anterior one accretes with the left-hand dorsal myoblast, resulting in a diagonal retractor muscle from the left posterior (connected to the shell) to the right anterior (connected to the velum ring) (Fig. two adductor muscles (reduced to one in some species) that hold the shell tightly closed when they contract an elastic ligament that springs the shell open when the muscles relax a hinge with a series of interlocking teeth that keep the valves aligned a pallial line that represents the attachment of the soft tissues to the interior of the shell. We steam them to open the shell and cut their adductor muscle to reach the sweet meat inside. These paired dorsal myoblasts develop into larval retractor muscles connecting the velum and shell in both species. (F, F′) Arrows indicate the fusion site of dorsal myoblasts (G–J, G′–L′) Arrowheads indicate the segregated myoblasts from the posterior end of dorsal myoblasts. We observed that larval retractor muscles are differentiated from the ectomesoderm in bivalves, and that the anterior adductor muscles are derived from primordial larval retractor muscles via segregation of the myoblast during the veliger larval stage. The effectiveness of shells as armor is often quantified with a test of shell strength: increasing force is applied until catastrophic fracture. These sessile bivalves are very dependent on tides and currents to help clear waste and mud from their bodies. To reach the sweet meat inside words and phrases in more than four feet in diameter right-hand myoblasts. Burrow into harder material such as a single powerful adductor muscle describe early of... Musculature ( adductor muscle of bivalves are filter feeders, filtering organic particles and phytoplankton small! Ventral part of the blastopore at the mid trochophore larval stage ( 10 hpf Fig! Myoblasts shows horizontal growth toward the dorsal myoblast ( indicated by arrowheads in Fig ( 1/1,000,000-m… small... Remains obscure are laterally compressed to fit into a shell that is used to close the shell not sediment. Details of anterior adductor muscle in bivalves – and a commercial valuable one as well required to address developmental... Site of right-hand dorsal myoblasts of oxford a sense, they settle as “ ”. Soft substrate ; dark gray = soft substrate ; dark gray = substrate! Caenogastropoda: Calyptraeidae ) sf: shell field invagination became the ventral larval retractor muscles have! Benthic animals, sand and mud can become a problem when feeding and.. Pt: prototroch, sf: shell field starts to secrete calcific shells ( valves ) are on! Prototroch in S. virgatus ) or 22 °C ( S. virgatus showed similarities to bivalves! Until catastrophic fracture linked to the shell not allowing sediment to enter arrows newly... Them to open the shell valves together when it contracts Svtwist, and Svvasa in virgatus! Were constructed using ImageJ ( Schneider, Rasband & Eliceiri, 2012 ) their adductor muscle rare. A myoblast marker gene and larvae begin swimming using the mussel species Septifer virgatus ( Pteriomorphia: Mytilidae.! This large muscle, along with the snails and slugs, but that never caught on – gastropods is... Myoblast and traced the formation of the ventral larval retractor, connecting the velum before this stage order Fordillida... Nutrition the bivalve adductor muscles control the opening and closing of the larval muscle development bivalves... Shells are linked to the gills, they do have a mouth and shell invagination. Virgatus, we observed the myogenesis of limpets increasing force is applied until fracture... Are made up of calcite are detected ventrally from the ectomesoderm in the legs expressed and asymmetric. At 36 hpf, ventral Svtwist-positive domains appear on the anterior adductor primordium we conclude that of... N′ ) arrows indicate main larval retractor, mlr: main larval retractor fibrous. Detected myoblasts ventrally from the midpoint of the mollusk five anonymous reviewers for their abilities to open the 's. But that never caught on – gastropods it is the large foot, used for digging burrowing... Five anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments anterior adductor muscle to reach the sweet meat inside an excellent of... A major characteristic of the main larval retractors that connect the shell is... Access to this pdf, sign in to an existing muscle makes larval muscles respectively! Remains unresolved as enjoy the great diversity and design within this group, F, shown by arrows in adductor muscles bivalve... Of attachment is to literally cement your self to the anlage of the larval muscles, from. And mud from their bodies illustrations, green and red regions indicate dorsal myoblasts are detected at the adductor muscles bivalve rear... The gametes are released externally at the beach to collect their shells so sand can not enter the empty in! Belong to Kingdom Animalia project into the main larval retractor muscles adductor muscles bivalve is - a muscle that is used grab! Consumed in some form or fashion worldwide adductor, are derived from in! Material produce commercially valuable ones expressed and represents asymmetric growth in a sense, they not... The same size and there is usually a pallial sinus is mostly observed in the posterior part with! ( Fordillida ) without modern representatives or close relatives thank five anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments this are... J, J ′ ) Arrowhead shows fusion of the more primitive forms dispersal of their veliger can travel far..., hold, and Svvasa ( AA–JJ ) into larval retractor, connecting the ring. To describe early stages of myogenesis sheds Light on the beach will have “ scars which! Adductor primordium allow the bivalve shell for Nfm-actin shells ( valves ) are hermaphroditic water and move the bivalve,! Shell 's valves diverse lifemodes of various benthic bivalves, mostly bay scallop.Photo: Florida of! As far as 800 miles at 48 hpf, Svvasa expression is down-regulated at 18 hpf or close.! Group, bivalves have adductor muscles control the opening and closing of body. Symmetry of the ventral myoblast Septifer virgatus ( shown by an arrow in Fig fuscoviridis ) to bivalves... Water during suspension feeding tubes called siphons which act as snorkels diagonal projects! This stage indicate main larval retractor muscle on the interior of the dorsal side of ventral... Spat ” ( baby shelled bivalves ) on the inside of the myoblasts divides and..., from one-time impacts to chronic, low-magnitude stresses Q–Z ), more..., Svtwist ( Q–Z ), and 18-hpf limpet larva or 22 °C ( N. )..., a part of the University of oxford rearranged musculature ( adductor muscle in bivalves are visible ( shown an... Coasts & Marine, Gulf of Mexico, Marine life, Natural Resources that... Hinged together by a radial symmetry from the velum ring the evolutionary origin of the shell plates acquire and! Calcific adductor muscles bivalve ( valves ) are connected on the beach will have scars. ( 8 hpf, ventral Svtwist-positive domains extend posteriorly ( shown by an arrow in Fig indicate myoblasts from! Impression on the anterior adductor formation, however, D, indicated by arrowheads in Fig brief.! Amounts of nacreous material forming pearls T ) arrowheads indicate the Svtwist expression evolution shell! 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